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  1. @thebaconista at the dinner table eating corn on the cob: "You squirted me." #jerseyshore
  2. @kameronbp There will be many more "fist pump" tweets this weekend, don't you worry.
  3. Just did a 3 mile run on the Jerz shore. Then I fist pumped. #jerseyshore
  4. First nite on the Jersey shore: @thebaconista "Where's Mark? We should kill him."
  5. Off for a New Jersey beach expedition. Snookie, holla atcha boy.
  6. RT @marcbernardin: 10 year old is forced to wear 215 pair of underpants for his birthday. I really like white folks, but some days... ht ...
  7. @marcbernardin I'm calling child services. Right now.
  8. @EricCanete Great post. Still figuring out the appropriate levels of detail I'm comfortable with in my work.
  9. RT @kwanzer: Steve Jobs to iPhone 4 Owners: Stop Holding the Phone Wrong: http://bit.ly/9R2AlA - Dick move, Jobs. "No wrong way" to hold ...
  10. Happy bday to @eugeneart. Next time you're in NYC I'll owe you a lil' somethin' at Private Eyes.
  11. @kareemblack That sounds like a Craig story.
  12. @DanielleSoloud You are so weird.
  13. So, wasn't able to find any 4 Loko. I did find its sister drink Joose, however. A couple sips in, and I already...feel...crazy.
  14. @DanielleSoloud just for that comment the next girl I draw will be the hottest A cup ever. Watch.
  15. @mingdoyle well, my karaoke game is quite nice...
  16. @kmellon Someone's gotta stand up for the downtrodden and smallchested.
  17. @DanielleSoloud Don't hate on the A cups, man. All boobs should get equal treatment. Equality for all!
  18. I cannot wait to find out what this means. RT @biggunn01: Verizon g'ed me on some shit I don't need. Gotta go back and show em a TRUE G!
  19. RT @DamonLindelof: I found the ending of Isner/Mahut satisfying, but wish they had answered more questions.
  20. I do try. :) RT @MzYummyDread: @KharyRandolph you are still full of awesome I see :)