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  1. Feed-in tariff delivers £180,000 for generators over first three months http://bit.ly/b9FHYV
  2. Obama urged to pump up fuel efficiency standard http://bit.ly/b8MrEc
  3. Sony kicks off Open Planet Initiative http://bit.ly/aFZfc6
  4. World Bank boosts green creds, appoints of clean tech "czar" http://bit.ly/9X4EVl
  5. Greenpeace: Renewables could make tar sands defunct http://bit.ly/cxUOZB
  6. EU emissions trading scheme on course to make tiny savings, says report http://bit.ly/aNMimY
  7. IKEA starts to assemble European wind energy portfolio http://bit.ly/bKpofg
  8. Climate Committee urges Huhne to end renewables uncertainty http://bit.ly/a1XiVJ
  9. Vestas woes continue as prototype blade breaks http://bit.ly/9aNjsQ
  10. Hyundai plays catch up in electric car race http://bit.ly/aBku7O
  11. Kyoto: the never-ending treaty http://bit.ly/bSLxmK
  12. US steel union challenges China's clean tech protectionism http://bit.ly/aI9URp
  13. Scottish Water set to become renewable energy powerhouse http://bit.ly/b9fUDk
  14. Fight for future of California's climate policy nears boiling point http://bit.ly/a70AO0
  15. Burger King drops controversial palm oil supplier http://bit.ly/btcc7y
  16. Giant 200MW Australian tidal energy project receives planning boost http://bit.ly/cFnGkM
  17. Mayday Network pulls in 3,000th member http://bit.ly/aDrnfE
  18. UK hits landfill target, but dumps plan to tighten waste rules http://bit.ly/dhTlXQ
  19. Defra wants public to help shape water strategy http://bit.ly/bUQgbT
  20. Transocean hits back at BP's "self-serving report" http://bit.ly/dszcIb