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  1. Germany's Green Economy Strategy http://bit.ly/ddkRjB
  2. Reading - #Carbon Commentary: How much future CO2 are we already committed to? http://bit.ly/cwt5tU #climate #environmentnetwork
  3. Reading - @BhamWeekly Green Briefs: #forests #land #fws http://bit.ly/9oIb1d
  4. Reading - Steelworkers union targets China on green #energy exports (@WashingtonPost) http://bit.ly/dvm7MU
  5. Reading - #WorldBank #climate change envoy steers around hot-button issues (@NYTimes) http://nyti.ms/9V9XlR
  6. Reading - The coming #climate election (@HuffPostGreen) http://huff.to/95mknK
  7. Browsing presentations from workshop on #Carbon Benefits of SFM/REDD+ http://bit.ly/bUJ0YR #gef #redd #climate #forests
  8. Reading - Major analysis finds “less ice covers the Arctic today ...” (@ClimateProgress) #climate #seaice http://bit.ly/axfioP
  9. Reading - #Palmoil imports by Pakistan may drop as floods destroy demand (@sfgate) http://bit.ly/8ZRtA1
  10. Reading - The other #oilspill: Mediterranean Sea 2006 (@HuffPostGreen) http://huff.to/bnM5nS
  11. Reading - #Climate change: Does warming help cause civil wars? (@TIME) #africa http://bit.ly/aZoG7m
  12. Reading @Worldchanging - Green #transportation depends on reining in space for #cars http://bit.ly/aSuzrR #environmentnetwork
  13. Reading - Never wake a sleeping dragon: Four-Mile Canyon #wildfire, Boulder, CO (@databasin) http://bit.ly/9w74WR
  14. Reading - The media, #climate #science, and deniers: Time to tell a new story (@NRDCSwitchboard) http://bit.ly/9yJB0R
  15. Reading (@SciDevNet) - Mobile phones no silver bullet for Africa, says study http://bit.ly/cRxSXJ #environmentnetwork
  16. Reading @eponline - IAC recommends basic reform of #IPCC management structure - http://bit.ly/bcFmNj
  17. Reading - A detailed look at #climate sensitivity (@skepticscience) http://bit.ly/cLYVnD
  18. Reading @SciDevNet - China to double science communicators by 2020 http://bit.ly/9AsfJe #environmentnetwork
  19. Reading - #Capital #markets in the spotlight in fight against #climate change (@DECCgovuk) http://bit.ly/c6la7X
  20. From @TheCityFix - Disruptions in London lead to alternative commutes http://bit.ly/b8564O #transport #cities