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Iowa Puts Damper on Palin Presidential Rumors

She's not acting like a traditional candidate would, if that's a surprise

12:40 PM Love and Sex  

Why College Kids Need a Course on Porn

"The ubiquity of porn requires a willingness to start talking out loud"

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September 18, 2010 Fine Arts  

Peter Orszag's Guide to Talent and Genius

The former White House budget director muses on Mozart and the rewards of practice

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September 18, 2010 Society  

Quote of the Day: Why Living Is Inevitably Sad

Uplifting stuff!

September 18, 2010 Apple  

Laptop Sales Are Falling: Blame the iPad?

Apple would be quite happy cannibalizing PCs

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September 18, 2010 Entertainment  

Does 'The Town' Measure Up Against Boston Classics?

Scorsese's "The Departed" is the obvious touchstone for the Affleck thriller

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September 17, 2010 Republicans  

If Not the Presidency, What Does Jim DeMint Want?

The South Carolina Republican wants power--but not the highest office

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September 17, 2010 China  

The Dire State of Chinese Science

Can we trust research tainted by plagiarism?

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September 17, 2010 2010 Elections  

Why Is Ohio 'Slipping Away' From Democrats?

Poll margins widen in favor of Republicans in key Ohio races

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September 17, 2010 Military  

What Will Be Robert Gates's Legacy?

The secretary of defense has hinted at a 2011 departure

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September 17, 2010 Media  

What Do You Read? Fourth Edition

"There are two real benefits to being a read-avore..."

September 17, 2010 Lobbying  

Morning Vid: Lady Gaga Makes the Case for Repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Places a phone call to Chuck Schumer, discovers Chuck Schumer is not in his office

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September 17, 2010 Climate Change  

Right Has Field Day With New 'Global Warming' Term

Is "global climate disruption" any better than "climate change"?

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1 Pope Blasts 'Atheist Extremism' in U.K. Heather Horn, The Atlantic Wire
2 Does 'The Town' Measure Up Against Boston Classics? Erik Hayden, The Atlantic Wire
3 Harry Reid's 'Pet' Can Win Delaware Seat Erik Hayden, The Atlantic Wire
4 Rush Limbaugh Tricked by Wikipedia Erik Hayden, The Atlantic Wire
5 Quote of the Day: Why Living Is Inevitably Sad Benjamin F. Carlson, The Atlantic Wire