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Other lives

  • 7 Sep 2010
    Other lives: For many years my mother, Linda Middleton, who has died aged 82, was a successful and popular teacher in Yorkshire and Gloucestershire
  • 7 Sep 2010
    Other lives: My friend David Turner started his career in the secret services and went on to become a central player among those drawing up a network of international environmental agreements
  • 6 Sep 2010
    Other lives: Distinguished lawyer committed to human rights in his native Sri Lanka
  • 5 Sep 2010
    Other lives: One of the most highly qualified and well-respected chiropractors in Britain
  • 2 Sep 2010
    Other lives: Teacher, playwright and documentary film-maker who became a local legend in the Ladbroke Grove area of west London
  • 2 Sep 2010
    Other lives: Her association with the Taunton festival stretched for more than 60 years
  • 1 Sep 2010
    Other lives: Girls' school headteacher who listened and empathised while defending equal opportunities
  • 1 Sep 2010
    Other lives: North London political activist and champion of the rights of working people
  • All Other lives

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