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Jan Brewer's Arizona governor election debate meltdown

Jan Brewer, running for re-election as Arizona governor, suffers not one but two televised debate car-wrecks

Jan Brewer's debate car-crash moment number one

Poor Jan Brewer, the current governor of Arizona and a hero to the anti-immigration movement in the US. Taking part in her one (and, we can safely assume, only) candidates' debate before the election in November, she suffers not one but two televised meltdowns.

The first, above, occurred during the debate itself, while she was making her opening statement and was attempting to list her accomplishments. That should have been the easiest part of the debate. But no. "It will go down as one of the most painful openings to a political debate in recent memory," noted NPR.

Yesterday, Brewer commented: "It certainly was the longest 16 seconds of my life. I'm human, I'm human."

The second, below, came after the debate when she was confronted by reporters asking about her previous claim that decapitated bodies of illegal immigrants had been found in the Arizona desert – although there is no evidence to support Brewer's claim.

Jan Brewer's post-debate car-crash moment number two

Repeatedly asked to explain her claim – which she had used as an example of why Arizona needed its controversial new anti-immigration law – Brewer simply refused to open her mouth, before fleeing the scene to annoyed groans from the assembled journalists.

Her performance will presumably be some help to her Democratic challenger, Arizona's state attorney general Terry Goddard, who challenged Brewer to recant her statement on the beheadings during the debate. But Brewer enjoys a huge opinion poll lead and her twin meltdowns seem unlikely to make enough of a dent.

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    3 September 2010 2:21AM

    Why is this been reported.....this is not news.....as long as she is chasing Latinos and Hispanics she will be fine......France is doing the same thing to the Roma in Europe's backyard and South Africa is doing the same to Zimbabweans....this is the human condition....we often forget that how ancestors moved in.

  • RoyA1

    3 September 2010 2:40AM

    It doesn't matter how dishonest or illiterate you are, as long as you blame everything on dem immigants (sic), you'll do just fine.

  • saagua

    3 September 2010 2:44AM

    She's a typically well educated American: "I have did" this and that. I think she "have did" things twice if I heard correctly.

  • defenestration

    3 September 2010 2:44AM

    I suppose the real question here is to what extent her lack of speaking skills is linked to her political acumen?

    (A: Inextricably.)

    But to her credit she has that ignorance-disguised-as-disdain thing down to a tee.

  • mp2dtw

    3 September 2010 3:13AM

    The unfortunate truth is that America is about to elect quite a few like her. One can only hope they don't win too many governorships or control of either legislative branch in Washington.

    Gays, immigrants (in a nation where 99% are immigrants or descendants of immigrants), those who oppose unregulated gun ownership and those who are pro-choice & favor health care for all are somehow ruining America. As a pro-choice, anti-gun gay man whose ancestors were among Michigan's first English speakers 220 years ago who thinks that medical insurance (or the whole health care system) should be socialized, I wish I could begin to understand why they're so afraid and so willing to believe disinformation.

  • gptwak

    3 September 2010 3:22AM

    Yes all dem republidudes is daft as banjos.This video sure darn prooves it. Barack Obama allegedly went to Yooniversatie and he don' make no mistakes.


  • VeronikaLarsson

    3 September 2010 3:23AM

    Men go crazy in congregations, they only get better one by one.

    Being inarticulate is considered a sign of folksiness and authenticity in American politics. The President of the United States was a tongue-tied bumbler for eight long years and was considered a "regular guy". Obama is eloquent, and that makes many suspicious. He has also been seen reading books other than "My Pet Goat", and his lips were not moving.

  • Poll

    3 September 2010 4:25AM

    @mbdeane said:

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall and overhear a conversation between Brewer and Palin. Tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber

    Palin: You live near the border huh? So can you see Canada from your house?

  • loraxl

    3 September 2010 4:26AM

    I'm sorry, but the only charitable thing I can say is that she is having a "senior moment" or two & maybe it's time to call it quits. I think it may be a real problem that the politically unscrupulous will take advantage of her.....

  • califgezer

    3 September 2010 4:59AM

    From her in so cal if these stories are true we are about to re-enter the sen mccarty era, people with no sense, no care for any one except the uber rich will be running this country and will drive it into the ditch. These zombies that you see unable to tell you why they are a a beck rally. Why they believe our christian president is a muslum or why they are tools of the corporations. They just watch murdocks faux news, nod their heads and drool in their tv dinners.

    You saw in Chile social security turned over to the so called private sector and what a disaster that was. Last election, they were worried about abortion and gays. This time it will be the muslums and gays getting married and Obama taxing ammunition, having given up on gun control.

    Facts do not matter, those of us in the reality based society are becoming a smaller number each day.

  • Skasster

    3 September 2010 5:08AM

    Decapitated illegal immigrants? I seem to remember that being a storyline in the last season of Criminal Minds. Seems like she'd been conflating fact and fiction.

  • harrakaharraka

    3 September 2010 5:09AM

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  • MisterKarlHungus

    3 September 2010 5:12AM

    I'd probably make some verbal mistakes in a public forum with TV cameras rolling and huge stakes. So, I give her a pass. However, because she is a conservative (like Palin) it brings out the rude, elitist Liberals to pass judgment from...where exactly? Let's see:

    Al Gore: rubbing the service industry the wrong way in Oregon?
    Pelosi: her thugs trash her opponents campaign HQ?
    Rangel: more ethics violations than Maxine Waters
    Waters: who hands out favors like Clinton hands out cigars.

    Regarding Palin, "Saturday Night Live" spoofed Palin and created the "I can see Russia" joke. I guess that's where you get your news.

    OK, Brits. That's all for now. Oh, how did that whole WWII thing work out for you? Did you need some help with that? I forget. Because I is a dump Merikan.

  • saagua

    3 September 2010 5:46AM

    Her education consisted of "having attended" a Community College (ie a glorified High School) where she got a certificate as a radiologist, or something like that.

  • HarrietPotter

    3 September 2010 6:14AM

    OK, Brits. That's all for now. Oh, how did that whole WWII thing work out for you? Did you need some help with that? I forget. Because I is a dump Merikan.

    Ooh, someone's had a sense of humour by-pass (or else you think it's only funny when the jokes not on the republicans?)

    To answer your question - it worked out fine, thanks. The USA sat on their hands whilst the Brits held out against the Nazis single-handedly, but were finally pushed into action when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. You lent us the money to continue fighting fascisim - and yes, brave American soldiers were involved in that heroic struggle, for which a free Europe will always be grateful, but we Brits paid back every penny of that loan. You got it right first time buddy - you is a dump merikan. Thank god they aren't all like you.

  • JuanFivesix

    3 September 2010 6:47AM

    It's time for ESPN to telivise the upcoming chess match between Boomer and Palin.

    From what I hear, the rules have been slightly altered in that the winner will be the first one that can figure out how to open the box that holds the pieces.

  • gladtobeunhappy

    3 September 2010 7:07AM

    OMG You Brits are so upyourselves!

    You do not have elected governors so how can you judge Gov Brewer or Gov Palin .

    .You have Princes & Earls & Dukes & Lords & other medieval things.
    These are fine for tourism & many with rather fetching castles but it isnt Democracy.

    I grant you Queen Elizabeth is very very smart but who else o you have?

    Any politicians?

  • gladtobeunhappy

    3 September 2010 7:23AM

    Saagua -you are the uninformed one . A community college is a decent place to get part of your education .

    A RADIOLOGIST is a medical doctor pass from a university plus a 2 year residency PLUS a further 4-6 years study /internship as a RADIOLOGIST.

    Thats some community college.

    But perhaps you are thinking RADIOGRAPHER? In that case they are trained thru colleges that specialize in such . A radiographer works ither in diagnoses or a therapeutic eg for cancer patients undergoing radiography.

    It is No dummy job but a highly respectable & responsible position.

  • DavidCunard

    3 September 2010 7:27AM

    gladtobeunhappy: "I grant you Queen Elizabeth is very very smart but who else o you have? Any politicians?

    Of late, America rather admired Tony Blair.

    Regarding WWII, MrKarlHungus should reflect that today, 3 September, is the anniversary of its commencement. He might ask himself what his family were doing then and for the next couple of years. To use an Americanism, had Britain not stepped up to the plate, the US would have been next on the list: jets, long-range rockets and atomic weapons were all in (German) development - and their submarines came close to the east coast.

  • YukonKid

    3 September 2010 7:28AM


    The US has its own dynasties - right back from the Adamses thru to the Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons... sure they're elected, but the trick is getting themselves into a position to be elected. That's where money, power, influence - ie. inheritance - comes into play.

    The fact that you don't know any British politicians, but the British know and take an interest in American ones, might just open you up to accusations of insularity, if not being a dump merrikan.

    Personally, I know a number of highly intelligent bumbling inarticulate people, who I respect. But one of her "moments" was making up stories about decapitated bodies in deserts, and then refusing to engage this up when questioned - that' something else.

  • Dinsmoor

    3 September 2010 7:33AM

    gladtobeunhappy, if you hadn't posted twice, I would have taken you as someone's parody impersonation of American insularity and ignorance.

  • chadders

    3 September 2010 7:52AM

    Whoo Hoo! Thats the level... get used to it because once rules on press impartiality have gone you end up with numpties like misterkarlhungus everywhere. Are you really not scared yet?

  • Brondesboy

    3 September 2010 8:13AM


    OMG You Brits are so upyourselves!

    You do not have elected governors so how can you judge Gov Brewer or Gov Palin .

    .You have Princes & Earls & Dukes & Lords & other medieval things.
    These are fine for tourism & many with rather fetching castles but it isnt Democracy.

    I grant you Queen Elizabeth is very very smart but who else o you have?

    Any politicians?

    Governor Brewer, is that you?

  • Zappp

    3 September 2010 8:25AM

    Wow. just wow, not at the impressive videos showing yet another right wing American making a complete fool of themselves (why do they all come across as this?)

    Surely the ability and decision making that led her to perform so poorly during the debate and run away from basic questions is the same decision making that has led her to developing such misguided policies?

    But far more alarming is that it's only taken a few posts before a bunch of Americans show up with the whole 'didnt you need some help during WW2?'

    What breathtakingly stupid comments (along with the 'elected governors' one).

    I think part of the fascination with watching American politics (as the Guardian is fond of doing), is observing a nation completely tear itself in two....

  • we1989

    3 September 2010 8:28AM

    OMG You Brits are so upyourselves! You do not have elected governors so how can you judge Gov Brewer or Gov Palin . .You have Princes & Earls & Dukes & Lords & other medieval things. These are fine for tourism & many with rather fetching castles but it isnt Democracy. I grant you Queen Elizabeth is very very smart but who else o you have? Any politicians?

    That's not how the UK political system works. Read a book.

    The costs involved for running for Governor and Senator because of a lack of a developed party system in US means costs range between $2-10 million


    This effectively means that you elect you're own Dukes and Lords but of the business kind

    Clever politicians?

    i can think of a few but wouldnt want to incure the wrath of the tory sharks who prowl these boards if i wrote them down.

  • Railboy

    3 September 2010 8:36AM


    I have never seen such a staggeringly stupid comment on CiF, or even on Speak your Branes!

    Maybe have a read about how other countries actually work before demonstrating your staggering ignorance for the whole world to see.

  • Funambule

    3 September 2010 8:52AM

    The real question and scary thought is when do they start running illegal immigrants and their children which are born in the United Kingdom out.

    I still do not understand why banks in the United Kingdom do not tax the hell out of them before the United States did this:


    Please do not not reply with the banks will leave when they won't.

    In the meantime lets tax the poor and get the illegals that will clear the countries debt. Which is the real problema ese vato loco.

  • Funambule

    3 September 2010 8:58AM

    Apologies, In regards to the above, I meant to write why banks in the UK are not being taxed 70 to 90% as in the past. President Clinton managed to fill the kitty until this was past:


  • smundy1969

    3 September 2010 9:28AM

    OMG You Brits are so upyourselves!

    Eh?! Gov. Brewer was being called out on this by US journalists on US television. It's a fine nation with lots of bright, intelligent, politically-savvy, literate, 'able-to-speak' people. It's just she's not one of them

  • MrFumoFumo

    3 September 2010 9:30AM


    I enjoyed reading your comments - highly amusing. Perhaps the Guardian could give you your own column in the comedy section. You could write about your views on the world and stuff. It would be a hilarious read.

    PS. Do me, do me! Write me a funny reply!

  • GomezAddamms

    3 September 2010 9:43AM

    and sarah palin like virginia woolf


    it's true - in this nation we have dukes and earls etc, and a royal family. in the main a bunch of self serving fuckwits.
    you also have them, but you call them things like 'Glenn Beck', 'Oprah' and 'Bush Senior and his Pals'

  • Baggy

    3 September 2010 10:03AM

    It's not really the politics of the woman that bothers me. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and all that. It's more that, for a country of 300 million people to churn out such pygmies to run themselves is mind boggling. Just look at the House (and the Senate, to be perfectly honest) if you want more examples of the same. For all its faults (and there are many to choose from) it's clear that Europe produces political minds far and away superior to the US system which is an unhappy mix of folksiness, nepotism and money. It's as though showing leadership, vision and political intellect is a bad thing. We may dislike our politicians on this side of the pond, but at least, on the whole, we can assume they are intellgent, thoguthful people capable of analysing a position and coming up with a decision, whether or not we agree with it. I might disagree with a lot that the present government is doing (and indeed with the previous lot), but at least I can work on the basis that they've given it some thought. The same can't be said of US administration, particularly at the state level.

    When the best a country can do for economic leadership is Hank Paulson, something has gone badly wrong. The only chink of light is that, occasionally, odd things happen and Al Franken gets elected.

  • valleygirl2

    3 September 2010 10:06AM

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  • madsquirrel

    3 September 2010 10:15AM

    Alaska has an elected governor. His name is Sean Parnell. Get a clue.

    Obamao eloquent?? He uh, can't uh, complete uh a single umm uh sentence umm without uh uh tele-uh-prompter, uh "57 states" uh "my Muslim religion" uh "Navy CORPSmen" uh. More like duh! He makes Bush sound eloquent!

    What planet did you say you're from?

    Bush eloquent? What mushrooms have you eaten lately? Bush Jnr. made even my little niece shake her head in embarrassment when he opened his mouth. Go tell your lies somewhere else.

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