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Most viewed on Environment

Last 24 hours

  1. 1. The Frozen Zoo aiming to bring endangered species back from the brink

    northern white rhinoceros

    San Diego Zoo began collecting skin samples from rare animals in 1972 in the hope they might be used to protect these endangered species in the future. A breakthrough in stem-cell technology means that day is getting closer, writes Paul Harris

  2. 2. Bjørn Lomborg: $100bn a year needed to fight climate change

    Bjorn Lomborg

    Exclusive: The self-styled sceptical environmentalist, Bjørn Lomborg, has admitted that not enough is being done to fight the effects of man-made climate change

  3. 3. Greenland's prime minister lambasts Greenpeace for raiding Arctic oil rig

    Cairn Energy's Stena Don oil rig is scaled by Greenpeace campaigners, Greenland Kuupik Kleist claims environmental campaigners are damaging country's economy by occupy drilling platform
  4. 4. Tea Party seeks candidates who say no to global warming and gay marriage

    Demonstrators participate in a Tea Party protest at in Chicago on 19 April 2009

    Tea Party email to political candidates in Ohio seeks their views on the teaching of global warming in schools

  5. 5. Press continue to hound Rajendra Pachauri despite his innocence | George Monbiot

    Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC George Monbiot: The profiteering Pachauri story joins a host of falsehoods about climate change which keep resurfacing despite being disproved
  6. 6. Which is the most eco-friendly alcoholic drink? | Leo Hickman

    Drinks on a bar

    Wine, beer or spirits: which has the biggest environmental impact? And would you pass on your favourite tipple if it was shown to damage the environment?

  7. 7. Cyclists! The public thinks you're cool and normal | Helen Pidd

    Helen Blog bike : Bearded cyclist reading newspaper in a park

    Helen Pidd: New research shows motorists no longer consider cyclists weirdy beardy Guardian readers – in fact, they envy us

  8. 8. Facebook faces campaign to switch to renewable energy

    A Facebook homepage on the internet Social networking site under fire over intention to run giant new data centre mainly on coal-powered electricity
  9. 9. Bjørn Lomborg: the dissenting climate change voice who changed his tune

    Bjorn Lomborg, climate change scientist With his new book, Danish scientist Bjørn Lomborg has become an unlikely advocate for huge investment in fighting global warming. But his answers are unlikely to satisfy all climate change campaigners
  10. 10. Greenpeace 'shuts down' Arctic oil rig

    Cairn Energy's Stena Don oil rig is scaled by Greenpeace campaigners, Greenland Environmental campaigners slip through security boats to scale Cairn Energy oil rig in dawn raid

Last 7 days

  1. 1. The Frozen Zoo aiming to bring endangered species back from the brink

    northern white rhinoceros

    San Diego Zoo began collecting skin samples from rare animals in 1972 in the hope they might be used to protect these endangered species in the future. A breakthrough in stem-cell technology means that day is getting closer, writes Paul Harris

  2. 2. Bjørn Lomborg: $100bn a year needed to fight climate change

    Bjorn Lomborg

    Exclusive: The self-styled sceptical environmentalist, Bjørn Lomborg, has admitted that not enough is being done to fight the effects of man-made climate change

  3. 3. GM salmon may go on sale in US after public consultation

    AquAdvantage Atlantic salmon

    Food and Drug administration begins 60-day process to approve animal critics call a 'frankenfish'

  4. 4. Rajendra Pachauri innocent of financial misdealings but smears will continue | George Monbiot

    COP15 IPCC Rajendra Pachauri George Monbiot: A review of the IPCC chairman's financial relationships reveals a scrupulously honest man has been much maligned
  5. 5. Am I an activist for caring about my grandchildren's future? I guess I am | James Hansen

    A climate change demonstrator with his face painted blue protests in London. James Hansen: Concerted action to tackle climate change will happen only if the public demands it for the sake of future generations
  6. 6. Pea-sized frog found in Borneo

    mini frog Microhyla nepenthicola

    One of the world's tiniest species of frogs is discovered living in and around Borneo's carnivorous plants

  7. 7. Could a superbee from Swindon save the world?

    Honeybees in their hive.

    A honeybee bred in the town could kill the mite that has wiped out billions of bees around the world

  8. 8. BP frozen out of Arctic oil drilling race

    Icebergs float in a bay near Greenland British energy giant BP forced to abandon hopes of Greenland exploration owing to tarnished reputation from Gulf oil spill
  9. 9. Twitter backfires for Climate Camp | James Randerson

    A climate camp activist drinks from a cup near the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters in Edinburgh

    James Randerson: A day of mass action by the Climate Camp protesters showed how badly Twitter can go wrong

  10. 10. Apple blocks iPhones from green ranking scheme

    The iPhone 4

    Scheme rates handsets on factors such as ecological impact of raw materials, manufacturing process and energy efficiency