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Observer Talk
Curtains for the theatre

Stages of decay
Is theatre anything more than a waste of an evening? Have your say
Lynn Barber: Stage frights

Golden Youth

The Bright Stuff
Debate the Observer's list of 80 talented young people destined for great things in the 21st Century.
Observer Review: The bright stuff

Mother Courage

The power mums debate
Observer Review sparked heated debate with an article about career women who choose to stay at home with their kids. Whose side are you on, the stay-at-home power mums or the working mothers?
The mother of all rows
It beats working

Web chat

Jay Rayner
On 10 May award winning Observer food critic and novelist Jay Rayner went live online. Read the transcript here.

21st Century Britain

The New Establishment
In this week's Observer Anthony Sampson argues that the old forces of The Establishment, defined by family, school and class, no longer hold sway in modern Britain. (The new elite). True?

Education debate

Parents' dilemma
Fiona Millar argues in The Observer that middle-class parents' choice to abandon local comprehensives is a reason why so many schools are failing. Do you agree?
Why middle-class parents should go for the local comp

World of Books

Mustn't reads and overrated oeuvres

Is the pen mightier than the PC?

More Observer talk

General Observer chat

Virus writers

Term time holidays - bargain hunting or bunking off?

Online chats

Sean O'Hagan
On 2 May at 3pm Sean O'Hagan defended his choice of the 50 most important moments in rock history live online.

Mark Kermode on scary movies
Mark Kermode chose his top 20 scariest movie moments in last weekend's Observer. Find out what he had to day about your choices on our talkboards.

Robert McCrum's top 100 books
Robert McCrum's selection of the best 100 books ever came under heavy fire, but he bravely came on to defend himself. Read how he got on.
The defence: 100 greatest novels of all time
The list: The 100 greatest novels of all time
Talk: The worst read

The Barefoot Doctor, live online
The Observer's very own healer, the Barefoot Doctor, was online recently to face down his critics and talk about his therapies and medicines and ways to cope with modern life. It's fair to say it was a robust debate.

Online debates

Finkelstein v Dershowitz
'Mr. Dershowitz has concocted a fraud. In fact Mr. Dershowitz has concocted a fraud which amazingly in large parts, he plagiarized from another fraud. I found that pretty shocking."

Accusations and counter-accusations in the debate between Norman Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz. Put you penn'orth in.
Finkelstein v Dershowitz

Talk rugby with Eddie Butler
The Observer's Eddie Butler took time out from his packing to give his thoughts on the forthcoming rugby world cup. Read what he had to say here.

The top 10 publicity stunts
The new Observer Music Magazine highlights its top 10 publicity stunts in pop, topped by Elvis joining the army. Is this really the best ever, and what are your favourites?
Observer Music Magazine
OMM - The 10

The war game
David Hirst's account of the Arab-Israeli conflict, The Gun and the Olive Branch, caused a storm 25 years ago. In an edited extract says that America's attempts to reshape the Middle East, roadmap and all, are essentially Israel's. What do others think?
David Hirst: The war game

Should smacking be banned?
Is it wrong that anybody should be legally allowed to smack a child? Or should parents have the right to decide?
Focus: Should it be a crime to hit your child?

Meet the geezers
They live with their parents, they love Burberry, boozing, Britney and Beckham. The "Geezers", young Britain's largest tribe have largely been ignored by marketing machines but they now drive the country's consumer culture.
Ten ways to tell if you're a geezer

Is organic food just a sales gimmick?
A recent Observer investigation revealed fierce criticism from scientists, who claim the movement is a con trick that is misleading millions of British consumers into paying up to 40 per cent more than they pay for conventional products.

Why can't TV get Saturday night right?
Saturday night TV gets fewer viewers than any other night of the week. And is it any surprise?
The weekend stops here


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