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Picture of Dan Roberts


Dan Roberts is head of business for the Guardian and Observer


  • 18 Jul 2010: Britain's business-friendly approach to corporate compliance used to be seen as an asset. Not any more
  • 30 Jun 2010:

    Dan Roberts: Despite an optimistic employment forecast from the 'independent' OBR, the jobs decimation can't be disguised

  • Sir Alan Budd Audio (2min 41sec), 14 Jun 2010:

    Dan Roberts, the Guardian's head of business, on the Office for Budget Responsibility's first report on borrowing and growth

  • 10 Jun 2010:

    As BP shares plunge, the company may suspend its dividend. We look at both sides of the argument

  • 20 May 2010:

    Angela Merkel's crackdown on speculators may be the beginning of a scorched-earth policy

  • 18 May 2010:

    British Airways might not be having much luck with Icelandic volcanoes of late, but its track record in the British courts is beginning to look supernatural. It is a verdict that brings temporary relief for passengers but little credit to anyone else. Unite has been made to look incompetent, the high court has made a mockery of employment law and BA is back to square one.

  • 18 May 2010:

    Is that it? Eighteen months after the collapse of the world's largest bank, the first formal investigation into what happened concluded today with the publication of a 219-word report. Yes, that's right, the results of a crucial inquiry into Royal Bank of Scotland, a bank that once boasted $3.8tn in assets, do not fill a page. Never mind the 2,300 pages recently produced by the Icelandic Truth Commission or the 2,200 pages on Lehman Brothers, all we got was 219 rather waffly words from the Financial Services Authority lawyers.

  • 18 May 2010: The unusual sight of a rights issue that will not be fully taken up even by its own directors could prove the final nail in the coffin
  • British Airways planes parked at Heathrow airport Audio (27min 55sec), 18 May 2010:

    The high court decides to block a strike by BA's cabin crew; the coalition's first economic announcements; plus Osborne v Cable

  • 17 May 2010:

    The increasing convergence between large hedge funds and traditional fund managers who deploy similar trading techniques makes a mockery of the separate labels. Hedge funds are no longer an alternative asset class, they are just more highly paid fund managers. They no more deserve special treatment on disclosure rules than they do on tax.

  • 17 May 2010: George Osborne plans to bring capital gains tax in line with income tax for financial investors, to placate his coalition partners
  • 16 May 2010:

    Dan Roberts argues that it may be satisfying to turn fire back on the financiers – but indebted countries have never needed them more

  • 14 May 2010:

    Dan Roberts: With talk of the breakup of the single currency, global financial strife may be only just beginning

  • 12 May 2010:

    Early indications are that Vince Cable is likely to play a crucial role in new coalition government with responsibility for banking and the City. On the face of it, this is good news for those who hoped for a more a radical shake-up of our broken financial system. As my colleague Jill Treanor writes this morning, Cable has advocated not just a separation of retail and investment banking, but also much tougher bonus caps and lending requirements for commercial banks

  • A pigeon takes to the air outside the Bank of England 11 May 2010:

    It is not one entity – there are several markets, all expressing contradictory opinions

1-15 of 237 for Dan Roberts

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