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Inside Teresa's 'Housewives' Reunion BLOW UP

First Posted: 08-31-10 06:40 PM   |   Updated: 08-31-10 06:45 PM

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Housewives Reunion Teresa Blow Up


You saw it, the earth-shaking exchange between Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice on Monday night's 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' reunion special. The F-bomb barrage started with a question from Danielle to Teresa: "Did you acknowledge your nephew? Did you?" Teresa replied, "Yeah, of course I did," but after pausing for a second, she exploded. EXPLODED!

"Danielle doesn't intimidate me. I don't care if she stays on the show or not," Teresa tells me in an exclusive statement regarding the explosive reunion show.

Read the whole story: popeater.com

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You saw it, the earth-shaking exchange between Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice on Monday night's 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' reunion special. The F-bomb barrage started with a question from Dani...
You saw it, the earth-shaking exchange between Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice on Monday night's 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' reunion special. The F-bomb barrage started with a question from Dani...
Filed by Katherine Thomson  |  Report Corrections
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tartist   51 minutes ago (12:28 AM)
Several weeks ago when I first encountered photos of Staub & Giudice on HP I had absolutely no idea who they were or that they were on a Reality Show.

My first impression was that they were two scrawny drag queens way past their expiration date. In the weeks that followed I learned more about them and my initial impression hasn't changed.
ranthny   4 hours ago (9:24 PM)
Seems to be a way over the top reaction. What is really behind this story?
Lucille   4 hours ago (9:35 PM)
I wrote a detailed explanation, currently on page 5, if you want to read it.
ILB   3 hours ago (10:27 PM)
This is what they came up with to top last season's table flipping. I love how people think this is real. Just seconds into this clip makes it obvious that this "outburst" was scripted, just like last season's table flipping.
McCorbin100107   5 hours ago (8:03 PM)
For as crazy as Danielle may be, Teresa runs a very tight second. There does seem to be a little validity to Danielle's claims that the other HW are out to get her; and Andy was baiting the hook the entire episode.
thankulord13   6 hours ago (7:10 PM)
The D.C. crew is much more together than this group.
caroledekamp   9 hours ago (4:44 PM)
Where the heck is Jerry Springer?
nkadzi   9 hours ago (3:56 PM)
Oh Teresa...is she that fulish, Danielle is able to push her buttons. and Teresa explodes to show how she is not in control of her own emotions....
Diasamax   10 hours ago (3:09 PM)
Teresa set a very bad example for her children. Her behavior was an disgrace in every sense of the word. She really should be ashamed of herself. Her pushing Andy and making noise like some animal shows she has some serious anger issues that are going to catch up with her one day.
Shelby77   10 hours ago (3:25 PM)
Shelby77   11 hours ago (2:47 PM)
imonlyhereforthelaughs   12 hours ago (1:15 PM)
Anyone who thinks stunts like this aren't completely staged...

please don't vote.
joel123   12 hours ago (1:14 PM)
Teresa's eyes just scare me, there is something about her that is just not comfortable besides her vulgar attitude. Maybe its the hair!
ValdaDeDieu   12 hours ago (1:12 PM)
Doesn't anybody here realize the pattern emerging here: that Theresa only blows up at Danielle, ergo Danielle must be needling her? Anybody use logic when they look at what they're seeing? To include--dig into the lives of -- members of the extended family NOT on camera is a no-no.

Theresa may have a temper, (and the camera lens magnifies gestures) but Danielle's actions are those of a stalker; her behavior sociopathic.
imonlyhereforthelaughs   12 hours ago (1:22 PM)
There is nothing real about reality TV. These "fights" are staged for publicity purposes.
juhar   9 hours ago (4:05 PM)
Teresa's only interest was to upstage her table flipping moment from Season 1 and ask for her pay to be doubled. On Teresa's blog August 24th - Love, Love, Loving Italy she says that ...Our families never mix. I wish her all the best in whatever she does next.

You don't say things like that after this staged Reunion Blow Up in Atlantic City was already done.
Chanel   9 hours ago (4:46 PM)
If you keep pushing someone in a negative direction, expect them to react in an equally negative direction. Caroline and company had Danielle investigated FIRST. Last season, remember. Caroline so much as admitted it, she was very pleased with herself during the reunion for season one. So all I'm saying is don't be all shocked and incredulous when people do the same thing back to you. These women are all doing the same thing to each other. It's just crazy to me that people only (choose to) see it when Danielle does it. It's an out of control double standard.
Citizen-Jane   7 hours ago (6:09 PM)
Bravo and well said.
Citizen-Jane   7 hours ago (6:15 PM)
Bravo. And well said.
ValdaDeDieu   7 hours ago (6:16 PM)
They had Danielle investigated when she kept "pushing" herself onto Dina, and got between Dina's and Jacqueline's friendship. Danielle's no victim here.
dreamer1   12 hours ago (12:56 PM)
I think Teresa's outburst was due to the bankruptcy and other drama going on in her life. She already doesn't like Danielle, so it would have been that much easier to just take everything out on her. You could tell that the anger was coming from a different place than just not liking someone. There was some rage behind that, and I can't help but to think that she just took advantage of the oppotunity to lash out in general.
filo   12 hours ago (12:54 PM)
I have never seen the show and after watching this clip I know I never will.
bnyb   13 hours ago (11:59 AM)
I'm just going to step in to say, I love Andy Cohen something bad.
pgurlatl   13 hours ago (12:38 PM)
I love him because he can take jokes as good as he give them. Not to mention he's cute even though he's slightly cross-eyed.
Yam716   12 hours ago (1:11 PM)
This is so off topic, but do you have a braid out? Or is your natural hair curly?
Either way, it's nice.
maliksmama   13 hours ago (11:51 AM)
People are stupid. We all watch tv to be entertained. That's why we watch all the "Housewives" shows. I've watched the Jersey wives and I really enjoy it. They are real people who have real lives.

There are not too many women in this country, who don't have a friend who's like one of the housewives. Some of us have friends like "Danielle" who are absolutely insane. Some of us have friends who are like "Caroline" who are well grounded in reality. Some of us have friends like "Teresa" who are truly clueless. And there are others like "Jacqueline" who wants to please everybody all the time. As women, we know the "Housewives".

This being said. I like Danielle. She's not perfect. But neither is she the monster all the other wives claim she is. Watching the reunion was painful. Having three women gang up on one was truly crazy. Everyone wanted to comment on Danielle's private life, but didn't want her to comment on theirs. They know "all" of her dirty laundry and want everyone else to know about it tool. But God forbid that we know theirs as well.

Caroline, Teresa, Jacqueline, Dina. I'm not buying it. You all know too much about Danielle's private life to want her to stay out of yours. Also. Stop saying her name. You all mention her name at least fifty times per episode.

In other words. STOP STALKING HER!!!

*****KimG is no DANIELLE*****
nkadzi   9 hours ago (3:59 PM)
Well said.
pinkladee   9 hours ago (4:42 PM)
Citizen-Jane   39 minutes ago (12:40 AM)
Co Sign.