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Tuesday 21 April 2009

At least Darling’s Budget will take our minds off the McBride scandal

This may be hard to believe, but many Labour MPs are actually looking forward to the Budget which will lay out in gory detail just how Britain is suffering from the worst public finances since World War Two. Alistair Darling's 'Recession Budget' is being looked to as a welcome… [continued] THE MOLE: BUDGET

Monday 20 April 2009

Labour is back doing what it does best – tearing itself apart

As the Damian McBride emails scandal continues to draw more of Gordon Brown's closest aides into the frame - with Schools Minister Ed Balls, union fixer Charlie Whelan and party boss Ray Collins now feeling the heat - it is easy to understand the glee being displayed by some MPs.… [continued] THE MOLE: MCBRIDEGATE

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Thursday 16 April 2009

Brown tries to bury Damians Green and McBride as he finally mutters ‘sorry’

Gordon Brown handed bewildered Westminster hacks a dilemma this morning - exactly which bit of bad news and which Damian is he trying to bury today? First we had the Home Affairs select committee pretty much saying the police had been misled by government suggestions that Home Office… [continued] THE MOLE: SPIN

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After McBride, Gordon must listen to the women in his life

The word is that Damian McBride is not to be replaced within the Downing Street spin machine – not for the moment, anyway. So is this the moment for another PR expert close to Prime Minister Gordon Brown to do her bit – his wife Sarah Brown? Remember, it… [continued] THE MOLE: MCBRIDEGATE

Sunday 12 April 2009

Westminster isn't really shocked by McBride's poisonous emails

When Gordon Brown marched into Number 10 in June 2007 declaring he was ending the culture of spin that had tainted his predecessor's reign, you could hear the gasps of disbelief from hacks throughout Westminster -for the simple reason that he was bringing with him Damian McBride, the former Treasury… [continued] THE MOLE: MCBRIDEGATE

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Thursday 9 April 2009

Mayor Boris Johnson steals credit for Bob Quick’s departure

Boris Johnson lost little time getting himself onto the Today programme this morning to talk about Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick's resignation. One could have been forgiven for thinking the London mayor was in the lead on all this. But not so. In fact, it appears that, not… [continued] THE MOLE: TERROR COP SCANDAL

Monday 6 April 2009

Why the second home allowance fracas is not going to disappear

Parliament has risen for a two-week Easter break and MPs have left Westminster to spend more time with their homes - sorry, their families. But if they believe the row surrounding the Commons second home allowances is about to die down, they should think again. Virtually… [continued] THE MOLE: EXPENSES ROW

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Friday 3 April 2009

Brown will get a bounce, but it won’t be enough to win the election

He may be basking in headlines praising his undoubted efforts in saving the world, but Gordon Brown knows he still has not saved his own neck. And that still looks like a far more difficult challenge for the Prime Minister. Brown has been almost universally praised for his hard… [continued] THE MOLE - G20 AFTERMATH

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Thursday 2 April 2009

Summit for everyone: Brown and Sarkozy come out happy

It may not have ended with the global New Deal originally suggested by Gordon Brown - but you would have been hard pressed to realise it. The PM wrapped together a bunch of new commitments, including $750bn for the IMF and a $250bn boost for world trade, to reach an… [continued] THE MOLE: G20 SUMMIT

Party-poopers Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel have a good case

It may have been Jamie Oliver's food, but the G20 leaders managed to get through dinner last night without a walk-out by a disgruntled President Nicolas Sarkozy. And, if the PM's confidence is any guide, the summit is still expected to reach its conclusion today without a temper tantrum.… [continued] THE MOLE: G20 SUMMIT

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