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Saturday 23 October 2010 | MPs' expenses feed


MPs' expenses: Full list of Conservative MPs investigated by The Telegraph

All of the Conservative MPs named by the Telegraph's investigation into how politicians exploited the system of parliamentary allowances to subsidise their lifestyles and multiple homes.

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster: MPs' expenses: Full list of MPs investigated by the Telegraph
The Houses of Parliament in Westminster Photo: PA

Adam Afriyie has not made any claims on his second home allowance

Peter Ainsworth tried to charge nearly £1,000 for a “pewter finish” radiator cover on his expenses and was warned by the fees office that it could be excessive

David Amess's mortgage interest claims on London flat did not waver from £600. Claimed the maximum food allowance of £400 a month. In July 2004, £600 claim was cut by £200

Michael Ancram put the cost of having his swimming pool boiler serviced on his parliamentary allowances. He has agreed to repay the money and written to supporters to apologise

James Arbuthnot claimed from the public finances for cleaning his swimming pool at a country residence. He has agreed to repay the money

Richard Bacon designated second home in London, where he claimed £1,235 in monthly mortgage interest between 2004 and 2007. Claimed for £2,500 to repaint and redecorate flat in spring of 2006.

Moved out in 2007 and stayed in hotels until he rented in Dolphin Square at £1,538 a month.

Greg Barker made a £320,000 profit selling a flat the taxpayer had helped pay for. He has agreed to repay £10,000.

Henry Bellingham claimed £1,500 mortgage interest per month for a flat in London. Mr Bellingham claimed a total of £85,845 in four years under the addional costs allowance

Richard Benyon did not claim on his second homes allowance in 2007/08

John Bercow “flipped” his second home from his constituency to a £540,000 flat in London and claimed the maximum possible allowances for it. Bercow, a candidate for next Speaker, "repaid" £6,500 capital gains tax on the sale of two properties. His expenses files reveal he also twice charged the public purse for the cost of hiring a chartered accountant to complete his annual tax return

Sir Paul Beresford, who works up to three days a week as a dentist, designated his west London property, which includes his surgery, as his second home on his parliamentary allowances.

Brian Binley broke parliamentary rules by claiming more than £50,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses to rent a flat from his own company. He also claimed more than £16,000 to pay a public relations adviser who, when questioned by the Telegraph, said initially that he had never received a penny

Crispin Blunt told to stop claiming Commons allowance on his home because his children live there

Peter Bone claims £1,300 a month rent on a flat in London, along with £400 a month food. His other claims included £299.99 on a television, £87.98 on a DVD player and £599.98 on two sofas

Tim Boswell claimed only £22,230 on his second homes allowance between 2004 and 2008

Peter Bottomley claimed £6,000 for replacement windows and £980 for bookshelves in 2004. He was warned by the fees office that the claim for bookshelves could be seen as excessive

Graham Brady's claims included £1,600 on a table and chairs and £1,364.80 on a wardrobe. The two claims together were cut to £1,740. He tried and failed to claim £144.80 for congestion charge

Julian Brazier stays at hotels when staying in London. His usual nightly bill for accommodation is £67.50. His highest bill was £188

James Brokenshire claimed just £368 on his second homes allowance in 2007/8 and nothing in the preceding three years

Angela Browning's £10,000 for a website over-the-odds according to experts, but it was the taxpayer who settled the bill

Simon Burns claimed £1,000 to rent a flat in west London, despite having an Essex constituency 35 minutes away from central London by train. Claimed £865 for a new bed and mattress

David Burrowes did not claim for the second home allowance at all

Alistair Burt claimed £1,000 too much in expenses for his rent, but was allowed to keep the money

John Butterfill paid no capital gains tax after making a £600,000 gain on the sale of his taxpayer-funded house which he told the parliamentary authorities was his designated second home

David Cameron limited his claims to mortgage interest payments and utility bills. He will repay almost £1,000 claimed on his expenses, including £680 for repairs to his home. He also paid off a loan on his London house after he took out a taxpayer-funded £350,000 mortgage on his designated second home

Douglas Carswell claimed £655 from his expenses for a love seat

Bill Cash claimed more than £15,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses to pay his daughter rent for her west London flat – even though he owned a home closer to Westminster. He has promised to repay the money and said he hopes to remain an MP

Christoper Chope transported a sofa from his second home in London to a tradesman near his main residence in his constituency of Christchurch, Dorset, to be repaired at a cost of £881

James Clappison owns 24 houses but billed more than £100,000, including thousands for gardening and redecoration

Greg Clark used almost his entire allowance to claim the interest on the mortgage of his south-west London flat. Claimed for nothing else

Kenneth Clarke managed to avoid paying the full rate of council tax on either of his two homes by effectively claiming that neither is his main residence. He has agreed to pay the full rate in future but defended his past behaviour. He last year claimed for purchasing Windows XP for Dummies.

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown “flipped” his second home designation from London to his Gloucestershire home, before buying a £2,750,000 house.

Derek Conway, whose payments to his two sons first highlighted the abuse of the MPs expenses system, claimed for office 270 miles from constituency

Sir Patrick Cormack claimed expenses for household bills at both his main and second homes

Geoffrey Cox QC made monthly mortgage interest payments of £1,750 in 2005-06 and 2006-07. This was his only regular claim

Stephen Crabb claimed his “main home” was a room in another MP’s flat, after buying a new house for his family at taxpayers’ expense

David Curry moved designated second home from London flat, where he spent £785 on furniture and £1,300 a month on rent, to constituency cottage he has owned since 1987. Also tried to claim for hotel in Yorkshire, blaming “blizzards across Pennines”.

David Davies claimed £475 for a Laura Ashley cabinet and £120 to get his carpets steam cleaned in October 2007. Total claims over three years equalled £66,755

Philip Davies claimed more than £2,000 for hotels in May 2005 before buying home in London. Was overpaid at the end of the year by the fees office, had to reimburse £303

David Davis spent more than £10,000 of taxpayers’ money on home improvements in four years, including a new £5,700 portico at his home in Yorkshire

Jonathan Djanogly , the millionaire shadow business minister, claimed £5,000 to have electric gates installed at his Huntington home

Stephen Dorrell has a second home - a flat near Westminster where he claims £1,082 a month mortgage interest. Attempt to claim £758 for hotels while “flat being refurbished” refused

Nadine Dorries , who claimed the expenses expose was a “McCarthy­ite witch hunt”, disowned by David Cameron

James Duddridge claimed £1,988 on roofing and railing repairs, plus £6,619 for floor and redecorating in his Westminster designated second home. Rented it out and bought new flat

Alan Duncan spent thousands from his allowance on gardening, including repairs to his lawnmower. He has agreed to repay £5,000. He also claimed £19.55 in office expenses for biscuits, tea, coffee and mints.

Ian Duncan Smith, the former Conservative leader, claimed no second home expesnes in the last year, commuting from his outer London constituency

Philip Dunne has not made any claims on his second home allowance since 2005/06

Tobias Ellwood has £3,880 claim for loft conversion on flat in Battersea rejected. Changes second home to Bournemouth where he claims £2,134 a month mortgage interest

Nigel Evans claims up to £1,750 a month mortgage interest on his London flat, and very little else. Occasionally claims £1,500 service charges and for television and council tax

David Evennett is an outer London MP who chose to take the smaller “London supplement”. Has claimed the maximum amount for past two years

Michael Fabricant claims £700-£900 a month mortgage interest on Westminster flat. Splits maximum allowance between food and bills. Regularly claimed £240 in repairs when receipts only needed at £250

Michael Fallon claimed £8,300 too much in expenses for the mortgage on his second home.

Mark Field: as the MP for Westminster itself, is only entitled to the “London supplement”. Claimed the maximum available in this for the past eight years

Liam Fox claims £1,200-£1,450 for the mortgage interest at his south London flat. Also claims for occasional maintenance charges and ground rent

Mark Francois claimed for a wide variety of on-the-go snacks through his expenses

Christopher Fraser claimed more than £1,800 to buy 215 trees and fencing to mark out the boundary of his house.

Roger Gale claimed £624.98 for a television and stand and £250.30 for a TV aerial. Also claimed £1,700 for redecoration, plumbing and electrical works at his second home in London

Edward Garnier QC claims for rent on constituency home, also claimed £211 for lawn mowing and £1,920 for a year’s gardening. Claimed for heating oil on office expenses, as he has home office

David Gauke claimed £10,248.32 in stamp duty and fees involved in the purchase of his second home in London

Nick Gibb spent £8,227 on redecoration and repairs at house in constituency, as well as £296 on hedge trimming in one month, before moving to a cottage nearby. Claimed almost £2,000 in fees associated with the purchase and now claims £1,800 a month in mortgage interest payments.

Cheryl Gillan bought dog food using her allowance but agreed to pay it back after being contacted by the Telegraph

Paul Goodman claimed modest mortgage interest payments on a second home in High Wycombe. Underclaimed by £1,384 in 2006 and was reimbursed by fees office

Robert Goodwill claimed £9,731.76 stamp duty and legal costs for buying his second home in London. Other claims included £695 on a sofa bed

Michael Gove spent thousands on his London home before "flipping" his Commons allowance to another address. He has agreed to repay £7,000. He also claimed for office expenses including a mug from the Tate Modern

Chris Grayling claimed for a London flat even though his constituency home is only 17 miles from the House of Commons. He has agreed to stop doing so

James Gray successfully claimed £2,000 for the future redecoration of his “second home” on the day that he moved out.

Damian Green's constituency is a 45-minute commute from Westminster but claimed for a designated second home in Acton, west London, from which it takes at least 40 minutes to get to the Commons. Regularly claimed up to the maximum of £400 for food. Also charged for mortgage interest, council tax and phone.

Justine Greening made no claims under the second homes allowance. Claimed the London Supplement which amounted to £2,812 in 2007/08

John Greenway spent £500 of taxpayers’ money on pot plants and bushes for his garden at his south London home before selling up for a £280,000 profit

Dominic Grieve claimed monthly mortgage interest of £1,535 on a second home near Marlow in Bucks. Claimed four months gardening costs at £70.50 a month at the end of 2007 and start of 2008

John Gummer's gardening, including the removal of moles from his lawn, cost the taxpayer £9,000

William Hague claimed mortgage interest payments of up to £1,200 per month on second home in London. Made few other claims apart from council tax

Philip Hammond claimed mortage interest on his second home in London, which was sometimes more than £2,000 per month, but did not claim anything else

Stephen Hammond made no claims under the second homes allowance. Claimed the London Supplement which amounted to £2,812 in 2007/08

Greg Hands represents an inner London constituency so cannot claim the second home allowance. However, he does receive the London supplement, totalling £2,812 in 2007-08

Mark Harper charged for London hotel on his second home allowance before buying London flat in 2006 with monthly mortgage interest of £1,146. Claimed £5.14 for a fungus spray

Alan Haselhurst charged the taxpayer almost £12,000 for gardening bills at his farmhouse in Essex, his expenses claims show. He was involved in an angry exchange with Parliamentary staff over his habit of submitting expense claims supported by estimates of his costs rather than by bills showing the actual amount he had spent

John Hayes charged for overnight stays in the Carlton Club then bought a flat near Westminster in 2004, also charging £305 for removals and storage. Now claims around £1,900 a month in mortgage interest

Oliver Heald's second home is a flat in south London. Has spent £5,258 on refurbishing his bathroom as well as £2,891 on new windows. Bought three lavatory brushes in as many years

David Heathcoat-Amory’s gardener used hundreds of sacks of horse manure and the MP submitted the receipts to Parliament

Charles Hendry claimed more than £7,300 in taxpayer-funded expenses to pay for domestic staff at his second home

Nick Herbert charged taxpayers more than £10,000 for stamp duty and fees when he and his partner bought a home together in his constituency

Mark Hoban claimed £35 on a toilet roll holder, £100 for a chrome shower rack and £79 for four silk cushion covers on his second home allowance

Douglas Hogg included with his expenses claims the cost of having the moat cleared, piano tuned and stable lights fixed at his country manor house. He has agreed to repay £2,200 for the moat clearing

Adam Holloway had £2,219 worth of goods delivered to address in Gravesend which was cancelled by fees office. Insisted it was for second home in London and “re-claimed”. It was allowed

Philip Hollobone claimed monthly mortgage interest of £1,829 on designated second home in London in 2007-08. He mainly used his bank statements as proof of purchase for gas, water and utility bills

John Horam claimed just £190 monthly for mortgage interest on his Orpington second home in 2004-05, and £223 in 2006-07. Claimed little else apart from utilities, cleaning, TV licence and replacement boiler

Michael Howard charged the taxpayer thousands of pounds for "gardening services" at his designated second home in Kent. He also used his office expenses to pay more than £44,000 to the Tory party over the past four years.

Gerald Howarth claimed nearly £2,000 for the services of a gardener at his second home in Farnborough in 2004 and charged £40 for a strimmer. Claimed mortgage interest twice in April 2007 and repaid

Jeremy Hunt claimed £600 per month mortgage interest payments on second home in Surrey. Also made claims for council tax, utilities and cleaning

Andrew Hunter claimed second home expenses for staying away from his main residence even though neither property was in London or his constituency

Nick Hurd was elected in 2005 to his outer London constituency. He does not claim the second homes allowance and instead claims the smaller London Supplement, which amounted to £2,812 last year

Michael Jack designated a second home in London. Claims included £1,250 for sanding and varnishing a kitchen floor, £1,200 for a replacement fridge freezer, £1,295 for redecoration, £1,410 on kitchen cupboards

Stewart Jackson claimed more than £66,000 for his family home, including hundreds of pounds on refurbishing his swimming pool. He has agreed to repay the costs associated with his pool

Bernard Jenkin rents his sister-in-law's farmhouse as a second home and charged £50,000 to his expenses

Boris Johnson claimed £16.50 for a Remembrance Sunday wreath on his expenses during his time as an MP

David Jones: along with £3,155 for stamp duty and legal fees, he claimed £112 for a Dyson vacuum cleaner in his London home and £119 for a trouser press. Ivory curtains from Heal’s were £356, while furniture from the shop was £387

Daniel Kawczynski rented a flat in London with Stephen Crabb until last year, when he told the fees office he was giving it up “in order to save taxpayers money”. Also bought a chest of drawers for £70, an armchair for £109 and a table for £142

Robert Key claimed £1,650 on an oven for the house he owns in his Salisbury constituency. Painting the hall, landing, sitting room and kitchen Cornflower White cost £743

Julie Kirkbride's husband Andrew Mackay resigned as David Cameron's aide after it emerged that the two MPs were making claims that meant they effectively had no main home but two second homes, both funded with public money. She claimed £1,000 to pay for computer equipment bought by her brother, who lives rent-free at her 'second home'. On May 28, said she would stand down at next election but did not apologise for her claims.

Greg Knight, an MP with a collection of classic cars, claimed £2,600 in expenses for repair work on the driveway at his designated second home

Eleanor Laing has admitted that she did not pay capital gains tax when she made £1 million profit on a second home bought with the help of taxpayers’ money. David Cameron has ordered her to repay the money.

Jacqui Lait over-claimed on her second home mortgage for three years and had to pay back more than £7,000 after it was spotted by the fees office

Andrew Lansley spent more than £4,000 of taxpayers’ money renovating his country home months before he sold it. He will repay £2,600 of decorating fees

Edward Leigh claimed £800 per month mortgage interest payments on a second home he owns in London. Also claimed council tax, utilities, food and cleaning bills at second home

Oliver Letwin repaired a pipe beneath his tennis court using taxpayers' money. He has agreed to repay the money

Julian Lewis attempted to claim £6,000 in expenses for a wooden floor at his second home

Ian Liddell-Grainger claimed £746.93 in monthly mortgage interest payments on his second home in London. Also claimed £250 per month food. Also claimed for council tax, utilities and cleaning

David Lidington charged the taxpayer nearly £1,300 for his dry cleaning and claimed for toothpaste, shower gel, body spray and vitamin supplements on his second home allowance

Peter Lilley claimed more than £4,000 for fixing drains and leaks, £3,407 for a replacement boiler, £1,668 for renovating a shower and £1,185 for repairing windows at his second home in London

Sir Michael Lord claimed more than £8,000 over five years for his garden . He also claimed £82 for seven copies of TV footage from the House of Commons recorded on a day he took part in a debate

Tim Loughton claimed mortgage interest payments of up to £1,200 on his second home, which he designated in his constituency. Also claimed for utilities and council tax

Peter Luff bought three lavatory seats, three food mixers, two microwaves and 10 sets of bed linen while kitting out his country house and London flat at taxpayers’ expense

Andrew Mackay resigned as David Cameron's aide after it emerged that he and his wife Julie Kirkbride were making claims that meant they effectively had no main home but two second homes, both funded with public money.

David Maclean spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money renovating a farmhouse before selling it for £750,000

Anne Main allowed her daughter to live rent-free at a flat paid for by taxpayer-funded second home allowances

Humfrey Malins claimed £58,000 in taxpayer-funded expenses for a flat in which his children have stayed rent-free.

John Maples declared a private members’ club as his main home to the parliamentary authorities. He claimed the maximum second home allowance on his family house while apparently not having a “main” property to maintain

Michael Mates rented a second home in London in 2005 with monthly payments of £919 and charged monthly car parking of £91. Claimed food payments of £150

Francis Maude claimed almost £35,000 in two years for mortgage interest payments on a London flat when he owned a house just a few hundred yards away. He has agreed to stop claiming for a second home

Francis Maude claimed almost £35,000 in two years for mortgage interest payments on a London flat when he owned a house just a few hundred yards away. He has agreed to stop claiming for a second home. A claim for a laptop computer was refused

Theresa May claimed just £4,288 on her second home allowance in 2007/08

Patrick McLoughlin, the senior MP asked by David Cameron to scrutinise Tory expenses, claimed £3,000 for new windows at his second home. He also tried to recoup £158.63 for the removal of a wasps’ nest from his home

Anne McIntosh claimed more than £5,000 for gardening at constituency home in Yorkshire. Claimed for two mousetraps, mouse poison. Asked for proof of monthly £621 rent/mortgage on second home in 2006. Had not offered proof since 2000

Patrick Mercer claims mostly for service charges and mortgage payments. Claimed £2,800 for food in one year and unsuccessfully for mobile phone bill

Maria Miller claimed for £190 repairs to carpets and £90 of garden work in second home in Wimbledon. Claim for crockery turned down by fees office

Ann Milton did not make any claims on her second home allowance in 2007/08

Andrew Mitchell claimed £19000 for cleaning redecorating and furnishing his West Midlands constituency home and garden

Malcolm Moss previously nominated a flat in Vauxhall as his second home and had to repay £1,203 to the fees office after it said interest on an additional mortgage was not allowable

David Mundell claimed more than £3,000 on MPs' expenses for cameras, photographers and photo-editing computer software to take hundreds of pictures of himself. He stayed in hotels after being elected, then shares a rented flat with another MP. Moves to flat near Westminster, where claims £1,400 a month in rent

Andrew Murrison: second home is a flat near Westminster, claims about £1,100 a month mortgage interest payments. In 2005-06 spent £4,101 on furnishings, including £2,551 at Harrods

Bob Neill bought flat in his constituency after being elected. Put in a bill on expenses of £14,224 in stamp duty and solicitors’ fees. Now claims £1,425 a month mortgage interest payments, £112 council tax

Brooks Newmark nominates a rented house in a village in Essex constituency as his second home. The only charge on his parliamentary expenses is his rent, currently £2,000 a month

Stephen O’Brien: second home is flat in Vauxhall where he claims £1,300 a month in mortgage interest payments. Charged £14,882 in stamp duty and legal fees when he moved in

George Osborne was forced to deny taking advantage of the expenses system following claims he "flipped" his designated second home from London to his constituency farm house after taking out a £450,000 mortgage on the rural property. Separately, he was rebuked by the Commons authorities for using public money to fund his "political" website. He also claimed money for a chauffeur-driven car which he has agreed to repay

Richard Ottaway claimed £2,650 for half the cost of a £5,300 bed needed because of back problems. Also claimed £102 on coal and £122 for chimney sweeping at his second home in Surrey.

James Paice claims mortgage interest on south London flat. Spent £2,684 on furniture in May 2004 and in March 2007, spent another £2,130

Owen Paterson claimed mortgage interest of £1,041 a month on flat near Parliament. Switched to another property in 2005, payments rose to £1,657

Mike Penning , a shadow health minister, charged the taxpayer £2.99 for a stainless steel dog bowl

John Penrose's second home is Thames-side flat near Parliament, with tracker mortgage, on which he claims monthly interest payments of around £2,000

Eric Pickles claimed for £200 in petty cash monthly between 2005 and the middle of 2008. Claimed mortgage interest of less than £250 a month and service charges of £750 a year for a flat in east London. One of the lower claimers. Stopped using the additional costs allowance to run a second home when made party chairman.

Mark Prisk accidentally claimed £1,726 rather than £1,182 for one month’s mortgage interest on London home. Error was spotted by officials

Mark Pritchard moved flats in Westminster in 2007, claiming for £199 vacuum cleaner, £1,000 furnishings, kitchen utensils worth £66, bedding of £45 and a £145 microwave

John Randall was entitled to a second home allowance but instead claimed the less lucrative London subsidy

John Redwood has admitted being paid twice after submitting an identical £3,000 decorating bill on his second home allowance

Sir Malcolm Rifkind claimed the smaller London Supplement, which amounted to £2,812 last year

Andrew Robathan claimed monthly mortgage interest payments on London home of more than £3,300 before notifying the fees office he was switching his second home to a new property in his constituency, “which we are going to refurbish”

Hugh Robertson rents second home in London for more than £1,800 a month. Main home, in Kent, belongs to his wife’s family. He checked with fees office that this arrangement was in order, they confirmed it was

Laurence Robertson designates constituency house as second home, claiming £900 monthly mortgage interest and about £800 a year heating oil. Pays wife Susan’s travel and phone from office allowance. She works for him but they are separated

Andrew Rosindell claimed more than £125,000 in second home expenses for a flat in London, while designating his childhood home 17 miles away - where his mother lived - as his main address

David Ruffley claimed for new furniture and fittings after “flipping” his second home from London to a new flat in his constituency

Andrew Selous designates constituency property as second home, on which he claims monthly mortgage interest payments of more than £1,600

Grant Shapps claimed just £7,269 on his second homes allowance in 2007/08

Richard Shepherd has repaid £162 to the Fees Office after deciding he should not have claimed for cleaning and gardening at his constituency home

Mark Simmonds claims up to £2,696 a month for interest-only mortgage on second home in London

Keith Simpson has claimed almost £200 for light bulbs on his expenses

Nicholas Soames claimed up to £1,340 a month for mortgage interest on Westminster home

Caroline Spelman made no claims for mortgage interest or rent on her second home in 2006-07 and 2007-08

Michael Spicer claimed for work on his helipad and received thousands of pounds for gardening bills.

Richard Spring claimed monthly mortgage interest payments of more than £1,300 on a property in Suffolk. Also claimed £35.25 to treat a wasps’ nest

Sir John Stanley claims for rent on London flat, also claims for food, utilities, council tax and a cleaner

Anthony Steen claimed £87,000 on country mansion with 500 trees. He has announced he will step down at the next election

Gary Streeter claims for the mortgage interest on his constituency home in Plymouth, also claimed for food and £1.60 for a pack of 10 lightbulbs

Desmond Swayne has a second home in London, on which he paid a £652 monthly mortgage interest in 2005-06. Rose to £711 in 2007-08. Charged £6,131 for new kitchen and £411 for tree work in 2006

Hugo Swire, the former shadow culture secretary, designated his first home in London and claimed for rent at his second home in Devon. He said London was his main home and his daughter went to school in the capital. In June, 2007, he claimed £349 for a satellite navigation system to “cover the 176.25 square miles of his constituency”.

Robert Syms claimed more than £2,000 worth of furniture on expenses for his designated second home in London, but had it all delivered to his parents’ address in Wiltshire

Sir Peter Tapsell claimed rent for second home in London, which rose from £4,821 a quarter in 2006 to £5,417 a quarter in 2008. Total claims over fours years of £87,729

Ian Taylor said he will retire at the next election after it emerged that he made second home claims on a flat in London although his main home is within 40 minutes’ commuting distance of Westminster

David Tredinnick tried to claim the £125 cost of attending a course on "intimate relationships" through his Parliamentary expenses

Andrew Turner used his office expenses to pay for his girlfriend, who is also his parliamentary assistant, to have "life coaching" classes

Andrew Tyrie nominates a flat in property near his constituency as second home. Claims £700 a month in mortgage interest payments and £6,000 a year on service charges

Ed Vaizey had £2,000 worth of furniture delivered to his London home when he was claiming his Commons allowance on a second home in Oxfordshire

Sir Peter Viggers included with his expense claims the £1,645 cost of a floating duck house in the garden pond at his Hampshire home. He has announced he will step down at the next election and admitted he made a "ridiculous and grave error of judgment"

Theresa Villiers claimed almost £16,000 in stamp duty and professional fees on expenses when she bought a London flat, even though she already had a house in the capital. She has agreed to stop claiming the second home allowance

Shailesh Vara tried to claim £1,500 on his expenses for costs incurred before he was elected

Charles Walker claims £700 in mortgage interest payments for flat in Wandsworth, constituency home is 21 miles from Westminster. Claimed £6,732 for decoration, carpets, curtains and re-wiring at flat

Ben Wallace claimed for more than £700 to stay at Carlton Club after May 2005 general election. Included the cost of at least three Daily Telegraphs on bill. Most claims made up of rent, council tax bills and utility bills

Robert Walter attempted to claim £1,008 for handmade carpets he bought while on a trip to India. Claimed for £16,000 moving costs; estate agents’ commission, stamp duty and solicitors’ fees. Then claimed for two flat screen televisions worth £749 and £399 and eight chairs worth £744

Nigel Waterson claimed mortgage interest/rent payments and food bills at his second home in Beckenham, Kent. Also billed taxpayer £1,055 to paint house and garage

Angela Watkinson claimed £3,100 to redecorate flat including new doors, latches and locks in 2005-06. Then claimed £6,350 for a new bathroom, as well as £804 for a television, microwave and fridge

Ann Widdecombe claimed just £858 on her second home allowance in 2007/08. However, she did spend more than £9,000 of taxpayers' money on her own personal newspaper cuttings service over a four year period

John Whittingdale claimed £1,828.30 for bathroom fitting, £1,800 for a replacement boiler, £774.50 on a sofa and rug from Laura Ashley and £1,014 on a bed

Bill Wiggin claimed interest payments for a property which had no mortgage

David Willetts, the Conservatives' choice for skills minister, needed help changing light bulbs. He has agreed to repay the bill

David Wilshire claimed thousands of pounds of taxpayers money for monthly payments towards the cost of replacing curtains and carpets at some point in the future. Claimed up to £1,375 per month in mortgage interest payments and also claimed for council tax, service charges and food

Sir Nicholas Winterton and his wife Ann claimed more than £80,000 for a London flat owned by a trust controlled by their children. They have announced they will stand down at the next general election

Jeremy Wright claims for flat in London. Spent £2,884 on furniture when he became an MP, including £809 for a bed and £399 for a television

Derek Wyatt billed 75p for scotch eggs

Tim Yeo claimed for a pink laptop computer from John Lewis in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

George Young claimed the maximum second home allowance on his London flat for the past two years. He also billed taxpayers for the cost of a video camera so that he could broadcast clips of himself at work on YouTube

MPs' bizarre claims
MPs' expenses in full
Complete MPs' expenses guide
Matt on MPs' expenses

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