Have you cooked, eaten, or seen something amazing recently? I have! I enjoyed this salsa and guacamole out on a patio with watermelon sangria. I uploaded my picture to the community, so I could share it with you. Want to be featured on YumSugar? You should do the same! We've got a group called Savory Sights, where you can upload mouthwatering images of foods and drinks you've made, consumed, or just salivated over. Start sharing your photos now! There are lots of ways to participate, so read on to learn more.

First, visit the Savory Sights group and click the "New Post" button in the upper right-hand corner. Then, you can upload new content to your heart's stomach's desire! Here are three ways to do it:

  • If you have one great photo to share: Upload it as a "look." Just click on "New Post" in the upper right-hand corner of the page and click on the "look" icon in the toolbar. Fill in your headline and any caption info and upload a photo. Find detailed instructions here.
  • If you have many photos to share: Upload a gallery. Just click on "New Post," then on the "gallery" icon. Give your gallery a headline and (if desired) text, then click through to select the photos you want to upload. Find detailed instructions here.
  • If you're on the go: Use our mobile blogging feature that lets you contribute posts to groups directly from your cell phone. All you need is any mobile phone with email capabilities, and you can create posts with text and photos from your cell, anytime and anywhere! Here are step-by-step instructions.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to see you join the YumSugar Community and start sharing in groups!

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