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Lady Gaga Hospitalized Repeatedly For Dangerous Dieting?

First Posted: 09- 6-10 07:56 AM   |   Updated: 09- 6-10 07:56 AM

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Lady Gaga Diet


Internationally celebrated for her wildly original performances, Lady Gaga may have a wildly unoriginal habit: going hungry to look good onstage. A new biography penned by Maureen Callahan, 'Poker Face: The Rise and Rise of Lady Gaga,' reveals startling claims about the seemingly confident singer, according to RadarOnline.

Gaga's former tour manager, David Ciemny, alleges in the book that the 24-year-old binged on junk food when not depriving herself of calories altogether. And he claims that in 2009 alone, the Grammy winner landed in the hospital six times while dieting to slim down. Not once, not twice, but six times last year.

Read the whole story: popeater.com

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Internationally celebrated for her wildly original performances, Lady Gaga may have a wildly unoriginal habit: going hungry to look good onstage. A new biography penned by Maureen Callahan, 'Poker Fac...
Internationally celebrated for her wildly original performances, Lady Gaga may have a wildly unoriginal habit: going hungry to look good onstage. A new biography penned by Maureen Callahan, 'Poker Fac...
Filed by Katy Hall  |  Report Corrections
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deweydecimal   3 hours ago (6:41 PM)
I don't know, her concert and appearance riders that were leaked specify a pretty healthy & tame list of foods & drinks. I think this person is tinged with the green monster called envy and looking to make a quick buck.
Rassie   12 minutes ago (9:24 PM)
Right. Usually pop stars with substance issues put it right in the contract: 1 fresh bowl Uppers, 2 dishes Diet aids, 10 lines of coke, crack pipe with 20 rocks, etc.
Mccall101   6 hours ago (3:52 PM)
It pains me to see how many people now act as if it's okay for someone to do coke just because Lady Gaga said she does it.

After she publicly admitted her coke usage people now go "oh it's just 2 times a year, coke isn't that bad"

Any drug besides Mj used 2 times is 2 times too many
doglove   5 hours ago (4:59 PM)
does that include alcohol & ciggies?

more peeps die from them than coke. I hate coke. just sayin'
deweydecimal   3 hours ago (6:40 PM)
I know a lot of smart intelligent successful people who have tried coke casually, including brilliant biomedical researchers, actors and businessmen. Cocaine dependence is psychological whereas something like heroin is more physical along the spectrum between psychosocial to physical dependence. Not that I'm saying psychological dependence is any less harrowing, I've just seen it for myself how "some" people seem to be able to use it without becoming dependent and addicted.

While marijuana to YOU might be ok, it is not to others. And other than tobacco and alcohol, cannabis, cocaine & heroin all are still illegal narcotics. What makes alcohol right but cocaine wrong? I think if you delved into the mechanisms and effects of both it's pretty clear that in irresponsible hands bad things can happen with any psychotropic substance.
VanTroi   49 minutes ago (8:47 PM)
who acts like it's ok to do coke because of her?
Miss Ann Thrope   35 minutes ago (9:01 PM)
I was wondering the same thing...
tobynsaunders   10 hours ago (11:49 AM)
If people are using methamphetamine in the buildings she goes to... like, if they're vapourising it... it gets distributed through the air conditioning & heating systems. An amount too small to show up on a drug test is enough to have profound life-changing effects. It increases metabolism & indeed makes it hard to keep weight on... all under the ignorant noses of the medical 'authorities'. We can only wait for the technology to catch up: meth is affecting so many people without them even knowing it because it's the most powerful CNS stimulant on earth but is hard to detect with modern tech. I hope you & everyone is ok, but I'm not naive... the drug detecting tech needs to improve dramatically. This isn't a conspiracy theory: it's a fact.
VanTroi   47 minutes ago (8:49 PM)
HUH? If? Who says that is happening to her? Vapourising meth? Never heard of that one.
Davest   15 hours ago (6:25 AM)
I saw her in concert in Tacoma 2 weeks ago, she looked very healthy and curvy. I took some really good close up photos of her during the show, and she doesn't look emaciated, or gaunt. She looked great, and put on an awesome show.
HeresHoping   14 hours ago (7:35 AM)
Ditto from last Tuesday's St Paul show... healthy, gorgeous, fit, great endurance and voice. She was very thin in the Telephone video; my guess is that she loses when she tapes those due to the camera's 10 pounds, but otherwise is normal.
Jannella   7 hours ago (2:32 PM)
Exactly. That was my point earlier. She's slender but not too thin at all. She looks great. And so what if she was a little heavier in her teens. I lost weight too in my 20s when I ate healthier and laid off the pizzas and such and worked out. Plus, she is dancing on tour all the time. Maybe she has an eating disorder. I don't know. But a disgruntled ex-employee saying doesn't make it true for me nor does a book being sold for the author to make money off the star make it true. I would need concrete evidence such as hospital records or coming from her before I take such an allegation at face value.
doglove   4 hours ago (5:20 PM)
I envy you. I moved from Seattle in June to N.M. She had already played Phoenix before I got here. Not like I would go to Phoenix for any reason, but the Dome, you bet!
How many peeps in attendence? Did you have good seats?

Hey sorry about your summer. We had the hottest one in N.M. history, which IMO is worse.
honda honey   15 hours ago (6:23 AM)
After her public admission of cocaine abuse, I'm not shocked by this 'rumor' at all.
wetdentist   11 hours ago (10:59 AM)
how does using cocaine 2 times a year equal abuse? get off your moral-superiority addiction
tobynsaunders   10 hours ago (11:51 AM)
I'm kind of with you on that: cocaine is dangerous, but it seems about as dangerous as whiskey... I'm not totally sure, I've used a few times with regret, but I'm going with the 'dangerous as hard liquor' comparison for now. Methamphetamine is another story: it is seriously dangerous & affecting lots of people without them even knowing it... it gets diluted through buildings when someone vapourises it in a restrooms... when someone on meth sweats on fabric, the meth can then be absorbed through that contaminated fabric, but the drug testing tech isn't up to the challenge.
Mccall101   6 hours ago (3:50 PM)
Using something as addictive and dangerous as cocaine should be considered abuse.

Cocaine is not like mj where mj has had 0 deaths, 0 physical addictions.
doglove   4 hours ago (5:23 PM)
thank you, F & F
Jeressa Ortiz OLeary   17 hours ago (4:13 AM)
This woman is a hater! I saw her in concert last Tuesday and she looked very healthy (much thicker than I have seen her in any of her recent pics)! I admit around the time her exhaustion stories popped up, she did look pretty thin, but can you imagine her grueling schedule? Who wouldn't get exhausted, and lose/gain weight from time to time? Doesn't this happen to most of us?
kiamuze   20 hours ago (1:07 AM)
she needs to make her folks sign privacy agreements!!
babybecks   22 hours ago (11:59 PM)
How nice for someone in your inner circle to betray you like that.

Whether you like, or can't stand her, this guy is not a nice person.
brooklyncitizen   24 hours ago (9:58 PM)
is it a crime?
then let her figure it out.
hey0there   24 hours ago (9:52 PM)
Isn't it illegal to divulge medical details without consent?
Gin1234   8 hours ago (1:17 PM)
doglove   4 hours ago (5:41 PM)
If you are her doctor
Halsey   09:22 PM on 9/05/2010
for me, "former" stage mgr. says enough. blah blah blah..lost my job...dish some dirt. GAGA has never appeared reed thin to me and hospitalizations are hard to keep secret. Me thinks bad blood and envy.
doglove   4 hours ago (5:42 PM)
F & F for that. I agree completely.
bluejoni2525   09:22 PM on 9/05/2010
Look no further than the merciless press who are so fast to jump on a star caught without makeup or one in a bathing suit with cellulite (which almost every woman has) !! Somewhere, somehow the "norm" for a star has become a 10 year old boy's body with large boobs and that's too sad !!
I hope if this is true her individual spirit will win out and she'll raise two middle fingers to the press !!!
doglove   4 hours ago (5:44 PM)
F & F thanks for some common sense
Michael Mouton   40 minutes ago (8:56 PM)
Not all women are that curvy think how it makes them feel when they are constantly compared to 10 year old boys.
Rassie   9 minutes ago (9:27 PM)
Well, at least they have each other to keep them company.
astraia   09:10 PM on 9/05/2010
i don't know how or when or why it started but it's time to stop this ideal of women being attractive only when they look like stick figures with big fake boobs and lips. and i'm not sure to whom that body type is appealing .. many of the males i know do not find that body type attractive and in fact they find it unattractive. why is an average sized women with real curves considered subpar on stage or on film or on videotape?
Jannella   23 hours ago (10:53 PM)
They are her boobs and her lips, her nose. She's thinner but not too thin. She has nice legs and rear. She's fine, not a stick yet.
astraia   22 hours ago (11:46 PM)
did you even read the article? do you think lady gaga's binge dieting is healthy?

as for stick figures with big fake boobs and lips, that comment was a generalization and there's no denying that that's the sad "ideal" about which i spoke.
babybecks   22 hours ago (12:02 AM)
I agree. Everyone is constantly hating on breast enhancements. I can pretty much guarantee that half of the women that have them, are not that obvious. But when they are, boy are they! Just live and let live
honda honey   15 hours ago (6:25 AM)
She's had obvious plastic surgery on her nose, lips and chin/jaw.
Mccall101   6 hours ago (3:53 PM)
I don't understand. Being ugly doesn't make someone beautiful.
doglove   4 hours ago (5:51 PM)
project much?
consequenceofsounds   08:21 PM on 9/05/2010
I am by no means a fan of hers, but I really hope she gets some help before it's too late. I read somewhere that she was frequently teased for her weight in high school, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she's still carrying those insecurities into adulthood and they're now (both literally and figuratively) eating her up. People don't realize how putting down someone's appearance on a constant basis eventually destroys their sense of self-worth and they end up never feeling adequate. So they will resort to dangerous methods like drugs and extreme dieting to try and feel good about themselves, not realizing that those are temporary solutions that lead to bigger problems.
Riss19   08:06 PM on 9/05/2010
wow big surprise..skinny ideal that women and men value in this country (only add big boobs and most men's magazine models are skinny too) and the way she does it, is not eat. Huh...surprising....wow...I am shocked.

When will the media and people understand that a slim but CURVY (not just boobs hips too) size is what's womanly. You go back to eating in moderation what you like, take away the gyms, and you would have more soft and curvy women (not plus sized or fat but real true curvy women) who are how they naturally are.
dudedudeduuude   13 hours ago (9:05 AM)
there is no "womanly" figure. I've date thin girls what you might call sticks who had a metabolism form hell, and could out eat me, and I weigh 190lbs. I've date curvy women who didn't seem to eat much at all. I do agree that anyone who can help it should not be overweight. Exercise and caring about yourself should come first. This curvy vs stick should stop, it's just stupid and women of all sizes should have a united front against the extremes, such as malnourishing oneself and the other extreme binge eating. We're all in this together and I'm sure that most rational individuals prefer healthy happy people rather than "she's a stick! she's a pig! he's a stick! he's a fatty!" attitudes that seem to prevail almost universally.
Vicki Lefelhocz   12 hours ago (9:30 AM)
I'm impressed with your comment!! The women you've been in a relationship with are lucky to be sure...more men should think like you do, and we'd have much less of an issue with women thinking they "have to" look a certain way. You're right: a healthy lifestyle is important. After that, allow your body type/shape be what it was meant to be. Great post!
MbBrightside   11 hours ago (10:29 AM)
I'm impressed too! It drives me crazy when people insinuate that skinny girls aren't "womanly."
Lucy56   7 hours ago (2:57 PM)
Good post. I am part of a trio of girlfriends who get together often for meals, workouts, movies, etc. One is very curvy and sexy. One is naturally thin and sexy. I'm smack in the middle. I love both of these women because each of them accepts her body as it is and enjoys it. The curvy one eats a second helping of pasta if she is still hungry. The thin one has small breasts and hips, but she is fine with that. The thin one does not say she wishes she were more curvy and the curvy one does not talk about wanting to be thinner. They are really very refreshing to share a meal with, actually, because we all understand that eating good food is a pleasure, not a sin.
doglove   1 hour ago (8:15 PM)
F & F

I was bone thin when I was young and hated it. No one would go up to a gal and say "your'e so fat", but they think nothing of doing if you are skinny.
Along came Twiggy and suddenly my world changed. It was okay to be thin, really thin, even desirable.
Since then styles have come and gone - weight up and down. I hope woman have smartened up. It is sad to see so many woman passing judgment here on Lady Gaga. I think her body is perfect and hope all of this is just malicious rumor.
CicadaBoom   8 hours ago (1:30 PM)
So, being curvy but not slim isn't womanly? And being slim but not curvy isn't womanly? I hope you realize that being slim isn't the default for all women, and neither is being curvy. Lots of women who eat in moderation and are moderately active (I'm not sure why you want to do away with gyms, so I'll just leave that alone) are naturally "plus-sized," and lots of women are naturally skinny, without curvy hips or breasts. Most women are probably somewhere in between. It's really not helpful to promote one specific body type as truly "womanly," especially when you're criticizing others for doing the same.