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  1. @eatdorset thank you.
  2. @Paulybrett shsss. That's just between consenting adults.
  3. I was merely setting it up with something to make myself feel better before the tsunami of abuse hits.
  4. the audience at the evnt will be invited to critique my performance in real time to the hash tag jayraynerispants.
  5. @R_McCormack only if you believe it deep in your heart.
  6. By way of explanation, the last tweet will feature as part of my event at Abergavenny this pm. Though of course it is true. Ithankyou.
  7. Jay Rayner is not merely witty and wise, but seriously hot too. I mean, I would. #jayraynerispants
  8. Off to Abergavenny and the sun is shining. Such bliss it is to be alive...
  9. @Sweet_asPie it's methods are mcs aPproved. We wouldn't have goen for a dodgy oen
  10. @JoBarnesSauce of course that was a round of applaiuse for the forces of law and order. And yesn news broke at lunchtime. Where you been?
  11. @JoBarnesSauce a round of applause?
  12. @HERMANOPRIMERO do you know, I believe I do. 8pm wednesdays.
  13. @Andrew_Howell please do.
  14. Lots of reasons to hate the pope. Tonight its the effing traffic.
  15. @cikkiuk no. I am clean.
  16. @mirshad I don't believe its sold out. YET. So yes...
  17. Preparing my performance for my Abergavenny slot entitled My Dining Hell, about reviews of bad restaurants. Anyone going?
  18. @sandieb321 well he's in demand, innit. Cos he's the last.
  19. @simiansuter absolutely agreed
  20. Tonight's One Show: the last sustainable eel catcher in England.