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  1. @morgainegaye @aforkful right, on my way out & will try to get some for experimentation.
  2. @aforkful nope! Actually, don't like using any type of flour as a thickener really.
  3. @morgainegaye @aforkful hmm, that would work *very* well with the sweet custards, esp the chocolate & seville orange, I'm thinking.
  4. @aforkful it probably would, but I really don't like using cornflour. Not quite sure why, bit of a prejudice.
  5. @aforkful ...for the pressure cooker. (custards work really well in it)
  6. @aforkful No! I should really do one with potato flour & one with regular plain, shouldn't I? Esp as am working on custard recipes...
  7. @aforkful ....as it wasn't accurate enough, & gradually stopped using the heat element as well eg. preferred flavour of trad made bechamel.
  8. @aforkful yes I would, as it's an excellent food processor - efficient, compact, robust. I just found I didn't use the weighing at all...
  9. @aforkful it's gone back! Just a couple of weeks ago.Tbh, I wasn't using it any differently from a regular food processor by the end.
  10. @aforkful I stuffed them & actually blogged it: http://bit.ly/hMJyiY
  11. Been using this type of jar for years & had no idea you were supposed to take the ring off: http://bit.ly/g6Lxp5 @marusula I feel stupid!
  12. @lukemackaycooks a splash of colour when you're otherwise monochrome never did anyone any harm.
  13. Would you leave your stock on the stove top all week? Michael Ruhlman does: http://bit.ly/fpfTiP #wom
  14. @aforkful I did lamb's hearts on Valentine's Day & can't say chicken gizzards sprung to mind when I tasted them. Just slightly offally.
  15. @timhayward @FoodUrchin I've got to the stage when even a mention of mayonnaise makes me feel sick. I need to get over this.
  16. @lukemackaycooks I noticed!
  17. @grub_street had a chinese boyfriend I used to eat with there years ago - there was two - a canteen style one & a posher one.
  18. @lukemackaycooks just as I said - broad beans, spinach and sweetcorn!
  19. @PatrickMcGuigan @lukemackaycooks I always froze peas, beans etc. from my garden & they were fine. Still think it depends on which veg
  20. @lukemackaycooks @PatrickMcGuigan true, but I've had commercially frozen root vegetables - still not nice.