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Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about registration
The things people ask us about most. All these issues are covered in the more general Help pages linked to below, but this is a good place to start if you're having problems, or if you have questions about guardian.co.uk handles registration and user data.

Help with registering

Why do I need to register?
You can access most of our services without having to register. Some services do require us to personalise the service in some way, so you do need to register for Talk, saved stories, competitions and email services.

Registering with guardian.co.uk
How registration works and the information we ask you to submit.
Validating your email address
Signing up for competitions: additional information
Signing up for Talk: additional information
Registration toolbar
Viewing and changing your registration details

Problems with your email subscription?
If you are having problems subscribing to or unsubscribing from one of our email services, the answer to your problem should be provided on this page.

Signing in and maintaining your information

Signing in to the site
Once you have registered for guardian.co.uk, you will need to sign in using the email address and password you gave us when you registered.
Signing in without an email address
What to do if you forget your password

Old accounts: updating your account
If you registered with guardian.co.uk before we changed our registration system on May 7 2003, you may not have given us the minimum amount of data we now need to register people.
Expiring accounts

About your data

How will my data be used?
Your registration data will be stored alongside information about the services you have requested. For example, the stories you have added to 'Saved stories', the messages you have posted on our Talk boards, and the email services you have signed up for.
How is my registration data stored?

Privacy policy and terms of service

Privacy policy
Our privacy policy explains why we collect data from our users, how we use it, and what your legal rights are.

Terms of service
Our terms of service is a legal document explaining the terms under which we provide guardian.co.uk to users, and what you can and can't do while using the site.

Getting help

Contacting user help
Our user help team is based in London, and is there to help you with any problems you might have using the registration system, or the site as a whole. We do ask you to contact us by email rather than phone. Our email address is registration@guardianunlimited.co.uk.

guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008