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Coordination Practice Network
Welcome to the CPN Workspace
Subscribe to the CPN

The UN Coordination Practice Network (CPN) allows UN system staff with an interest in UN coordination to share their good practices and experiences, launch new ideas, and increase their knowledge on how to implement the UN reform agenda. A key function of the network is to provide UN policy makers with practical experiences and ideas for improvement and to test and validate new UN reform policies.

The CPN Workspace provides the following services to CPN members:

Discussion Archives which include all CPN discussions with summaries and individual messages. Members can search past discussions using a list of standard keywords.

Good Practices & Lessons Learned which offer detailed descriptions of valuable experiences from member contributions.

Coordination Expert Roster is a list of people with experience in coordination. This is a tool for CPN members to seek one-on-one advice on specific issues. It also helps Resident Coordinators and UN agencies to recruit qualified coordination staff.

Coordination Connection is the CPN email newsletter and the place for news, updates, tips, and jobs in UN system coordination and related fields. Issues are archived online here.

Subscribe to the CPN

To become a CPN member, please fill out the subscription form below. The network's primary target groups are UN system staff interested in the whole spectrum of UN coordination such as Resident Coordinators, UN Agency Heads, Coordination Officers, and UN Development Operations Coordination Office staff. However, the CPN is also open to UN system staffs who are interested in learning more about UN reform implementation and contributing from their agencies’ perspectives and experiences.

Members who wish to contribute a message to the CPN may do so by sending it to: cpn@groups.undp.org. Please note that network members at the senior management level will not receive technical queries and contributions dealing with day-to-day administrative issues. For any additional questions you might have, please contact the network facilitator at cpn@groups.undp.org.

Email address (required) :
Your name
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Job Title
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(required) :
We encourage you to share your UN coordination expertise. Please indicate only fields where you have more than 2 years experience, e.g. UNDAF, Joint Programmes, Aid Effectiveness.