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Last 24 hours

  1. 1. The real scandal of Michelle Obama's Spanish vacation | Dan Kennedy

    Michelle Obama in Marbella, Spain Dan Kennedy: It's depressing to watch the so-called liberal media take the bait of rightwing hysteria about the first lady's holiday
  2. 2. As Cameron gets radical, the left dozes on planet 1945 | Simon Jenkins

    Simon Jenkins: The coalition is seeking to redefine the individual's relationship with the state. From Labour we get not a peep

  3. 3. Fashion and blood diamonds: a tale of two tyrannies | Tanya Gold

    Tanya Gold: It is entirely apt that Naomi Campbell and co are at The Hague. Fashion should be put in the dock

  4. 4. Orthodox attitudes to gay people shift | Mordechai Beck

    Mordechai Beck: A statement on homosexuality that has garnered more than 100 rabbinic signatures is a watershed for Orthodox Judaism

  5. 5. Stop this slut-shaming | Laurie Penny

    Laurie Penny: The word sexualisation is a troubling cultural shorthand – it sends girls an unhelpful message
  6. 6. Robots don't feel. Why pretend they do? Andrew Brown

    Andrew Brown: Robots might some day have feelings. But we know today's do not. So why should anyone talk as if they do?

  7. 7. Credit agencies are no way to catch benefit cheats | Tony Levene

    POLITICS Mandelson 2 Tony Levene: Using credit agencies on a 'bounty basis' offers an incentive to trap claimants using potentially inaccurate or incomplete data
  8. 8. To Viktor go the spoils: how Hungary blazes a trail in Europe | Mark Weisbrot

    Viktor Orban

    Mark Weisbrot: Orban's centre-right party is pioneering an alternative to austerity

  9. 9. Bluelou on Northern Irish politics

    10.08.10: Bluelou on Sinn Féin's bid to hold talks with dissident republicans

    In another instalment of the Guardian's showcase of new cartoonists, Bluelou reimagines Jack Vettriano's 'The Singing Butler'

  10. 10. If words fall into disrepair, what will substitute? They are all we have | Tony Judt

    Tony Judt: As a tribute to the remarkable historian Tony Judt, who died last week, we publish one of his final essays

Last 7 days

  1. 1. The time to organise resistance is now | Tony Benn and 73 others

    Tony Benn and 73 others: We reject the cuts as simply malicious ideological vandalism, hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. Join us in the fight
  2. 2. Why the north-south divide will soon become a chasm | John Harris

    John Harris: We are not all in this together, whatever the metropolitan elite may say. The cuts will be felt most far beyond the M25
  3. 3. Frank Chickens: Edinburgh gods | Stewart Lee

    Stewart Lee: In its idiotic, meaningless search for a 'Comedy God' at the Fringe, Foster's is finding the joke's on them
  4. 4. This isn't the America I love | Mehdi Hasan

    Mehdi Hasan: As a Muslim and friend of the nation, I pray decency triumphs in the row over the Ground Zero mosque

  5. 5. Truthfulness in advertising? Who knows – it could just catch on | David Mitchell

    David Mitchell: Imagine a world in which marketing companies were honest about the products they were trying to sell
  6. 6. Degraded with a kiss | Jan Morris

    CFDA Fashion Awards Sponsored by Swarovski, New York Public Library, New York, America - 02 Jun 2008

    Jan Morris: Profligate mwahs! have spread even among the British. What happened to the magic of sensuality?

  7. 7. The 'big society' is a big fat lie – just follow the money | Polly Toynbee

    Polly Toynbee: For all David Cameron's rosy rhetoric on nurturing a nation of volunteers, his government is slashing charities first and hardest

  8. 8. Stop this slut-shaming | Laurie Penny

    Laurie Penny: The word sexualisation is a troubling cultural shorthand – it sends girls an unhelpful message
  9. 9. Burqas and bikinis | Priyamvada Gopal

    Priyamvada Gopal: Time magazine's cover is the latest cynical attempt to oversimplify the reality of Afghan lives

  10. 10. Japan can't stay postwar forever | Ian Buruma

    Ian Buruma: It became rich as America's compliant vassal state. Now Japan's efforts to move on are being thwarted by the US