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Pass notes No 2,826: Julia Roberts

The movie star has become a Hindu

Eat, Pray, Love - 2010
Julia Roberts in her new film Eat Pray Love Photograph: c.Col Pics/Everett / Rex Features

Age: 42.

  1. Eat Pray Love
  2. Production year: 2010
  3. Country: USA
  4. Directors: Ryan Murphy
  5. Cast: Billy Crudup, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Julia Roberts, Richard Jenkins
  6. More on this film

Appearance: She's one of the world's most photographed women! She's got an Oscar! Stick on a DVD if you really don't know.

We could be talking about some other Julia Roberts. We're not. You know, she's tall, gorgeous. She's got brown eyes and a mouth that could take a whole pizza. Now, for Christ's sake ask me why she's in the news.

OK: why's she blah bah blah? She's become a Hindu!

That can't be right. She's famous, so if she's converted to anything it must be Buddhism. Or possibly Scientology. Is she particularly quirky? She describes herself as "smart", and who'd know better?

So it's Buddhism. I can just see those chats with Richard Gere. "Do you remember those idiotic films we made in the 90s? . . . Do you think art is more important than money? . . . Shall we all have tea with the Dalai Lama?" It's sodding Hinduism! Roberts grew up a Christian, but jumped ship while filming Eat Pray Love.

A docudrama about the Last Supper? The story of a spiritual quest. Roberts read the book and declared: "It's what I'm giving all my girlfriends." She now goes to temple with her husband and three kids. "I'm definitely a practising Hindu," she told Elle.

OK, NOT a Buddhist. Hinduism's the one where everyone gets another go at life, isn't it? Perhaps as a furry animal? Reincarnation is part of the deal. Robert says she's been "so spoiled" in her present existence. "Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting."

Like a tentpole? Has she dropped any other bombshells, the way actors occasionally do when they have films coming out? She doesn't like Botox. "I want my kids to know when I'm pissed, when I'm happy and when I'm confounded."

How refreshing to find a movie star who thinks there's more to life than looks. It must be. You do know she's the new face of Lancôme?

Do say: "I loved you in Pretty Woman."

Don't say: "You made prostitution seem such fun."

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  • Separation Separation

    8 Aug 2010, 9:07PM

    I'd like to "report abuse" in the article itself. So the Guardian considers "sodding Hinduism" to be the acme of wit? I shall now flee back to the New York Times.

  • ljepo ljepo

    8 Aug 2010, 11:19PM

    From Notting Hill:

    ANNA (Julia)
    "Well, I've been on a diet since I was nineteen, which means basically I've been hungry for a decade. I've had a sequence of not nice boyfriends -- one of whom hit me: and every time my heart gets broken it gets splashed across the newspapers as entertainment. Meantime, it cost millions to get me looking like this...

    Really -- and one day, not long from now my looks will go, they'll find out I can't act and I'll become a sad middle-aged woman who looks a bit like someone who was famous for a while... and I'll convert to Hinduism to get some attention."

    It's amazing Richard Curtis's script was SO spot on.

  • istultus istultus

    8 Aug 2010, 11:36PM

    Pass notes are usually quite witty, but I guess with a subject so awful, what can one do?

    Putting aside the amazing enigma at the very core of the issue (namely, why has she ever been considered beautiful? Especially in comparison with her Hollywood colleagues known in this newspaper as actors. Is it a collective brainwashing? She's no Darryl Hannah, but it still is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe).

    Glossing over that bit, a rich celeb decides the religion for her is the one with a strict caste system. Who would have figured?

  • sloan sloan

    9 Aug 2010, 5:04AM

    Wow, her camp are really piling on the news items alongside her movie opening - new endorsement deal, new religion, anti-Botox. I wonder if Lancôme and Buddhism share a publicist.

  • amra amra

    9 Aug 2010, 5:36AM

    tractorPunk : Yeah you're right - you can't convert to Hindusim because you're born into a certain caste (there is no entry level caste)
    But you can got to temples, become vegetarian etc

  • Avenger58 Avenger58

    9 Aug 2010, 7:09AM

    someone please tell her that Hindu is the only religion you cannot convert into. You are either born a Hindu or you are not. Has she forgotten the Caste system, an intrinsic component of the faith? Also, she should be aware of the thousands of Indians converting OUT of the Hindu faith, (which is entirely possible) to Christianity to escape the lifelong trap of poverty of being born into the wrong end of the Caste. Then again, she probably "converted" in the Jains!

  • Plataea Plataea

    9 Aug 2010, 7:49AM

    Ah yes Hinduism, that's the one where the higher castes tend to have lighter skins than the lower castes? something to do with the Ayrans that took over from the Dravidians in India needing something to keep the indigenies in their place? what better than religion - toe the line and you get re-birthed in a ... higher caste. It would have been interersting (although not pleasant) to see if Nazism developed along similar lines - given that it was race driven - probably.

  • goldnmiddle goldnmiddle

    9 Aug 2010, 7:50AM

    @ istultus
    8 Aug 2010, 11:36PM
    Putting aside the amazing enigma at the very core of the issue (namely, why has she ever been considered beautiful?
    Since you have very stringent beauty standards may I suggest Aishwariya Rai Bachhan. She is considered by some folks to be quite beautiful and a talented actress but you may find this enigmatic too.

    9 Aug 2010, 7:09AM
    someone please tell her that Hindu is the only religion you cannot convert into.
    Completely wrong. Hindu religion does not have a universally agreed upon pope and holy book. Indeed you can be a hindu and have scriptural support for being an atheist but that is another story.

    The key is as with Judaism and I suspect other faiths:

    The procedure for conversion depends on the sponsoring denomination, and depends on meeting the ritual and other requirements for a conversion of that denomination. A conversion in accordance with the process of a denomination is not a guarantee of recognition by another denomination
    9 Aug 2010, 7:09AM
    Also, she should be aware of the thousands of Indians converting OUT of the Hindu faith, (which is entirely possible) to Christianity to escape the lifelong trap of poverty of being born into the wrong end of the Caste.
    It is not my place to defend the evil caste system but your statement is laughable. In India regardless of religious faith you are defined by your caste. There are low-caste Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs all religions which explicitly prohibit such a practise.

    The discrimination of low caste Christians by upper caste Christians is exactly the same as in Hinduism. They are not allowed to even have burial in the same grounds.

    Thanks for illustrating your deep knowledge about Indian way of life.


    PS no thanks

  • goldnmiddle goldnmiddle

    9 Aug 2010, 7:54AM

    9 Aug 2010, 7:49AM

    Ah yes Hinduism, that's the one where the higher castes tend to have lighter skins than the lower castes? something to do with the Ayrans that took over from the Dravidians in India needing something to keep the indigenies in their place?

    Respectable genetic studies by Western scientists have established that there has been a complete mixing of populations in India starting from 10000 years ago. You need to update your theories of Aryan/Dravidians.

    BTW Nazis take all the blame, India did experience rule by a fairly light skinned tribe for about 200 years. You need to look at how that worked out.


  • stillwater stillwater

    9 Aug 2010, 9:28AM

    I really don't understand why people are so gung-ho about the caste system in Hinduism. As if Shia, Sunni, Ahmadi, Deobandi aren't castes in Islam?
    Hinduism is an ultra-tolerant religion, except those few idiots such as RSS or ABVP whose pseudo-hinduism is tarnishing the image of the religion. Trust me, not many subscribe to their policies especially after the Godhra and Babri masjid massacre, many Hindus have got a change of heart. Really that smudge of Godhra always haunts us.. my head will always hang in shame for those 2 despicable incidents..
    Allasboy's comments shows the total lack of respect and knowledge of Hinduism.. yes, Hindus do worship Ganesha (the dude with the Elephant head) and 6-armed sista (probably Kali) and I admit that Hinduism has thousands of gods to worship to.. but this only shows the enormity and tolerance of the religion in which anybody can follow the god of his own choice.. its unfortunate that many Hindus have linked their superstitions to the religious affairs but which religion doesn't have superstitions? What about 'kill-yourself-and-get-martyrdom' and 'kill-all-non-believers' or the concept of "kafirs'? Aren't these baseless things touching the precinct of superstition? But really.. I am not blaming the whole Islamdom for these select few vicious suicide-seeking idiots.. because I firmly believe there is an intelligent, peace loving and respectful muslim out there who really cares about his and other religion..
    Someone rightly said that Hinduism is a big open-sourced code in which anyone can include or delete his or her beliefs. It has nothing to do with turning vegetarian either. You will find lot many Hindus savoring non-veg dishes here in India.

    Please read more about Hinduism in this article -


  • ChiangMaiCharlie ChiangMaiCharlie

    9 Aug 2010, 1:11PM

    Surprise surprise a few dozen rage filled invectives following the article that people have chosen to read. Haven't you people heard of YouTube?

    As I understand it one does not need to 'convert' to Hinduism any more than one would have to convert to existentialism, as it is more like a philosophy than it is like Theistic, Abrahamic religions. A person who identifies themselves as a Hindu is free to practise other faiths with no penalty and whilst many Hindus believe the fantastical stories of blue-skinned/elephant-headed Gods etc others, including Gandhi, see the tales as allegorical fables on the meaning of life and correct behaviour.

    Whilst the caste system itself is a deeply troubling concept for us non-racists (as it was also for 'spin off' faiths of Sikhs and Buddhism who did not take the concept when they cherry-picked what they wanted from Hinduism) many of the concepts and fundamental beliefs of Hinduism are perfectly beautiful and far preferable in my view than the right and wrong, black and white, good and evil thinking of the Abrahamic faiths.

  • HelenfromCT HelenfromCT

    9 Aug 2010, 1:22PM

    Gosh, this is very contemptuous of Hinduism isn't it? Presumably a nod to the Smart New Atheism that English and American people seem to like so much. Badly done Guardian, badly done.

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