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Robert Gibbs Clarifies "Professional Left" Criticism, Calls Initial Comments Inartful

First Posted: 08-10-10 11:41 AM   |   Updated: 08-10-10 12:31 PM

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In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the "professional left" was inartful, and called for renewed unity among the Democratic community.

Referring to statements he made in an interview with The Hill published Tuesday, Gibbs reiterated his belief (which served as the basis of his initial remarks) that the president had achieved a host of legislative accomplishments for which he was not getting proper credit. But he said that Democrats, "me included," need to "stop fighting each other and arguing about our differences on certain policies, and instead work together to make sure everyone knows what is at stake because we've come too far to turn back now."

"I watch too much cable, I admit," Gibbs told the Huffington Post. "Day after day it gets frustrating. Yesterday I watched as someone called legislation to prevent teacher layoffs a bailout - but I know that's not a view held by many, nor were the views I was frustrated about."

He continued:

So what I may have said inartfully, let me say this way -- since coming to office in January 2009, this White House and Congress have worked tirelessly to put our country back on the right path. Most importantly, to dig our way out of a huge recession and build an economy that makes America more competitive and our middle class more secure. Some are frustrated that the change we want hasn't come fast enough for many Americans. That we all understand.

But in 17 months, we have seen Wall Street reform, historic health care reform, fair pay for women, a recovery act that pulled us back from a depression and got our economy moving again, record investments in clean energy that are creating jobs, student loan reforms so families can afford college, a weapons system canceled that the Pentagon didn't want, reset our relationship with the world and negotiated a nuclear weapons treaty that gets us closer to a world without fear of these weapons, just to name a few. And at the end of this month, 90,000 troops will have left Iraq and our combat mission will come to an end.

Even so, we will continue to work each day on the promises and commitments that the President made traveling all over this country for two years and produce the change we know is possible.

In November, America will get to choose between going back to the failed policies that got us into this mess, or moving forward with the policies that are leading us out.

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So we should all, me included, stop fighting each other and arguing about our differences on certain policies, and instead work together to make sure everyone knows what is at stake because we've come too far to turn back now.

The lengthy statement comes hours after Gibbs' interview with The Hill, in which he mocked liberal affection for Canada's healthcare system and suggested that progressives wanted to eliminate the Pentagon.

There were various theories about why Gibbs initially ridiculed the president's progressive detractors. One Republican strategist suggested that the White House, in an effort to diffuse the notion that it is chock-full of socialist schemers, was eager to project distance between itself and its base. A Democratic strategist aligned with the administration echoed Gibbs' remarks, arguing, "A vocal part of our base doesn't understand the legislative process and thinks we should govern by dictate. That's not how even a reformed version of Washington works. We have passed the most progressive legislation in a generation, a large portion of what we campaigned on, and the fact that that is not enough to motivate them or change their tune is a real drain on our party and a threat to our electoral prospects."

The vast majority of the reaction, however, was sharply negative.

"Spiro Agnew -- sorry, Robert Gibbs -- says "the professional left is not representative of the progressives who organized, campaigned, raised money and ultimately voted for Obama" emailed Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake.com. " Well, the Obama in the White House is not the Obama who organized, campaigned, raised money and ran for office, so I guess its' a wash."

"There are two big problems with Gibbs outburst - policy and politics," added Robert Borosage, head of Campaign for America's Future. "In policy, the left got it right. The president is hurting because his reforms were not bold enough... On politics, the enthusiasm gap comes less from forced compromises than from political malpractice. The destructive health care waltz with Baucus and the supposed moderate Republicans... the White House's infatuation with taxing union health care benefits; the White House's unwillingness from day one to pound on the failed conservative policies that drove us off the cliff... Part of that malpractice, arguably, was on the left as well - as significant energy was devoted to the sausage making of the Congress, and too little resources and energy went towards independent mobilization. There was and is no reason for the ersatz Tea Party right to capture the populist voice."

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In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the "professional left" was inartful, and called for renewed unity among ...
In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the "professional left" was inartful, and called for renewed unity among ...
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charon   19 hours ago (11:11 PM)
Memo to Gibbs: Get out!

Memo to Obama: If Gibbs doesn't get out, kick him out!
bigkay   21 hours ago (9:06 PM)
What is "the professional left"? The voters that sought "change we could believe in",not Bush lite: Obama said he would close Gitmo, withdraw from Iraq, he didn't say he would leave 50,000 soldiers & thousands of private contractors, read mercenaries to keep order.
The escalation in Afghanistan is from Bush's favorite general, Wall Street bailouts, & the advisors that caused the subprime disaster dictating policy. Millions unemployed and OBAMA goes on vacation! THIRD PARTY PLEASE
Longbaugh   23 hours ago (6:51 PM)
What did Gibbs say that was SO bad???

The liberal base has a chronic problem of letting its opponents dictate the rules. Gibbs is right to call out all of those on the left who whitewash Obama's accomplishments. Right now, there are millions of Americans who either think Obama is a bad President or an ineffective one because his accomplishments are certainly completely ignored by the right and belittled by the left.

No one ever stops to think about WHY the GOP is building this kind of momentum just two years after being unanimously considered a complete disaster of a party. Would Democrats make this kind of PR turnaround just two years after screwing up the country in a record way? No. Why? Because Democrats are too busy infighting.

I agree with Grayson on just about everything else, but not this.
softvoice   02:34 PM on 8/11/2010
If Gibbs stays in his position and I'm not sure he should but if he does, he needs to do the President and the country a favor and that is to take his job much more seriously. I have watched his press conferences and sometimes I just don't get where he is coming from. He does not take the media seriously and that causes them not to take him seriously and that ultimately hurts the White House because the press corp ends up not taking the President seriously because of Gibbs' attitude. Grow up Mr. Gibbs or go home.
legalgirl   12:10 PM on 8/11/2010
This is why President Obama should fire Gibbs (and Axelrod and Emmanuel) and hire Gov. Howard Dean, who DID know how to energize and unite the base. President Obama's handlers not only operate as if progressives are the enemy (because we want his campaign promises fulfilled?), but also as if their personal politics lean toward a need to align with the military/media/corporate political complex, which leans right. It seems obvious to me that they do, and as discussed in the blog above, it is an apparent procliviity of President Obama's, which is not how he portrayed himself in his campaign.
cminca   12:00 PM on 8/11/2010
Let's make one thing clear--

Gibbs did not apologize. He did not retract the remark.

He stated it was "inartful" and he justified his saying it (by claiming he was frustrated), but he neither apologized nor retract the remark.

Rahm did not apologize to progressives for the FR remark. He apologized to the special olympics, but he did not apologize to progressives.

Therefore--we can assume that the administrations contempt of the left--liberals, progressives, whatever you want to call them--is intact.
imb4me   12:57 PM on 8/11/2010
Let's make one thing clear---Gibbs shouldn't retract his remark in any way shape or form. The truth is the truth. Some people just don't like the truth and are unable to handle it when they hear it!!
cminca   01:26 PM on 8/11/2010
He said that the "professional left" wanted to get rid of the pentagon.

Please cite the progressive that stated that.

Please cite the member of the "professional left" who has called for a primary challenge to the president.

Some people--including Mr. Gibbs--aren't speaking the truth.
Joe Smoe   11:36 AM on 8/11/2010
Just as I said yesterday. The extreme left loony fringe doesn't believe they have to base any statements they make or policy changes they demand in reality. For instance someone saying "we should abolish the DoD" simply shows a very shallow thought process not based in reality. The whole thing wreaks of Obama and the left establishment attempting to separate themselves from the hard core "no brains necessary" fringe left in time for the mid-term elections. Gibbs is just being the fall guy. It's a good move on the part of Obama's team. Cut the ties with the loons so they have a better chance with the more normal middle.
cminca   11:55 AM on 8/11/2010
Who said "we should abolish the DoD"? Which progressive?

GIBBS is the only one who said that.

And since progressives donate the most to the DNC, DCCC, DSCC (yet the blue dogs take the most money out) how do you think the administration is planning on financing all the wins of the blue dogs they will need to pass any legislation?

The "loony fringe" knocks on doors, raises money, and votes. Try getting Obama elected with just the middle. It won't happen.
Joe Smoe   12:49 PM on 8/11/2010
You've NEVER seen "progressives" call for the abolition of the DoD?? Come on... they do it here on this board every day. Mind you, it's not the smart commenters that call for that, just the fringe whack jobs. The only way Obama and company are going to win this election, the next or the election after that is to tone down the extremism and move toward the center. Right now the Democrats are seen to be in the deep pockets of the unions. That's a bad thing. There is no difference between the unions and the whacky extremist churches spreading their lore. The new Democrats are way out there. The typical American doesn't even come close to being quite so whacky. Thank goodness.
PuffDragon   11:17 AM on 8/11/2010
Gibbs, Rahm and the Obama White House have totally sold-out the American Dream for the Corporate Wet Dream.
tbone99   10:25 AM on 8/11/2010
Gibbs is a effi nret ard , just like Rahm .

Where's the bashing of the right ?. Strangely absent
Dustee   10:37 AM on 8/11/2010
I think the Dems are doing their jobs for them.
imb4me   10:24 AM on 8/11/2010
I don't think he should have apoligized for the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!! The truth is the truth regardless if you like it or not.
cminca   11:57 AM on 8/11/2010
He didn't apologize. He called his remark "inartful" but he didn't retract it.

He justified it by saying he was frustrated, but he didn't retract it.
imb4me   12:55 PM on 8/11/2010
And shouldn't retract it!!! in any way shape or form. the truth is the truth. some people just don't like the truth and are unable to handle it when they hear it!!
Chucky Sly   09:50 AM on 8/11/2010
Wow, the GOP couldn't have asked for more. They are giggling like schoolgirls watching the left eat their own they way they've been eating their own since Obama got elected.
Dustee   10:41 AM on 8/11/2010
I don't think that Dems walk lock-step into anything like Repubs do.
Chucky Sly   01:41 PM on 8/11/2010
Their best quality is their worst enemy.
Fanning you.
HowietheScreamer   01:40 PM on 8/11/2010
The Repubes have their own problems with the Teabaggers ripping them a new one. They maybe laughing, but schadenfreude isn't constructive, nor will it help them.
Chucky Sly   02:31 PM on 8/11/2010
Fanned for the astute point...but mostly for "schadenfreude". lol
PeteBogs   09:41 AM on 8/11/2010
Gibbs cites health care and Wall Street reform as victories, not grasping that many libs are upset with just how watered-down those bills are. Too much influence from corporations, special interests, lobbyists and Republicants have made the legislation WEAK. You promised lemonade, but gave us water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. Is it any wonder we are "ungrateful?"
softvoice   02:45 PM on 8/11/2010
Yes the bills were watered down but Progressives have been too stubborn to acknowledge that there have been some real accomplishments and some real progression since President Obama took office. I guess what it really boils down to is Progressives taking the country down because they did not get just what they wanted when they wanted it. If they think the country will survive a Republican/TeaParty resurgence, then go for it. There will be a lot of crying in the old beer and sad realization that Democrats were in the end, responsible for their own defeat and good luck Progressives in getting your voices heard, if that happens.
ewilder   09:29 AM on 8/11/2010
The quote from Borsage is at the end of the article is probably the best summation of the problem. But the furor Gibbs caused, including the outrage expressed by myself and others on this thread, reminds us that in America politics is taken very personally; and the Obama team has really missed the boat on that. Clinton was a moderate Reagonomicist who nonetheless knew how to make important moves that kept the faith with progressive sympathizers - for instance his decontruction of welfare into workfare left enough supports, esp., e.g., for single parents, that no one felt left out to dry.
But while Obama still can speak in progressive language, he's surrounded himself with a team of conservative hitmen out to strip reform movements of any real progressive usefulness, then sends out people like Rahm and Gibbs to ridicule the very progressive language he himself is speaking. He doesn't get that he is identified with his administration - failing to recognize this has been the most annoying aspect of his 'leadership style' - his detachment from his own administration coupled with the administration's unwillingness to compromise wth progressives, leaves progressives feeling shut out and betrayed, with no one to complain to but the public and each other.
Instead of family disagreements under a Big Tent, the Obama team's relationship with progressives is resolving into an 'us vs. them' feud.
Setting my outrage aside, I have to remark how very sad this is for all of us.
Leigh49   09:27 AM on 8/11/2010
When Dems bicker, the Neo Cons win.
fictioneer   09:04 AM on 8/11/2010
Those views that supposedly set him off were right wing views, meanwhile.

I am not buying this apology or explanation. This is the second or third time Gibbs' comments have been a problem in less than three months, too.

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