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The Guardian: Main section

Wednesday 11 August 2010

    Editorials & reply p27

  • Farc's 'Marxist rebels' are just drug dealers

    Letters: The UN listed the Farc as among the world's most persistent violators of child soldiers, and the overwhelming majority of Colombians view them simply as terrorists
  • A penalty, not a perk

    Letters: Had I not been serving overseas we wouldn't have dreamed of sending our three children to boarding school
  • Backward steps for the 'big society'

    Letters: The prime minister's many statements on the issue could be considered either worryingly uneducated about the nature of civil society, or recklessly ideological
  • Hiroshima, Israel and nuclear tests

    Letters: Despite the fact that Israel has undoubtedly received considerable atomic assistance from the US, there are no published details of Israel actually testing a nuclear device
  • In search of eccuracy

    Letters: My granddaughters are bilingual in Pom and Kiwi
  • Vince Cable's power and principles

    Letters: Though I hate much of what the coalition is doing I shall continue to support the Lib Dems. The more the party retains electoral support, the more it can stand up to the Tories
  • Defending jobs and services must be our current priority

    Response: The fight against a world dominated by work cannot begin during an economic crisis, says Candy Udwin

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