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All about Been there
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Have you been somewhere that you are dying to tell us about?

A great bar, hidden taverna, lovely view or fantastic place to stay - share it with us. This site is a guide to the world written by you

How to send a tip

The first thing to do if you are a new user is to register.
It can be a bit of a pain - but once you're logged in it should be a breeze.

Next - click on Send a tip

Your tips can be as long or short as you like, but please do tell us:

- the name of the place

- what it is and and why you like it

- as much location detail as possible (website, phone no, address)

- and give it one or more tags - this will be the way to find it on the site - eg accommodation, budget, family (separate each different tag with commas)

What are tags?

Tags will help other users find your tips and know what they are about. So the more accurate these are, the better. Here are some examples of our favourite tags:
accommodation, family, budget, park, shopping, views, free, museum, bar, eating, etc, etc.

You can use as many as you like but always separate them with commas. Do not use the place name in here. That will appear automatically.

I want to write tips on a new place

Click on Create a new place if you would like to add tips or write an introduction to a new place. If you want to write a few hundred words to tell us about the place you can - but if you only want to write a tip or two, just give us the briefest of sentences and we'll do the rest. For a new place your tips will take a little longer to appear on the site.

I have some photos for your galleries

We'd also love to feature your photos in our places galleries. Please email any photos to us at been.there.photos@guardian.co.uk

Find out more on how to send a photo here

Do I have to register?

You will need to be registered to post tips. If you have already registered - for the Talk section, email services or any other part of Guardian Unlimited - you can use your normal login.

Will my tip be edited?

Tips may be edited for length, style and content.

Can I update someone's tip?

Yes, our update option below each tip is a way of keeping tips accurate and up to date. Updates should be factual changes rather than opinions. If you agree or disagree with a tip, you can always register your opinion with the agree/disagree button. All updates will be reviewed by us first, so your contribution won’t appear on the site straight away. More about updates.

What's the best way to find what I want on the site?

To find tips on a specific place, for example, Paris, type Paris into the seachbox. At the top of the search results page you should get a link that says "Your search matched the following places: Paris". Clicking on this link will take you to a page with all Paris tips.

If one of these links doesn't appear, it means that it hasn't been created as a place on the site yet, in which case you can post a suggestion for us to consider it.

If you are searching for tips about a specific thing in Paris, look on the right hand side of the main Paris page. You will see a list of tags, such as accommodation, eating, drinking etc. Click on any tags that interest you and you will go through to a results page with all tips related to that particular tag. For example, if you click on the "budget" tag you will go through to a page with all budget tips for Paris.

How can I update my profile page?

Updating your profile page with some text about yourself and a photo is a great way to share more of yourself with other Been there users, and it's really easy to do.

First, you need to sign in to Been there (if you haven't already registered with Guardian Unlimited, click here).

Next, click on ‘My profile’ underneath your sign-in name and you’ll see a space that you can edit on the right hand side of the screen. You can submit up to 100 words of text under the ‘About me’ heading .This is your chance to tell Been there users more about yourself; where you’re tipping from, where you’re travelling to, where you’ve been etc. Personal websites and RSS feeds can also be added to profiles.

To upload pictures, click on 'Browse' and select an image from your desktop. Pictures will be cropped automatically to 100x100 pixels.

Click on 'Submit' to send your profile to the site. Profiles and photos will be approved before being published, but this should take no longer than 24 hours

I have other questions...

Please send any feedback to us at been.there@guardian.co.uk.