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New feature: personal avatars for all users

As you may have noticed, we've recently made it possible for all contributors and users of guardian.co.uk to upload a picture to use as a profile avatar. This isn't a particularly big piece of functionality, but it's an important one, for a few reasons.

1. We think it's useful for people to be able to represent themselves visually as well as verbally online, and that doing so helps to reveal a bit more of the people behind the words, which in turn encourages community members to treat each other with respect and humanity.

2. We give all our staff and above-the-line contributors a profile (byline) photo and we know that people increasingly folllow other users of the site, to see what they have to say on the issues of the day. With that in mind, we wanted our community members to have the same kind of recognition and visibility.

3. It also adds a visual element to the many conversations which take place on this site every day: no more little anonymous grey stick figures!

Showing your avatar alongside your words in a conversation isn't something which is specific to this site - in fact, if you're a Twitter or Facebook user, or regularly visit other blogs or message boards, you'll probably be used to seeing people's chosen avatars on display whenever they pipe up.

The majority of our contributors and authors have now uploaded pictures to use as avatars, and we hope you'll do the same in the coming days and weeks. For the moment (and while we get a sense of the ways people might use this functionality) all avatar images will be checked by the moderation team before appearing on the site, so there might be a short delay before your picture shows up.

You'll notice that our contributors are (mostly) using headshots or other pictures of themselves in their avatars. Of course, we'd love it if the majority of users did likewise - we want to see your faces! - but don't expect everyone to follow suit. Even so, I'd definitely encourage you to choose an image which will represent you well in our community: if not your grinning mugshot, then something which reveals something else about your background, passions or perspectives.

We've prepared answers to some of the questions we think people will be asking about this functionality, all of which can be read on our extensive community FAQs. But here are a few to start off with:

How do I upload an avatar picture?

Click on your username in any conversation you've participated in, or on the "your profile" link at the top of every page on the Guardian site. On the left hand side of the page, underneath your name, there should be a square avatar picture (it may be the default grey one) followed by a link which says "Edit my profile". When you click on this link, you'll be able to select from a range of colourful avatar designs, or upload your own: just follow the instructions on the page. Don't forget to save your profile afterwards.

What are the technical specifications of the avatar file?

When you upload your image, it's automatically transformed to the different sizes which are used on the website. The main size used is 60x60 pixels square. With this in mind, we suggest that you that you use a JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG image less than 700k or 500x500 pixels in size. Smaller/larger dimensions are OK, but they may not look very good on the site when they've been cropped and shrunk to the appropriate size. That means that if you upload an image that's smaller than 60x60 pixels, it will probably look weird.

What kind of image should I use for an avatar?

We're hoping that avatars will reflect the real people who make up the community of users on guardian.co.uk, so using a picture of yourself is an obvious start. Some people may choose an image which represents but doesn't directly depict them (e.g. a cropped picture of their eyes), or which says something about their background, perspective, values or interests (for example, a particular colour or symbol like a leaf, flag or a team crest).

We ask users to be respectful of copyright when selecting an image to use as an avatar (most images on the web are subject to copyright restrictions), and to ensure they have permission to use the image they choose - for both those reasons, it's much better/easier to use one of your own images, where possible. We won't accept any images which depict children or appear to be imitating another individual, or which otherwise fall foul of our existing community standards governing taste and decency, violence or illegal acts, and incitement or intent to cause offence.

Can I use an animated gif?

No. They're too distracting on the page.

How do I complain about someone else's avatar?

If you see an avatar which you think infringes copyright or is otherwise unsuitable, but which may have slipped through, you can alert the moderation team by clicking the "report abuse" link on each user's profile (which you can get to by clicking on their username link). Just tell us what you think the problem is (the more specific the better) and we'll take a look.

Why are they so big?

The design of the avatars and comment layout is always being reviewed, but for launch, we wanted to make user avatars the same size as the author profile pic at the top of an article page - 60x60 pixels. In addition, we've been slightly constrained by the system we've used to implement this change, and the alternative was having avatar images so small you couldn't tell what was on them. We decided slightly bigger was slightly better, overall.

I look forward to seeing all the different images you choose as avatars, and seeing our community more visually represented throughout the site.

Go on, give us a smile.

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Comments in chronological order (Total 116 comments)

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  • Staff


    8 October 2009 11:25AM

    Hi imogen - when you click on your username, and then on "edit your profile", and scroll down the page, you should see a mosaic of little colourful default avatars (like the one you have now).

    Just above that, there should be a box labelled "Upload a new image" with a "browse" button next to it.

    If that isn't there, can you let me know by commenting again?

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 11:52AM

    Hmm, interesting.

    OK, you might need to flush out your browser cache: It could be that your browser is remembering an earlier version of that page, which didn't have the upload feature on it.

    You need to go to your browser's toolbar, and select either tools or options (depending on which browser you're using) and find the "clear cache" or "empty history" option. Then reload the page.

    In the meantime, I'll also get the tech team to look into it....

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 11:53AM

    mike65ie, imogenblack - we've checked that the new functionality has rolled out to all the servers. Actually from your most recent comments I can see that you can now see the button. The explanation from the tecchies is that it's likely to be that your browser is caching the old version of the page. Glad it's working now!

  • mc98

    8 October 2009 12:22PM

    If changing the picture would it be possible to keep the old one showing until the new one has passed the censor?

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 12:25PM

    That's a good suggestion, mc98 - we've looked into that possibility but couldn't get it to work reliably for launch, so decided to go with the "pending approval" pic. We'll keep tinkering, though...

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 12:36PM

    Thanks Meg!

    I have done the thing... but can't see my pic? I know you have to mod them... but other people can see it already?

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 12:39PM

    Ooh, yes mc98, it would be nice to be able to change pic (not ridiculously often) - a sort of 'this is the kind of day I'm having' thing. So I can change up from 'calm and sunny' to 'miffed and bitchy' as and when appropriate.
    <chuckle />
    I like the idea, Meg! Thank you very much.

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 12:53PM

    imogenblack - I can see your pic now...

    PhilippaB - you can already change your photo as often as you like (though if you change it too often, other people might get confused!)

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 12:54PM

    parallaxview - try refreshing the page. I can see your VERY YELLOW avatar pic, which I assume is a statement about surveillance culture in britain today. Either that or you're a Hard-Fi fan.

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 12:58PM

    meg: "imogenblack - I can see your pic now..."

    I know, everyone can but me!!!!!

    Am I just being impatient? :-)

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 1:05PM

    imogenblack - have you tried holding down the ctrl key (on a PC) or command/apple key (on a mac) and pressing the refresh button on your browser? That should force-refresh the page, which might make it forget any old versions lingering in your cache.

    Can you see other people's pics?

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 1:08PM

    Bluecloud - so that's what your avatar is! I was wondering...

    The trouble with the images being still relatively small is that the level of detail isn't always great. I reckon people may end up changing their avatar pics as they experiment with what works (/is visible) at that size. We've seen quite a few oddly-cropped pics already this morning...

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 1:08PM

    meg - So far I can see them all (except LordS's?) and everyone says they can see me.. but I can't see myself... have done the ctrl refresh...

  • SwiftyBoy

    8 October 2009 1:16PM

    Hmm... can't see mine either. I can see Imogen's, can't see John Yard Dog's...

    Ah well, might as well go back to the blue bobble head until I can get this sorted out.

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 1:21PM

    Hi Meg,

    Sorrry if the fish image was in any way shocking!

    Imogen's simply stunning avatar has persuaded me to post my own ugly mug on CiF, so it's off to Photoshop to see if I can make any improvements on nature!

  • Staff


    8 October 2009 1:28PM

    imogenblack & swiftyboy - Very weird (your tech issues, not your photos - they're great). Have you tried closing the browser and then opening it up again?

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 1:30PM

    <<<<Stamps feet in frustration>>>>
    <<<<Bashes computer with hammer />>>>
    <<<<Bursts into tears and wails....

    I can't see half the piccys other people can!!!

    (thanks bluecloud! :-)

  • SwiftyBoy

    8 October 2009 1:32PM


    Have you tried closing the browser and then opening it up again?

    Yep. I've also switched the power off at the wall and turned it back on again...

    What a shame. I wanted to compare actress-ing notes with Ms Black - am I holding Dr Prod's flower correctly? does my gaze convey fond longing sufficiently enough? etc

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 1:40PM

    Meg: ... have switched off and on and reset and logged out and in again and cleared cookies and ctrl refreshed....

    Oh dear. Am going for a ciggie to calm down before I break computer with fists...

  • SwiftyBoy

    8 October 2009 1:44PM


    I'm going to join you. I reckon it's probably something to do with work's proxy server settings or something...

    I've uploaded a new picture anyway, see if I have any more luck with that.

    Not a deal breaker if it doesn't work, frankly. I've got more important fish to fry today, so to speak...

  • Pokemon

    8 October 2009 1:57PM

    Had the same problem but go to Internet Options and clear the Temporary Internet Files and then click F5 and you should now see your picture :)

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 2:33PM

    mc98 - How do you know these things?!!

    I have clicked your link and found only a 'pending approval' box... If you don't mind my picking your brain... does 'clearing the cache' mean doing the thing with the cookies in internet options?!

  • Contributor


    8 October 2009 2:42PM

    I expect there'll be a brief transitional period where everyone spends more time talking about each other's avatars than they do the issues of the day.

  • mc98

    8 October 2009 3:25PM

    Very strange imogen. Your browser wants to load image "6f9bb925-8daf-4f93-96ac-db57edbe3ed7.Small.jpg" but instead of finding the cool looking picture on the guardian servers it's found another one in cache somewhere and is using that. Do a search for "6f9bb925-8daf-4f93-96ac-db57edbe3ed7.Small.jpg" on your PC just to see if it's lurking there somewhere. If not then it's very likely that your techie dept should be able to find it.

    Sorry for the delay in responding but I've been to Waitrose. This house-husbanding thing just means I hardly have a moment to myself. I need to get a job so that I can relax a bit.


  • Shadowfirebird

    8 October 2009 4:14PM

    Seems to work for me, although I'm not approved yet.

    Don't know where else to ask this, though, but could we *please* have a way to change our password?

    I would have thought that that was a pretty basic function. I can't think of a single site other than this one that doesn't have it.

  • Shadowfirebird

    8 October 2009 5:14PM

    Aelwyd, I see it just above the bank of "blobby men" -- you know, the coloured faceless icons that were the only option before this one.

    You have to click on the "edit profile" link once you have signed in.

  • Jezebel216

    8 October 2009 5:26PM

    Mine is pending approval - how long is the 'short delay'? And is it not possible to have a preview before you save it? (goes for all comments too) - hell, I might have clicked on the wrong photo whilst browsing - which could be interesting/embarrassing.

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