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Help us test some background changes to commenting.

Guardian developers at work
Guardian developers at work. Photograph: Ken Lim

In order to improve stability and response times on commenting we've made some changes to the flow of comments through the application. Before we roll these out across guardian.co.uk we're testing the new configuration on this post. This enables us to verify that we've got the setup right and helps keep disruption to a minimum.

As you can see below the way comments are displayed and the process of writing a comment has not changed. We've done the background technical work so that we can improve the experience of commenting in the future.

Please post a comment below to help us test the changes - this entire thread will be ephemeral, as we intend to wipe the comments a few days after our tests are complete. As such the only way to go off-topic on this thread will be if you mention something concrete, important, or of lasting substance. Memories are acceptable, questions will be tolerated so long as they go unanswered. Tell us your current heart rate, your favourite story about a goat, or name a single item that's not in your fridge.

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Showing first 50 comments | Show all comments | Go to latest comment
  • DaveStephenson

    27 Jul 2010, 1:56PM

    My wife and I came across two small goats. One goat was resting on a rock, the other was prancing about, kicking the air in front of the goat on the rock, and occasionally head-butting him, trying to nudge them off their perch. The goat on the rock calmly deflected these antics, exuding a serene, statesman-like air. My wife and I looked at each other, and began a life-long argument as to who amongst us was the goat on the rock. I maintain that I am. She maintains that she is. Occasionally it is necessary to gently head-butt each other to make the point.

  • itapoa

    27 Jul 2010, 2:35PM

    And another comment. My friend used to have a goat tied to a post in their garden in lieu of mowing the lawn. They had to move the post several times in order to get the whole thing done. Goats will eat anything.

    That makes me think of.... I saw District 9 last night. Quite good.

  • RB00001

    27 Jul 2010, 2:56PM

    This comment has been removed by a moderator. Replies may also be deleted.

  • ThermoStat

    27 Jul 2010, 3:05PM

    My cake stand is currently not in my fridge. There are a couple of Tors on Dartmoor with goatish names - I always found that odd.

    I might go cycling to the seaside for the dawn at the weekend, but only if the weather is good.

  • ThermoStat

    27 Jul 2010, 3:07PM

    @itapoa - Does that actually work..? I've often thought about it, but always assumed there would be problems - the neighbour's dog, or roses, spring to mind.

  • Staff


    27 Jul 2010, 3:14PM

    There is no food in my [section of the] fridge, only a really odd selection of booze, including nettle wine, mead, and confusing beers from America. What my new housemates must think of me I shudder to think.

  • ParkyDR

    27 Jul 2010, 3:15PM

    That worked rather well.

    On the existing system a lot of the time I try posting comments and I just get a blank screen and no comment added (probably a blessing for everyone else)

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