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Contributors' guide and contacts


If you want to offer Guardian News and Media Ltd a contribution you should consider which section of the newspaper or websites is most likely to be interested. Contact the commissioning editor for this section - ideally by phone or email - and briefly outline your idea.

The commissioning editor may offer to "take a look" at your proposed contribution. This means that you are invited to submit it speculatively and you will be paid only if your contribution is published. Unless you are already an established contributor, it is most unlikely that the editor will "order" or commission a contribution from you.

Please don't send photographs or artwork with an article unless we request them. We don't accept responsibility for loss of unsolicited prints and transparencies, etc.

Contributions should be sent to us electronically. Other methods are possible - but only in exceptional circumstances.

We publish contributions from all freelances on our standard copyright terms and payment is at our normal rates, unless agreed otherwise before publication.

For more information, see the Freelance Charter.

Any queries you have relating to the Freelance Charter should be directed to our rights department:
Rights department
Guardian News and Media Ltd
Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 9GU

Click here for details on how to contact different departments at the Guardian and guardian.co.uk.


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