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Jennifer Aniston as Barbra Streisand? Please!

Why are stars suddenly obsessed with dressing up at their heroes?

Jennifer Aniston as Barbra Streisand Jennifer Aniston as Barbra Streisand Photograph: Mark Seliger/AP

God alone knows why they do it. The only possible justification for going to the trouble of donning fancy dress is to escape your humdrum life for an evening. But what possesses celebrities to dress up as each other?

Recently we've had Anthea Turner aping Madonna in her Confessions on a Dance Floor/purple-leotard period, Lorraine Kelly having a go at being Lady Gaga and Jennifer Aniston in full Barbra-Streisand-Funny-Girl regalia. Even Fiona Bruce became temporarily infected with the madness, slipping into Diana Rigg's former Avengers catsuit when it was brought along for valuation at the Antiques Roadshow a few weeks ago.

The ostensible motive is homage. Turner's photoshoot is, apparently, a tribute to Madonna to mark the singer's 52nd birthday on Monday. And not at all a desperate attempt to borrow some of the lustre of a celebrity whose star wattage exceeds her own by uncountable orders of magnitude, nor a chance for magazine editors to fill their pages with tasty yet affordable pictures of a tasty yet affordable blonde in something shiny and skimpy.

Kelly claims her makeover in New magazine is the natural expression of her love for Lady Gaga's work. The interview suggests that she is at least aware of and playing with the incongruity of the pairing of quintessential sofa-based presenter with glitter-lobster-sporting pop goddess, even if the main point of the pictures does seem to be reminding people that Brand Kelly is not just about charming mumsiness but incorporates a fully functioning set of bazonkas too.

Aniston's channelling of Barbra Streisand is perhaps the weirdest. She's not a singer. She's promoting a film that has nothing to do with Babs. She is famous enough not to need such gimmicks, and all the photos do is emphasise the gulf between the stellar charisma of La Streisand and the relative lack thereof in the impersonator. Send in the clowns!

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  • hannahjoyc hannahjoyc

    10 Aug 2010, 10:47PM

    I know why I am writing this: I am writing this because my husband was like "baby, get this off your chest". So here I go: honestly, who is Lucy Managan and what does she know about celebs and their real relationships? Not that this kind of information belongs to the likes of someone such as the "author" of this article, but if someone such as Streisand and Aniston are connected and are expressing this in an artistic format, it would be really nice if Managan followed the pattern and advice of other journalists and left them the heck alone.


  • Cleo85 Cleo85

    11 Aug 2010, 2:01AM

    Bravo Lucy! Aniston as Streisand? If it weren't so hysterical I might actually be angry - especially after viewing this youtube video ( watch from 2:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1gawY7WHcY ) making the rounds which shows Aniston's very rude, disrespectful and angry reaction to being told 7-8 yrs ago by a reporter that she reminded him of Streisand!! Spread it far and wide: SHE'S A PHONY. People need to WAKE UP about this loser. Suffice it to say, in the clip, she was horrified at the comparison. I was SO angry when I saw this lame no-talent INSULTING a legend like Streisand, I could have spit - but then to see her doing this shoot to coattail on Streisand's fame and pimp her latest crappy rom-com, I could have screamed. Perhaps it's why Aniston's had a few subsequent nose jobs and assorted other 'procedures' (fillers and the like), she's remembering what she thought was a diss several years ago. After seeing what I felt amounted to an insult of Streisand, I'm amazed she'd have the audacity to do a shoot imitating her - because unless she's got guilt over her reaction back then, she is just being a fake and a fraud. What's more, despite her prattling on lately about who she loved growing up, she never once mentions Streisand, though she lists several others - and when the reporter himself starts speaking of Streisand's comedic work, Aniston is unresponsive and appears to not know what he's talking about. Bottomline, this medicocre ex TV hacktress Aniston, isn't fit to shine Streisand's shoes. If anything, this shoot makes it apparent just how much Aniston is lacking as you say in charisma, talent, but also most spectacularly, looks. Streisand has a much more feminine, soft, exotic face and Aniston looks like a man.

  • BeckJenBelong BeckJenBelong

    11 Aug 2010, 2:04AM

    to be perfectly honest, PURRRRRR-LLLLLLLEASE

    tell me jennifer Aniston Aint Sexier than anywoman in the world called Angelina Jolie is Ugly in French????? Seriously, taking sense now, Jennifer Aniston is a beautiful Greek girl, who can look and do so much better than Barbara Sreisland...... She IS BEAUTIFUL, SO IS BARBARA.

    Lucy Mangan- Who were you dressing up AS in High School? Ugly? Because Lucy Lui and my girl Drew Barrymore probably called you A Hater not a Dater?

    I'm not saying im a oil painting but relax yourself..... I noticed that you couldnt upload the REAL PICTURE OF HER AS BABS,,,,

    here you go honey http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/38559754/ns/today-entertainment/ take that with Lem Simp.... PLUS :o)

  • striger2 striger2

    11 Aug 2010, 2:09AM

    Oh deary me Lucy! What a killjoy! Have you thought that celebrities are people too, and they too might like to dress up as a bit of fun? And if it happens to get a bit of publicity, well there's no harm in that is there? What's the worst that will happen to those who may have been influenced by such an advert/article? They go to see a duff film (or if they've been so easily swayed, maybe they'll think it a great movie!). Does the person being imitated get any negative feedback? No. Even if the dresser upper doesn't quite carry it off, well, its just a giggle for us all then isn't it? And hopefully they'll see the funny side too.
    I think I'd have been quite pleased if I'd tuned into the Antiques Roadshow a few weeks ago. Even you must have been quietly happy with the whole "trend", to have an excuse to use the word bazonkas!

  • kms96 kms96

    11 Aug 2010, 7:39AM

    I enjoyed watching this interview, very classic. LOL.. if you people really believe she is "dissing" Streisand by saying she's great, awesome and wonderful and thanking the interviewer for the comparison then you REALLY are reaching for a reason to dislike her. Sure she was taken aback by the comparison due to Babs' iconic status as any performer should be and she stated clearly that she was overwhelmed, while sipping the drinks, but she was by no means dissing her by calling her wonderful and awesome and thanking the interviewer for the comparison. Open your minds!

  • Qalex Qalex

    11 Aug 2010, 8:05AM

    Eminem wrote a song called "Stan". A couple of the people posting probably need to lose the f, and replace it with an st.

    Seriously, the most bonkers comments I've ever read on the Guardian... and that's quite some accolade.

  • ianua ianua

    11 Aug 2010, 8:13AM

    I don't know who Lucy Managan is but Lucy Mangan is a quite talented comedic writer for the guardian who loves books and watches a lot of crappy telly. I quite like her stuff, and she is hardly the first person to comment on the ridiculousness of the sleb dressing up fad. If you don't like fluff pieces (or indeed Lucy) just don't read the G2 section.

  • LibertyKnox LibertyKnox

    11 Aug 2010, 9:02AM

    Agree. It's a wonder Aniston can walk under the weight of such staggering levels of conceit. The photoshoot isn't even defensible as an 'omaaage as she gave an interview where she basically compared herself to Streisand as a 'Renaissance woman'.

    Streisand is said to have commented in response to the photoshoot, "if only she had a bump in her nose". A wry dig? I do hope so.

    Because the whole point about Streisand is that the strength and scope of her talent demanded she be taken on her own terms, strong looks and all. She's simply one of the most charismatic performers of all time, male or female.

    Aniston, meanwhile, a likeable comic actress in Friends, has become a walking testament to the power of stylists, trainers and dieticians, and her appeal now seems to depend entirely on the projection of a kind of white-bread cheerleader sexuality.

    She claims to have had her nose job to fix a 'deviated septum', which sounds suspiciously like PR salad dressing.

    These days I really despair at the level of vitriol reserved by certain kinds of men for female performers - such as Gaga and Sarah Jessica Parker - who have had the temerity to become hugely successful despite not possessing cookie-cutter looks. Women must be approved by the male gaze before daring to hog the spotlight!

    We've such a long way to go to reach any kind of gender parity in this respect (I think we're going backwards, actually) and Jennifer Aniston is one of those women adding to the mileage by pandering to the double standard.

  • friya friya

    11 Aug 2010, 9:34AM

    Hmmm. Usually love Lucy but this seems to miss the mark. This is about editors and not slebs, surely? Do slebs go crawling to magazines, begging to dress up like their favourite stars or do magazines go crawling to them? I think it's pretty clear.

  • EndaP EndaP

    11 Aug 2010, 10:07AM

    Did I read this right? 'the stellar charisma' of Barbra Streisand?

    Nothing against her and all that, but charisma isn't what immediately springs to mind when thinking of Babs (e.g. did anyone stay awake during that interview with Jonathan Ross?).

    Aniston, on the other hand, seems perfectly affable and charming.

    Lucy, you're reminding me of those awful popular-in-the-playground bitchy girls. Play nice!

  • ChinaBlue ChinaBlue

    11 Aug 2010, 10:28AM

    Sooo... an actor, who dresses up and pretends to be other people for a living, has the nerve to dress up and pretend to be someone else for fun? The hell? BURN THE BITCH!

    I saw the Aniston shoot and thought: 'at least she's not dressed up as Audrey bloody Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe'.

  • Teacakes Teacakes

    11 Aug 2010, 10:38AM

    Chinnifer Chiniston - perhaps she should have left the nose as it was to balance out the chin. Having said that I think she's improved with age, it's just unnecessary to try and look like someone else whose unique beauty just does not warrant emulation.

    Anthea Turner - what is the point? All she does is every few years dress up as someone vaguely interesting, am sure she's done the Madonna thing before and it's quite pathetic. At least Lorraine Kelly doesn't take herself too seriously but Anthea, please. Give. It. Up.

    As for Lucy Mangan - I generally read her article at the end of the Weekend magazine and wonder why she bothered - but she's clearly hit a few nerves here so fair play to her..

  • Brownie23 Brownie23

    11 Aug 2010, 12:39PM

    I am hoping against hope that on Monday, as Madge is unwrapping her birthday presents in a four poster bed with gold discs covering every available wall space, that someone puts the magazine containing Anthea Turner's photoshoot under her nose.

    "For your birthday", says the Madge assistant shyly

    Speechless, her catlike eyes widening with anticipation, Madge puts down the present from her eldest child and takes the magazine.

    "It's beautiful", she murmurs after a long pause. "I didn't realise what I had wanted all this time and yet Anthea has given it to me. Her time on Blue Peter coincided with some of the happiest times in my life".

    And scene

  • lju1952 lju1952

    11 Aug 2010, 6:00PM

    Ok, Jennifer Aniston as Barbra? I have said it more than once, but yes. Watch one of her movies, watch the closeups. It's there. You have to be a true fan of Barbra's to see it. All my friends agree. We watch Jennifer's movies, and in a lot of closeups, there's Barbra. Odd but true. And no, I'm not drunk or on drugs. Singly, Jennifer is, let's get real, prettier than Barbra. But promise you will watch a Jennifer Aniston movie all the way through and look for "that look". Thanks for reading. Ciao.

  • KidProQuo KidProQuo

    12 Aug 2010, 1:56AM

    Woah, where am I? I've been clicking around the Guardian website and... oh... I know, we're at the 'Daily Mail' section, where all the intellectuals hang out. Here we are invited to berate and 'express' bile at people we don't even know; slag a celebrity, why not!

    You sad, empty freaks aren't worthy to eat Aniston's dook, so eff you all.

  • VioletMae VioletMae

    12 Aug 2010, 12:50PM

    Immitation is the highest form of flattery, non? And Jen is a big fan of Barb's. It's not terribly difficult is it? And just a bit of fun.

    Jennifer looks stunning and Barbra looked stunning in the originals. I like looking at pretty things.

  • ManofConstantSorrow ManofConstantSorrow

    12 Aug 2010, 2:00PM


    Here we are invited to berate and 'express' bile at people we don't even know; slag a celebrity, why not!

    You sad, empty freaks aren't worthy to eat Aniston's dook, so eff you all.

    magnificent. You win the best unintentionally ironic posting of the day award.

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