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Politics live blog – Labour leadership and PMQs

• John McDonnell withdraws from Labour leadership race
• Diane Abbott gets on to ballot, Labour confirms
Summary of today

Andy Burnham, Ed Balls, David Miliband, Ed Miliband, Diane Abbott
The five candidates on the Labour leadership ballot: Andy Burnham, Ed Balls, David Miliband, Ed Miliband and Diane Abbott. Photograph: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty, David Levene, Toby Melville/Reuters, John Stillwell/PA, Martin Godwin

8.43am: It's a good day for elections. By tonight the Liberal Democrats will have a new deputy leader. The Labour party won't have a new leader, but it will know for certain how many candidates there will be in the contest. And 23 Commons select committees will have new chairs, although the results of those contests will not be announced until tomorrow. We've also got David Cameron's second prime minister's questions, and various government announcements too, including a clampdown on "garden grabbing" and the bringing forward of new rules requiring immigrants to learn English. Here's a timetable of how the day is expected to pan out:

10am: MPs start voting in the ballot for select committee chairs.

12pm: David Cameron holds his second prime minister's questions.

12.30pm: Nominations close for the Labour leadership. By then Andy Burnham is expected to have got the nominations he needs to join David Miliband, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls on the ballot. John McDonnell and Diane Abbott are not expected to make it.

12.30pm: MPs debate the identity cards bill.

The Lib Dem election will take place later. Lib Dem MPs are meeting at 5pm and there will be a hustings for the two candidates – Simon Hughes and Tim Farron – before the result is announced at around 7.30pm. I'll be gone by then, although colleagues will be reporting the result at Guardian Politics. But I will be blogging all the political news throughout the rest of the day, as well as looking at the papers and bringing you the best politics from the web.

9.13am: Andy Burnham's team say that he will be on the leadership ballot. "We will get another two names before 12.29pm. We are confident about that," an aide told me.

(Incidentally, we owe Burnham – and his new press aide – an apology. As Paul Waugh writes on his blog, Burnham has taken on a professional spin doctor called Jo Tanner. But she's not the same Jo Tanner who did PR for Boris Johnson when he was running for mayor of London in 2008. We got that wrong in the paper today. Sorry.)

9.26am: Lord Myners, the former Labour City minister, delivered a pretty severe rebuke to his former colleagues in government in a debate in the Lords last night. The BBC has been broadcasting some excerpts, and my colleague Patrick Wintour includes the most devastating quote in his story on the spending cuts today, but what Myners had to say about Labour's record is worth reading in full. Here's his verdict.

Live blog: quote

The government can create jobs but they cannot create the capacity sustainably to support those jobs if they are either imprudent in their fiscal policy or if the public sector begins to bear too heavily on the economy ... We clearly need a policy of fiscal caution. It was right to support the economy during the global recession but there now needs to be fiscal adjustment, as evidenced by the last government in the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

There is nothing progressive about a government who consistently spend more than they can raise in taxation, and certainly nothing progressive that endows generations to come with the liabilities incurred by the current generation. There will need to be significant cuts in public expenditure, but there is considerable waste in public expenditure.

I have seen that in my own experience as a government minister. I hope that the government will pursue with vigilance their search for waste and efficiencies without making cuts which are injurious to the provision of public service. The difference between the government and the previous government was on the issue of timing and when those cuts should take place.

There was flawed thinking about job creation in the past. I found it very frustrating to sit in meetings with some of my fellow ministers talking about creating jobs in the green economy and biotechnology. The government cannot create jobs. The government can create an environment that is conducive to the creation of jobs, but they cannot create jobs and we mislead ourselves if we believe they can.

9.33am: Paul Waugh is reporting on his blog that John McDonnell has withdrawn from the Labour leadership race.

He quotes McDonnell as saying:

Live blog: quote

It is now clear that I am unlikely to secure enough nominations and so I am withdrawing in the hope that we can at least secure a woman on the ballot paper.

9.49am: John McDonnell has withdrawn from the Labour leadership race. He's issued this statement.

Live blog: quote

I stood for the Labour leadership as the candidate of the left and trade union movement so that there could be a proper debate about Labour's future in which all the wings of the party were fully represented.

It is now clear that I am unlikely to secure enough nominations and so I am withdrawing in the hope that we can at least secure a woman on the ballot paper.

Yesterday I wrote to Harriet Harman to urge her to use her position as acting leader in association with the party's national officers to secure a reduction of the qualifying threshold for candidates to be allowed on to the ballot paper. Regrettably this has not occurred and so I have no other option but to withdraw in the interests of the party.

I know that many Labour activists and trade unionists will be disappointed that their candidate will not be on the ballot. I am urging them to continue the fight for democracy within the party so that in future leadership elections rank and file members will be represented by the candidate of their choice.

But will this mean Diane Abbott will get on to the ballot paper? It doesn't look certain. By last night, Abbott had 11 official nominations and McDonnell had 16. Even if all the McDonnell nominations were to switch, she would still be six short of the 33 nominations required. And there is no certainty that they will all switch. She is not universally popular. But there is a strong feeling in the party that Labour does need more choice on the ballot. At the moment the three candidates who already have the 33 nominations are all white, male, 40-something career politicians who studied PPE at Oxford. The only thing different about Burnham, assuming he gets on the ballot, is that he studied English at Cambridge. That's not what people normally think of as diversity.

10.00am: I've just spoken to Diane Abbott. She thinks the chances of her getting on to the ballot are now "more than 50/50".

Live blog: quote

I think it can be done because there are a number of people – about half a dozen – who are not on the left who have said to me that, if I get close [to 33 nominations] they will nominate me. With John McDonnell's 16 nominations, or almost all of them, then I am very close. I'm just contacting people now to tell them about John's statement and to encourage them to come forward.

10.18am: I've been focusing on John McDonnell and Diane Abbott for the last half an hour or so, but there's what may turn out to be a much more important Labour leadership story in the Daily Mirror today: Ed Miliband is saying that he would keep the 50% tax rate for good.

Labour introduced a 50% tax rate for people earning more than £150,000 as a temporary measure to raise money to deal with the deficit. Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown always made it clear that their eventual aim was to abolish it, and David Cameron has signalled that he would like to get rid of it too. Ed Miliband has said that it should stay.

Live blog: quote

There is a risk that the government will seek to remove the top rate too soon. I would keep it in place because it ensures a fair contribution from people who earn in a year what many people earn in a decade.

(Miliband made the comment in an article he wrote for the Mirror. Confusingly, the quote is in the Mirror's story about Miliband's article, but not in the article itself. But I've checked with Miliband's office and the quote is genuine. It just seems to have been left out for space reasons.)

Why is this significant? Because it's likely to be very popular with Labour members. Watching Ed Miliband at the GMB hustings on Monday, I thought he was surprisingly lacklustre. Thinking about it later, I began to wonder whether his heart was really in it, and whether he was just going through the motions but resigned to his brother David winning. But I've ditched that theory. Today Ed Miliband looks like someone who is very serious about winning.

10.24am: Andy Burnham is on the ballot. I've just been told by his team that he's got his 33 nominations.

10.40am: More on the Labour leadership. Ann Black, the chair of Labour's national executive committee, has written to Tony Lloyd, the chair of the parliamentary Labour party, saying there is "widespread concern among party members that this leadership election should allow the broadest possible debate". Lloyd sent the letter to all Labour MPs. The full text is on the Labour Uncut website, but here's an extract:

Live blog: quote

If the choice is between three or four white, male ex-ministers in their 40s, however able, it will be seen as lacking the full range of diversity which Labour seeks to reflect. If, however, it is extended in terms of gender, race, political perspective, the hustings through the summer will generate greater interest and engagement from party members, supporters and voters. And whoever emerges as the winner will have a far stronger mandate to lead than if the system can be portrayed as rigged in their favour.

Black said Labour MPs should give "serious consideration to the groundswell of feeling from members and affiliates" and consider extending the choice of candidates. Given that McDonnell has withdrawn, that now suggests she wants them to back Abbott.

10.56am: Liam Byrne, the shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, has backed David Miliband. "David is not only ready to lead Labour's renewal, but ready to lead Britain," Byrne has written on his blog. But he also has glowing words for the other main leadership candidates:

Live blog: quote

It will take all the talents of our party to forge this new vision and this new politics, and none more so than Ed Miliband, Ed Balls and Andy Burnham.

10.57am: David Miliband is nominating Diane Abbott this morning. He's just put this on Twitter:

Live blog: Twitter

Gather John McDonnell pulled out. I'm going now to nominate Diane myself. Encourage others to do the same.

11.10am: In an interview on the Andrew Marr show at the weekend David Miliband said he would be willing to nominate another candidate. But when I read his words, I got the impression that he was thinking about Andy Burnham, not Diane Abbott. This is what he said:

Live blog: quote

Well we have a system in the Labour party where you need 30, 33 Labour MPs to get a nomination, and every Labour MP has to make their own choice. I've said that I haven't nominated anyone yet, and the one vote I do control, the one nomination I control is my own. So if another candidate gets to 30, 32 nominations and needs one extra to get onto the ballot paper, I'll give them mine.

But is it sensible to nominate someone if you don't want them to win? Paul Richards, a former Labour special adviser, thinks that's "patronising".

11.28am: Someone has been listening to David Miliband (see 10.57am) and Ann Black (see 10.40am). Chris Bryant, the former Europe minister, has just tweeted to say he's nominating Diane Abbott too.

Just nominated diane Abbott for a better range in the leadership raceless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

11.33am: Members of the public don't seem to be rushing forward to contribute to the Treasury's consultation on spending cuts, but Alastair Campbell is trying to be helpful. He's written an open letter to George Osborne and Danny Alexander on his blog saying the new government could save £100m by ending charitable status for private schools.

Campbell also has some rather harsh media advice for Alexander.

Live blog: quote

Danny, I imagine any media-related budgets will be close to the top of the cuts-list, but I think you should spare a few bob for media training. Your predecessor, David Laws, may have overdone the Bond villain, "show me a programme and I'll show you a sharp axe" body language, but he did at least look like a man with a plan and the balls to see it through. I caught a couple of your interviews yesterday and they were a bit "um ... er ... kind of .... um .... er" ish, added to which you repeat subordinate clauses which weakens any point you are making. These problems are easily ironed out provided you are conscious of them. George is clearly setting you up to do a lot of the media dirty work, so I think early remedy on this is the order of the day.

11.49am: Apart from Ed Miliband's article about the 50p tax rate (see 10.18am), there does not seem to be anything unmissable in the papers. For those who follow News International politics, it's quite interesting to see that the Sun is enthusiastically backing George Osborne's campaign to cut spending. It has launched a war on waste campaign. The headline that intrigued me the most was the one in the Daily Telegraph saying: "What has become of Gordon Brown?" But when I turned to the article, by Iain Hollingshead, it turned out that Hollingshead doesn't really seem to know, although intriguingly he claims that "both Gordon and Sarah are said to be having trouble interesting publishers in their memoirs of Downing Street."

Live blog: recap

11.56am: Here's a midday summary:

Andy Burnham is on the Labour leadership ballot. The former health secretary has announced that he has got the 33 nominations he needs. That means Burnham, the two Milibands (Ed and David) and Ed Balls will definitely be in the contest.

Diane Abbott thinks she can make it. John McDonnell has dropped out of the race, and urged his supporters to back Abbott before nominations close at 12.30pm. There is pressure on Labour MPs to ensure that there is a woman on the ballot and David Miliband and Chris Bryant have announced they are nominating her. (MPs can nominate a candidate without having to vote for them.) We'll find out if Abbott has got the numbers shortly after 12.30pm.

Ed Miliband has come out in favour of keeping the 50% income tax rate for people earning more than £150,000. In other words, he has come out in favour of high marginal tax rates for high earners.

12.01pm: John Bercow asks MPs to stand to observe a minute's silence in honour of those killed in west Cumbria last week.

12.04pm: David Cameron starts with tributes to those killed in Cumbria and to four soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

Labour's Albert Owen asks if the government will hold the referendum on greater powers for the Welsh assembly this autumn. And will Cameron support the assembly having more powers?

Cameron says he wants the referendum to take place next year.

Live blog: quote

It will be a matter for people in Wales to decide.

Cameron does not say which side he would support.

12.09pm: Tim Farron - the Lib Dem standing in his party's deputy leadership contest later today - asks if Cameron will support a new cancer unit in his constituency. (I think Farron may have missed an opportunity there. It was a question that will not interest most of his Lib Dem colleagues, and he started to waffle too.)

Cameron says he will agree to a meeting on this.

12.09pm: Harriet Harman, Labour's interim leader, starts with her own tribute to the dead soldiers. She asks Cameron to update MPs on the investigation in west Cumbria and to explain what will happen to gun laws.

On gun laws, Cameron says the government needs the full facts. "Of course the Home Office will look again at the gun laws." The Association of Chief Police Officers has been asked to hold a review. (It is not clear whether that is a review of what happened in Cumbria, or a review of legislation.) But Cameron says he does not support knee-jerk legislation.

12.12pm: Harman asks about the 3.5 million people not on the electoral register. Will the government agree not to press ahead with individual registration too quickly? (There are concerns this will discourage registration.)

Cameron says there is nothing unfair about the government's plans to make the size of constituencies more even.

Harman returns to the issue of the electoral register. A third of all black people are not on the register, as well as a half of all young people and half of all private tenants, she says.

Cameron says Harman's government had 13 years to sort out the electoral register. He says the government will press ahead to get people on the register. And he asks "what on earth is unfair" about having constituencies the same size.

12.15pm: Harman says Cameron is not listening to the arguments.

That is not new politics. That is quite unfair.

Harman says the coalition parties said they would end the surveillance society. What will the government do about CCTV?

Cameron says he has one more point to make about the electoral register. He says Harman should not complain about the boundaries being withdrawn because the last election was fought on redrawn boundaries.

On CCTV, he says he supports CCTV. And he supports civil liberties too.

12.18pm: Back to the Labour leadership contest. James Macintyre at the New Statesman says Diane Abbott has got the 33 nominations she needs.

Live blog: quote

David Miliband has in the past hour nominated her, joining other big party figures such as Harriet Harman and, before her, David Lammy. The remaining MPs required are signing her nominations during prime minister's questions.

"This is about the party coming together," said one MP inside the Abbott camp. "This is a historic moment less because she is a woman and more because she is the first black contender for the leadership."

Denis MacShane has also nominated Abbott.

12.22pm: We'll have confirmation of the Labour leadership numbers just after 12.30pm, but back in the Commons chamber, David Cameron has been asked about Lord Myners's speech (see 9.26am). "What a pity he didn't say it when he was in office," Cameron says.

12.23pm: Cameron says that before the election Lord Mandelson approved 200 projects, of which two thirds were in Labour marginal seats.

12.24pm: Cameron says there will be a public inquiry into the deaths at the Mid Staffordshire hospital.

12.25pm: Caroline Flint, the Labour former minister, asks about the coalition plan to give anonymity to men accused of rape. Why should they get anonymity, but not people accused of other serious crimes?

Cameron compliments Flint on the speech she made on this in an adjournment debate on Monday. He says that he, like Flint, wants to increase rape convictions. He says he will bring forward proposals and see how the debate goes. (On Monday Nick Clegg went further, saying that if the proposals did not stand up to scrutiny, they would be dropped.)

12.28pm: The Lib Dem Greg Mulholland asks Cameron to reconsider the government's policy of returning asylum seekers to Iraq. Mulholland refers to the Guardian story about this today.

Cameron says that British soldiers have died in Iraq to make the country a safe place.

12.30pm: Gavin Barwell, a Tory, asks about the rule requiring asylum seekers to apply for asylum in person in Croydon (his constituency). Cameron says he will look at the issue.

12.40pm: I was going to say that PMQs was a bit dull, but in "extra time" Cameron gave us a story. He's going to fly the England flag over Downing Street for the duration of the World Cup. He made the announcement in response to a question from Nadhim Zahawi, the new Tory MP for Stratford-upon-Avon.

(That will disappoint Benedict Brogan, who wrote a lovely blog after the election saying how pleased he was to at last have a government that was not determined to "elevate football and its most tiresome aspects into a quasi religion".)

12.45pm: Andrew Lansley is now making a statement about the new Mid Staffordshire inquiry. He says that previous inquiries were not adequate.

12.50pm: Back to the Labour leadership contest. My colleague Patrick Wintour tells me that two of the last people to nominate Diane Abbott were Jack Straw and Phil Woolas. Woolas was asked to nominate her by David Miliband. Straw and Woolas were keen to get her on their ballot even though she has condemned the Labour policy on immigration they strongly supported.

12.56pm: My colleague Alan Travis was intrigued by something Cameron said at the end of PMQs. He has sent me this.

Alan Travis

At the end of PMQs today Cameron recalled hearing evidence from the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) on the leakage of legal weapons into the illegal market when he was on the home affairs select committee. This is a little odd as I have just checked and he wasn't a member of the committee when it carried out its inquiry into firearms in March 2000. He didn't joint it until after he was elected at the 2001 general election. I guess there may have been another evidence session with Acpo which he was at but it is odd.

1.03pm: The Labour party has now confirmed that Diane Abbott is on the ballot.

"Andy Burnham, Ed Balls, David Miliband and Ed Miliband and Diane Abbott have all received the necessary minimum of 33 nominations from Labour MPs by the deadline of 12.30pm on 9 June," the party said in a statement.

"Over the next few months, millions of people who care about Britain's progressive future will have the opportunity to listen and quiz the nominated candidates at hustings events across the country."

Harriet Harman, Labour's interim leader, has issued this statement.

Live blog: quote

This will be the biggest and most widespread election of any political party or any organisation in this country.

The contest will be open engaging and energising. It will be a chance to invite supporters to join the party to have a vote.

This debate will involve Labour party members, supporters in our affiliated trade unions and the wider public. This leadership contest is Labour's opportunity to take forward the rebuilding for our party for the future challenges ahead.

When I looked at Labour's website a couple of minutes ago, Abbott only seemed to have 32 nominations. But I've just checked again, and someone has now changed it. Those nominating her include Tony Lloyd, chair of the PLP, and Stephen Twigg, the former minister who returned to parliament at the election.

1.17pm: David Miliband's support for Diane Abbott does not extend to spelling her name correctly. He has been writing "Dianne". He did so in his first tweet today...

Gather John McDonnell pulled out. I'm going now to nominate Dianne myself. Encourage others to do the same.less than a minute ago via txt

... and in welcoming her appearance on the ballot.

1.50pm: During PMQs I got distracted by the news about Abbott's nomination, and so I was not giving it my full attention. Scoring it doesn't seem particularly appropriate, because it did not feel as if Harriet Harman trying particularly hard. (And why should she? Cameron has just been elected, she won't be leader for much longer, and the election could be five years away.) Cameron seemed fine, although I think my colleague Michael White was right to point out that holding another inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire hospital deaths will cost money.

From Tim Montgomerie at ConservativeHome:

Live blog: quote

Another solid performance from David Cameron. He reaffirmed Coalition policy on ringfencing the NHS budget and equalisation of constituency size. His promise to fly the Cross of St George over 10 Downing Street during the World Cup will get a good show in tomorrow's tabloids.

From James Forsyth at Coffee House:

Live blog: quote

The PMQs attack No 10 was expecting from Labour on the coalition's planned spending cuts did not materialise and today's was another relatively quiet affair. It started with a minute's silence in memory of those who died in the shootings in Cumbria. Harman asked one question on gun laws before moving on to the electoral roll and whether it is fair to redraw the boundaries on a roll that does not include three and a half million people. Harman would be on quite strong ground here except for the fact that the boundaries were redrawn under the last government using this electoral register, a point Cameron made.

From the BBC's Carole Walker:

Live blog: quote

Harriet Harman struggled to land a blow. The prime minister swept aside her concerns about problems with the electoral register. Then he used her question about CCTV cameras to counter-attack, accusing the Labour party of becoming increasing authoritarian. The fact that he had not been asked about immigration did not stop him firing off an apparently prepared jibe at Labour leadership contender Ed Balls whom he labelled the new Alf Garnett of British politics.

1.58pm: Paul Waugh has got a good account on his blog of how Abbott managed to get the nominations she needed:

Live blog: quote

It was all a darned close-run thing ... I understand that at 12.15, Abbot was eight short. At 12.30, she was two short. The 12.30pm nominations deadline was extended because PMQs overran and because some MPs were texting the PLP office that they would nominate Abbott but were stuck in the chamber.

With seconds to go, she came into the chamber to try to persuade Dennis Skinner to back her. After PMQs, he looked like a man who was reluctantly going to back her.

2.26pm: Diane Abbott has just been speaking to BBC News. When it was put to her that it was "patronising" for David Miliband to nominate her even though he does not want her to win, she denied it.

Live blog: quote

You have not seen the hundreds of letters that have flooded in from party members. David Miliband was only recognising that there was a really strong feeling that wanted a wide range of candidates on the ballot.

She also said that two polls had made her the second most popular candidate amongst Labour voters to be leader of the party. And a PoliticsHome poll put her top amongst the public as a whole, she said.

2.50pm: Back to PMQs. Here are some of the quotes from David Cameron.

On the shootings in Cumbria:

Live blog: quote

It is right to reflect on this appalling tragedy and think how best we go forward. Specifically on the gun laws, we need to be clear first about the full facts of the case. We also need to determine the type and the scope of reviews that will take place after this tragedy. Of course the Home Office will look again at the gun laws in the light of that.

And I can announce today that the chief constable of Cumbria has already written to the Acpo president asking him to support a peer review to be conducted by national police experts on firearms licensing, the police firearms response and firearms tactics. I do believe we shouldn't leap to conclusions. I don't believe in knee-jerk legislation. We do have some of the tightest gun laws in this country. But of course we should look again in terms of this issue at what sort of review is right for people in west Cumbrian.

On spending by Lord Mandelson before the election:

Live blog: quote

Before the last election Lord Mandelson had a giant chequebook which he went round opening up all over the country, spending tens of billions of pounds he promised to 200 projects, two thirds of which were conveniently located in Labour marginal seats. Given that so much money was spent it is only right for a responsible incoming government to review those decisions one by one and make sure the money was well spent. Fortunately for Lord Mandelson someone else is now getting their chequebook out to pay for his memoirs.

On CCTV and civil liberties:

Live blog: quote

I support closed circuit television cameras. I have them in my constituency; they are very effective. When I worked in the Home Office many years ago I championed those schemes. But I think everyone understands that the level of surveillance has got very great in our country.

As well as the issue of CCTV there's also the issue of how many different sorts of officials are allowed to enter your house without permission. We will be bringing forward legislation to deal with this issue. I know that the Labour party has given up on civil liberties ... but on this side of the house we think civil liberties are important.

On Ed Balls complaining about immigration:

Live blog: quote

We have got the new Alf Garnett of British politics ... It's one of the biggest U-turns that any of us can remember. For 13 years not a word about immigration, not a word about our borders and now they are all in a race.

Cameron also confirmed that a £20m grant to Nissan to support the production of electric cars in Sunderland would be going ahead.

2.54pm: More on the Jo Tanner mix-up (see 9.13am). The other Jo Tanner – the one who worked on the Boris Johnson campaign, not the one now working for Andy Burnham – has been in touch to say that we owe her an apology too. She's right. Sorry. For the record, the "Boris" Jo Tanner is the Jo Tanner who runs InHouse Communications with Katie Perrior.

3.34pm: I'll have gone home by the time the Lib Dems announce the winner of their deputy leadership contest. But Simon Hughes should win. There are 57 Lib Dem MPs and Hughes has been told that he has the support of 29 of them, which is enough to win. Mark Pack at Lib Dem Voice has a list of Lib Dem MPs who have publicly endorsed Hughes or his rival, Tim Farron. There are 21 names in the Hughes column and 11 in the Farron column.

My colleague Patrick Wintour has written more about this on his blog.

Patrick Wintour

Hughes has the support of Vince Cable, and Farron the backing of Chris Huhne. Both candidates are wrestling with how the party retains its independence from the Conservatives while remaining loyal to the coalition.

Farron, a coalition supporter, has admitted that as a kid from a comprehensive, he is struggling going through the lobbies with privileged Tories.

Farron is aware of the dangers in the coalition, writing: "I have absolutely no desire to see the Liberal Democrats becoming the British equivalent of the FDP, an inoffensive minor party, propping up a series of administrations, constantly in government, but effectively neutered, and relegated to tiny party status as a campaigning and independent force."

The worry, he says, is that the party ends up eclipsed by the coalition's larger partners, but is blamed equally for any perceived failings.

3.54pm: Here's an afternoon reading list.

Hopi Sen on his blog says putting Diane Abbott on the leadership ballot is a mistake.

Live blog: quote

Diane Abbott and the Grassroots alliance will work to ensure that the composition of the NEC is significantly more left wing than previously, using the bully pulpit of the campaign to get a couple more of the hard-left elected ... This process will be used to push forward a policy agenda that will be massively out of sync with the vast majority of the Labour party, and although it will be heavily defeated, it will have an imprint on the party that will last.

But Craig Murray on his blog cannot understand why her candidature is seen as a joke.

Live blog: quote

Diane Abbott is the only possible candidate left who was against the Iraq war, against Trident and for civil liberties. All the other candidates are deeply steeped in Iraqi blood and strongly associated with New Labour's viciously authoritarian agenda. The frontrunner, David Miliband, spent most of his tenure as foreign secretary engaged in numerous legal attempts both to keep secret and to justify Britain's complicity in torture under New Labour.

Michael Crick on the Newsnight blog suggests the country is being run by former journalists.

John Redwood on his blog considers spending cuts and says free libraries could be provided at a lower cost.

Live blog: quote

Why do we have a university library, secondary school libraries, specialist public sector libraries and municipal free libraries all in the same urban or suburban area? Could there be more pooling and joint use? Why is the LEA overhead so high? Why does it cost so much to borrow each book? Can more be delivered online? Have libraries diversified to offer too much free? What if we split the LEA library monopoly? Would librarians like to turn their lilbraries into not for profit charities or social enterprises? Could commercial organisations manage or provide the library facility for less? There must be enormous scope here for innovation and lower cost.

Here's an afternoon summary.

Diane Abbott, a leftwinger and a serial rebel, will contest the Labour leadership. She made it onto the ballot at the last minute, after David Miliband and other mainstream party figures who have no intention of voting for her nominated her in the interests of getting a diverse range of candidates into the contest. She is being described as the first black person to stand for the leadership of a British political party. She joins Andy Burnham - who only got 33 nominations shortly before today's deadline, David Miliband, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls in the contest. David Miliband said the decision to include her was "not tokenistic". He told BBC News just now: "She's got 20 years of experience and commitment." But some in the party are worried that the decision could backfire. (See 1.58pm, 2.26pm and 3.54pm)

Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, announced a full public inquiry into the deaths at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust. "We know only too well what happened at this hospital – what we need to know is how and why. A full public inquiry will shed light on uninvestigated areas and help us to understand and learn from them," he said as he unveiled his plan in a statement to the Commons.

David Cameron said he would fly the England flag over Downing Street for the duration of the World Cup. It remains to be seen how well this will go down in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Theresa May, the home secretary, condemned identity cards as "un-British". Speaking in the debate on the bill abolishing them, she said they represented "the worst of government".

That's it for today. Thanks for the comments.

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  • sneekyboy sneekyboy

    9 Jun 2010, 9:28AM

    MPs debate the identity cards bill.

    ConDem MP - I think they are Sh*t!

    Labour MP - No they aren't

    Vote goes that they are abolished since there are more ConDems than Labour.

    Cameron gives a team talk, "Well done all MP's, you have really earned your wages and expenses today". They all retire to the bar.

    There, I just saved everyone from having to read from 12:30 to about 2ish.

  • Reflexive Reflexive

    9 Jun 2010, 9:42AM

    What saddens me here is that Dianne Abbott is being pushed into the leadership race by virtue of her gender. She isn’t a credible candidate, and if Harriett Harman wanted to ensure a female was in the race, she should have put herself forward instead of forcing us to endure this embarrassment. There are several good potential female Labour leaders, but Dianne Abbott is certainly not one of them!

  • NXile NXile

    9 Jun 2010, 9:44AM

    Well done John. That took class. So rare to see a politician put the needs of the party and the country over their own ego.

    You are now forgiven for the digital economy bill.

  • burningmarl burningmarl

    9 Jun 2010, 9:46AM

    come on dianne!

    I am very glad to hear that John has done that, it's unusual to find a bloke that understands that gender equality in the form of equal representation is actually pretty important. I just wish that it was Balls or Burnham that had done it because I think he was a more credible candidate than either of them, cabinet experience and all!

  • toonbasedmanc toonbasedmanc

    9 Jun 2010, 9:50AM

    Well ok John, nice sentiment but you weren't actually going to get the other 17 nominations that you needed so it's a bit of an empty gesture.

    Oh and if Diane Abbott is the best female candidate that Labour can offer for leadership then the future is very bleak indeed....

  • malvarosa malvarosa

    9 Jun 2010, 9:53AM

    The left of the labour party seems to consist of jokers and poseurs nowadays, who seem not to have noticed that we have a government more suited to the 19th century than the 21st, which seems intent on wiping out the gains of the 20th - universal health care, social insurance, paid holidays, etc. It is sad that the best the left can offer is John O'Donnell whose tired identity based politics have nothing to offer in the hard times we are entering. Who cares how much light reflects off someones skin, or what they have or haven't got between their legs. We need someone who stands up for human beings irrespective of these surface characteristics. The left of the labour party is finished now and simply has nothing sensible to offer. Cameron and Clegg must be chuckling away at this shambles. Good riddence to a rather mediocre silly little man.

  • Vencio Vencio

    9 Jun 2010, 9:53AM


    She isn’t a credible candidate, and if Harriett Harman wanted to ensure a female was in the race, she should have put herself forward instead of forcing us to endure this embarrassment.

    I would say Harman is the bigger embarrassment.

  • DrRizla DrRizla

    9 Jun 2010, 9:54AM

    A shame, but predictable. He would never have got the number of nominations as the party is full to the gills with bland politico clones. Luckily Diane Abbot will also fail.

    The bigger question is why are there no candidates who represent me and others like me who are lifelng Labour supporters.

  • Ruperty Ruperty

    9 Jun 2010, 9:55AM

    What is gained by the pretence that there is a credible, female candidate for the leadership of the Labour Party? It simply emphasises the lack of good women politicians in the Parliamentary Labour Party. Not since the younger days of Margaret Beckett has there been a woman with the necessary skills to lead the Labour Party.

    Even the Deputy Leader, Harriett Harman is not a credible candidate.

    Despite this debacle, Harman wants half the shadow cabinet to be women. Politics is just a lifestyle for people like Harman, somewhere to self-indulge with no thought of usefully serving those she represents.

  • PaulBowes01 PaulBowes01

    9 Jun 2010, 9:56AM

    So now there won't be a single credible candidate who is untainted by the Blair/Brown years and genuinely of the left. Thanks a lot, Labour. You have made me feel that 35 years of support was absolutely pointless.

    Oh, and the tokenism of trying to get the spectacularly useless Abbott onto the ballot fools nobody.

  • Reflexive Reflexive

    9 Jun 2010, 9:56AM

    9 Jun 2010, 9:44AM

    Well done John. That took class.

    Not sure John would appreciate your use of 'class' here, but yes, the decision may have been taken for honourable reasons. The again, it may have been little more than a pragmatic decision to gain some political capital from his failed attempt to gain enough names.

  • ragodley1987 ragodley1987

    9 Jun 2010, 9:57AM

    What a shame. John Mcdonnell was an excellent candidate. He has done so much for the people of Sipson and surrounding areas of Heathrow trying to stop expansion, he went to Brunel Uni like myself so he didn't have the Oxbridge stigma attached to him and he's a man of principle.

    Hope Dianne makes the 33 nominations. As a party member I am very disappointed it has come to this and I think the MPs have let us grass roots members down in not allowing a real debate about Labour's future direction.

    What really strikes me is how Ed Balls managed to comfortably make the grade? Can anyone find a rational explanation for that one? His wife Yvette Cooper is a much more creditable MP.

  • goatee2go goatee2go

    9 Jun 2010, 10:00AM

    I think this is pathetic.

    I agree that Labour needs a radical change in leadership and that the Milibands and Balls really aren't it. The last Labour government was a mess that had lost touch with what the Labour Party is fundamentally for: to reduce poverty and increase equality, something ti signally failed to do. Never mind the rest of the fiasco, Labour failed in its own terms, big time.

    Abbot's nomination is a fig-leaf to ensure that certain boxes are ticked, and she'll lose by a landslide because simply, sorry, Diane, she just isn't good enough to do the job. And none of the rest seem to be saying that the Labour Party will return to doing what it is for: to reduce poverty and increase equality.

    Until that happens, it will remain irrelevant.

  • ch27 ch27

    9 Jun 2010, 10:00AM


    The bigger question is why are there no candidates who represent me and others like me who are lifelong Labour supporters.

    Perhaps the time has come for a true *socialist* Labour Party to be formed, allowing the NuLab middle-class Oxbridge contingent to follow its pretence of occupying the centre-ground of politics.

  • NXile NXile

    9 Jun 2010, 10:01AM

    @Reflexive - Very possibly. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

    Honourable or just calculating, he's still miles ahead of Bands, Balls, and the other one.

    Here I was thinking you were just another Abbot-hater when it turns out you're a general cynic.

    First impressions, eh?

  • 1586 1586

    9 Jun 2010, 10:01AM


    The bigger question is why are there no candidates who represent me and others like me who are lifelng Labour supporters.

    Because the Labour Party is an irrelevance.............workers have rights, women have equal rights, people have indoor lavatories and Sky dishes to go with their huge calorie intake, they have free education and medicine and a massive welfare safety net.

    Socialism is irrelevant, ergo, so is the Labour Party...........that is why Blair and Mandelson came into existence.

    The Labour Party only exists in the minds of people who are still fighting the fatuous class war.........that is why the likes of Brown and Balls were insistent on keeping it going.

    Goodnight Labour Party..........thank-you for fighting so hard for the common people of Great Britain from 1918 to 1968.......it's now time you were put to bed.

  • VoxAC30 VoxAC30

    9 Jun 2010, 10:04AM

    I can't help but feel whoever wins this contest will be but the first in a long line of Labour leaders of the opposition, so why not give Abbot a go - at least it would be cathartic.

  • GreatGrandDad GreatGrandDad

    9 Jun 2010, 10:05AM

    The next 'Labour leader' (an oxymoron since there's nowt to lead) will be a caretaker whilst the party rebuilds itself.

    The best hope for Britain is that Labour activists start to look at what will be required 5, 10, 15 years down the road from the present beginning of 'Contraction of Consumerist Economic Activity'.

    That vision won't come from the Government------they'll forget about the necessity to drain thje swamp whilst they are dealing with the immediacy of being up to their waists in its alligators.

    That leadership of realistic thought comes from 'provocatives' below----not from on top----so 'a dickhead carreerist' (to quote 'whatwedoissecret' at 9:53 AM) winning this election is no bad thing.

  • noneother noneother

    9 Jun 2010, 10:07AM

    I can't think who could play Ed Miliband or John McDonnell, but surely if Channel 4 make a docu-drama of this Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) has to play David Miliband, Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker/House) as Ed Balls, Ewan Mcgregor as Andy Burnham, and Daniel Day Lewis as Diane Abbott.

  • LostontheLeft LostontheLeft

    9 Jun 2010, 10:08AM

    Not sure if he is the activists' choice as he claims.I'm an activist and think he's a bit of a joke. The timing of this move suggests it may be linked to his embarassing and silly comments about Thatcher. His argument that the modest requirements of Labour's electoral system should be changed to suit him lacks definite principle. I mean, if you can't secure 33 nominations (or even 20) from the PLP how can you hope to lead them? Once the Left was looney, now it's just plain daft.

  • LabourLive LabourLive

    9 Jun 2010, 10:08AM

    Just a thought... if there are so many disillusioned people on the left of the Labour Party who are not represented by the leadership and the MPs - why aren't there serious numbers of voters defecting to the smaller left wing parties? The big three parties gain huge swathes of the votes, and it is hard to argue that the Lib Dems, and certainly not the Tories, are taking votes from those disillusioned Socialists.

    The fact is, most people in this country are in the political centre. Those on the far left are on the fringes, and the way votes are cast reflects that. Yes, it would be very interesting to see how a change in the electoral system which removed the need for tactical voting would change this, but we would doubt that it would see swathes of SWP MPs....

  • stan3seasons stan3seasons

    9 Jun 2010, 10:09AM

    Come on, John McDonnell cdnt make the running cos he cdnt get 33 MPs recommendation. this wasnt helped by his recent speech to GMBU conference where he appeared to confuse being part of a common fictional plotline [from terminator to ashes to ashes] with reality.

    We are in the age of forgetting.

    Labour's election campaign shot itself in the foot with a Cameron in ashes to ashes mash-up poster campaign [is that too strong a word/] Nobody can afford to assume that today's motivated minority of voters remember with distaste the days when thatcher was el capo of a mean tory administration with an actual majority. McDonnell goofed up on how to present a daydream about a specific "back in the day" which only a minority of middle classists share.

    Can Labour MPs nominate more than once? If so they cd all nominate each other- except of course for John Cruddas. that way we'd all know who's left?
    Shame they didnt make nominations before their numbers were slashed.

    As it is- only the milibands seemed to have nominated each other. Pip pip.

  • IntravenousDeMilo IntravenousDeMilo

    9 Jun 2010, 10:09AM


    The left of the labour party seems to consist of jokers and poseurs nowadays, who seem not to have noticed that we have a government more suited to the 19th century than the 21st, which seems intent on wiping out the gains of the 20th - universal health care, social insurance, paid holidays, etc. It is sad that the best the left can offer is John O'Donnell whose tired identity based politics have nothing to offer in the hard times we are entering. Who cares how much light reflects off someones skin, or what they have or haven't got between their legs. We need someone who stands up for human beings irrespective of these surface characteristics. The left of the labour party is finished now and simply has nothing sensible to offer. Cameron and Clegg must be chuckling away at this shambles. Good riddence to a rather mediocre silly little man.

    This entire diatribe shows you know absolutely nothing about what John McDonnell has been fighting for all these years, and will continue to fight for in the future. That you can't even get his name right completely discredits your argument.

    You call him a 'silly mediocre little man'... yet most of us here commenting now are just a bunch of keyboard warriors who contribute little but ill-informed invective and hostility, exemplified by your 'contribution'. Who is really 'silly' and 'mediocre'?

  • vivify vivify

    9 Jun 2010, 10:09AM

    A shame John has to drop out because of the way the nomination system worked. He'd be fantastic. Still, Diane's still a good second choice, and I really hope she gets on otherwise there really would be absolutely no-one to vote for or worth considering in this election. A life raft in a sea of New Labour Blairites!

  • loftytom loftytom

    9 Jun 2010, 10:11AM

    9 Jun 2010, 9:42AM
    What saddens me here is that Dianne Abbott is being pushed into the leadership race by virtue of her gender. She isn’t a credible candidate, and if Harriett Harman wanted to ensure a female was in the race, she should have put herself forward instead of forcing us to endure this embarrassment. There are several good potential female Labour leaders, but Dianne Abbott is certainly not one of them!

    Harriet's papa did not spend lots of spondulicks on her private education in vain.
    She knows that the next leader will be Nulab's version of William Hague.

    She's waiting for the leadership election to come therafter.

  • loftytom loftytom

    9 Jun 2010, 10:13AM

    9 Jun 2010, 9:44AM
    Well done John. That took class. So rare to see a politician put the needs of the party and the country over their own ego.

    You are now forgiven for the digital economy bill.

    Wrong and wrong.

    He knewwq he had no chance of getting the votes, this makes him look good at no cost.

    No way is any piece of lobby fodder who voted for the digital economy bill at the behest of Mandy and his moneyed chums forgiven

  • Ragnor Ragnor

    9 Jun 2010, 10:13AM

    Dianne Abbot Abbott is completely devoid of a left wing bone in her body and I have never heard her mention the word Socialism in her life, maybe she is to interested in what private schools she can send her kids to, Dianne is for Dianne and like all the rest of the defunct Labour MPs who live in that goldfish bowl of Westminster, they are looking for their morality in the dustbins of their fellow MPs second homes.....So we are doomed with the same old look-a-like
    shower of shit, in fact a carbon copy of all that's bad in British politics, crap is crap, which ever way its dressed up......

  • NXile NXile

    9 Jun 2010, 10:13AM

    @1586 -

    workers have rights

    I don't get paid holiday.

    I can be sacked on the spot.

    I work no less than 10 unpaid hours a week.

    And I've been on my "temporary" contract for 8 months.

    What rights are you referring to?

  • loftytom loftytom

    9 Jun 2010, 10:15AM

    9 Jun 2010, 10:09AM
    A shame John has to drop out because of the way the nomination system worked. He'd be fantastic.

    For the conservatives you mean.

    He makes the old bibliophile look electable.

    Were you awake in 1983?

  • NormaStitz NormaStitz

    9 Jun 2010, 10:15AM

    Even if you don't think she's leadership material, I wonder howmany agree Diane would make a great cabinet minister: competence, political nous and checks and balances all rolled into a media-friendly package. Mind you, they've got to win an election first ;o)

  • 1586 1586

    9 Jun 2010, 10:22AM


    Labour were in power for 13yrs and Diane Abbott never got near the Cabinet despite having been a MP since 1987.

    What suddenly makes her a 'great cabinet minister'?

  • padav padav

    9 Jun 2010, 10:23AM

    By way of a reprise from last week's PMQ blog and the much heralded Hay interview with Nick Clegg, it would seem that David Cameron fully comprehends the seminal impact of Westminster voting reform, which is why the date of the AV Referendum remains the only significant outstanding piece of business within the complex jigsaw arrangement between the LibDems and Conservatives?

    Unfortunately most people's attention has now been grabbed by the fiscal deficit reduction story, which appears set to dominate the headlines for the next few weeks, at least until the budget on 22nd June?

    Nick Clegg's big announcement turned out to be a damp squib; I'm sure he's been privately informed that dissent amongst LibDem activists/party members is now growing rapidly - if the date for the AV referendum isn't set in stone by Party Conference time, expect some fireworks in Liverpool?

    Meanwhile I await the Labour Leadership hustings with interest - will any of the contenders dare to broach this potentially explosive topic - will any individual MP/party member dare to challenge the candidates to declare their stance on voting reform?

  • bobinspain bobinspain

    9 Jun 2010, 10:23AM

    To paraphrase Kevin Keegan's famous rant, "I'd love it if Dianne Abbott was elected leader, just love it".
    That way, the smidgen of a soupcon of a scintilla of a hope of re-election for the Labour party would be extinguished forever.

  • stoc stoc

    9 Jun 2010, 10:25AM

    We don't need no stinking left wingers. Mandelson is the leader of the party, and he will continue to be leader of the party after the election.

    Mandelson, Murdoch and Rothschild. Socialism for the 21st century

  • NXile NXile

    9 Jun 2010, 10:26AM

    @1586 - Even if you don't believe me...

    Are you actually telling me you don't recognise that there are people in this country working under those conditions?

    Because, wow. Even the hardest Tories won't deny that there are things like that going on. They won't care, but they won't deny it either.

  • DixiesMayor DixiesMayor

    9 Jun 2010, 10:26AM

    A man of principle making a very bad mistake. Abbott is an opportunist and she should have been the one dropping out. The Parliamentary Labour Party and the spineless National Executive Committee disgust me for making sure the only choice available is which NewLabour candidate will the membership like to be Leader.

    Neither McDonnell or Abbott has a chance in hell of becoming Labour Leader but it would have been nice and democratic to have had the chance to vote for one of them

  • ado16 ado16

    9 Jun 2010, 10:28AM

    Dreadful picture of the contenders up there - Talk about clones! Labour aren't really thinking this through - despite being an absolutely bonkers idea - Diane Abbott could be a killer punch in the same old, same old World of Politics. They've got (If the coalition holds together) five years of free time - they might as well have a bit of fun with it!?

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