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Latest news and links from the Guardian's politics staff

  1. Dan Roberts RobertsDan Both police complaints authority & top pathologist say there was a case to answer http://gu.com/p/2thd9/tw but no justice for Ian Tomlinson
  2. Aditya Chakrabortty chakrabortty And Nigel Farage is so ANGRY about the burqa too. You'd have thought that plane crash would have taught him to lighten up a little.
  3. Aditya Chakrabortty chakrabortty Newsnight yesterday, Question Time today. When the BBC wants a reasoned debate on the burka its go-to man is... Nigel Farage. Knobs.
  4. Martin Kettle martinkettle A genuine sporting king in a world of unworthy princes | Martin Kettle http://bit.ly/bIK1SS
  5. Allegra Stratton allegrastratton Edna Healey, author, film-maker and Denis's wife, dies at 92 http://bit.ly/dwI9GE
  6. Henry McDonald henry_mcdonald Paramilitary gunman to serve two years for killing army recruitment sergeant http://bit.ly/bOHQAI
  7. Randeep Ramesh tianran Pakistani army still in charge. RT @SalmanMasood: Gen. Kayani getting an extension!
  8. Randeep Ramesh tianran First the goosestepping goes. Now women soldiers line up in Wagah border. The end of Monty Pythonesque Indo-Pak antics. http://bit.ly/dkhY0U
  9. Randeep Ramesh tianran More hospital trusts set to go into red: regulator warns of pressures building as cuts start to bite http://gu.com/p/2th8y/tw
  10. Allegra Stratton allegrastratton Eric Pickles to scrap 'agents of Whitehall' in English regions http://bit.ly/bVfVYy
  11. Helene Mulholland lnmulholland David Cameron unveils national service pilot scheme http://bit.ly/bfD8xO
  12. AndrewSparrow AndrewSparrow If you think my blog is not complete rubbish, you could consider voting for it in the Total Politics poll. More here - http://bit.ly/9hAiLk
  13. Guardian politics GdnPolitics George Monbiot: How scrapping the SDC to save money will cost the taxpayer a fortune http://bit.ly/abe6te
  14. DaveHill DaveHill Sir Paul Stephenson on DPP's Ian Tomlinon decision http://bit.ly/9CJw63
  15. AndrewSparrow AndrewSparrow Labour peer accuses Cameron of 'scaremongering propaganda effort which Goebbels would have been proud of' re crime - http://bit.ly/dhYUfs
  16. Helene Mulholland lnmulholland BNP leader Nick Griffin barred from Queen's garden party http://bit.ly/aISwn2
  17. AndrewSparrow AndrewSparrow CPS will be able to block private prosecutions in England and Wales for war crimes, Ken Clarke announces http://bit.ly/aGldOo
  18. Simon Jeffery SimonJeffery Bad technology day today. Drowned my iPhone and can't get on Facebook
  19. Guardian politics GdnPolitics Now comes with listen-on-demand functionality RT @DMiliband Shocked to hear Tory donor lobbying against Sheffield loan http://bit.ly/b8tiGV
  20. Guardian politics GdnPolitics Not the shy type RT @DMiliband: Find out what I think is my greatest achievement and why I should be Labour leader: http://bit.ly/b4RpZz