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  • Villiers warns Gove over academies

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    • 12:51
  • Foreign Office | Foreign office Minister Alistair Burt welcomes the entering into force of the Co...

  • Mehdi Hasan | The next Labour leader will be called Miliband

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    • 12:50
  • The Gulf oil slick seems to be going away

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    • 12:49
  • Political Scrapbook | Daily Telegraph: David Cameron is getting fat

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    • 12:39
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Duty Editor: Tim Carter

Former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott has admitted that he thought some of the intelligence on the Iraqi weapons threat "wasn't very substantial," as he gave evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war this morning. "I didn't totally dismiss it, I didn't have any evidence to feel that they were wrong, but I just felt a little bit nervous about conclusions on what I thought seemed to be pretty limited intelligence," he said. Lord Prescott also said that he was a strong advocate of securing a UN resolution ahead of the 2003 invasion.

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  • 13:04 Theresa Villiers angry over school's academy bid rejection News

  • 13:00 Potters Bar crash caused by points failure, rules jury News

  • 12:32Brown 'Thinks Ed Miliband best placed to win' Diary of the Day

  • 12:05 Chilcot committee to visit Iraq as part of war inquiry News

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