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A fine old mess. No wonder schools minister Gove has got detention.

• What a fine old time they are having during the parliamentary recess. Dave strutting the foreign stage "plain speaking", telling it like it is. Others back in their constituencies, basking in their new and exalted status, enjoying the limelight, drinking it in. But there is less fun on offer for some, so spare a thought for Michael Gove and Nick Gibb, education head honchos. They'd like to be winding down for the recess but instead, sources tell us, they have been left behind, hitting the phones calling every local authority and academy sponsor personally to clarify the Building Schools for the Future situation after their botched lists fiasco. They are having to schmooze each one individually to attempt to undo the PR disaster of their first chaotic announcement. And no, their discomfort doesn't match that of the schools so cruelly mucked around and disappointed. But discomfort it is, so that's a start.

• And with the advent of the "big society", there is noticeably less talk of "broken Britain", even in the Sun. But that must be because away from the public gaze, things are coming together. Evildoers are being brought to book. Injustices fixed. Which is good, but it does finally mean the end for Graham Rumsey who, as a Tory councillor in Kent and deputy chair of a finance committee, disgraced himself by being sent to jail for failing to pay his council and business tax. And for failing to control his dangerous dog, which attacked two teenagers. It took six months and time with Her Majesty for him to conclude – and for others to persuade him – that perhaps he was not cut out for public life in the Cameroonian era. Better late than never as they say.

• Meanwhile, the battle for the leadership of Conservative Future, the party's youth wing, hots up and we glean from the best website chronicler of the race, Tory Bear (not "Tory Boy" as we said on Tuesday) that our friend Craig Cox is the man to beat. His experience with the Bring Back Slavery poster he held aloft a while back is doing him no harm at all. We also see that David Cameron has turned to one of the party's youngest MPs, Andy Stephenson from Pendle, to bring order where traditionally there is chaos, as vice chair of the party with responsibility for the bright young things, including Conservative Future. He will have seen the recent fate of Grant Tucker, the chairman of Conservative Future in South Wales, who was forced to resign for a web post which wished George Galloway dead. But then Andy is a former bigwig in CF himself. He knows coping with the madness is all part of the challenge.

• Almost as big a challenge as that involved in cutting costs. But don't worry, Priti Patel, another of the new intake, has that in hand. She has been asking questions about how much departments pay in union costs, through civil servants allegedly devoting too much of their time to trade union-related duties. The cost of this exercise – 111 questions tabled in the six days before recess, £17,094. So if the unions don't empty the coffers, Priti will.

• As the Times straddles the fences between calling for greater freedom of information and condemning the revelatory works of WikiLeaks, we can see that in future the website's founder Julian Assange may have quite a bit to answer for. New this week, inspired by the release of US military records, is the site NukeLeaks, which will chronicle the secret rows and cock-ups in the nuclear industry. No shortage of potential whistleblowers there. With Homer Simpson first in line.

• Finally, can anyone explain why we don't take music mogul Kanye West more seriously. "I don't have a fucking Twitter," he raged last year. "Why would I use Twitter??? I only blog 5% of what I'm up to in the first place. Everything that Twitter offers I need less of." So now, a year later, after his first day tweeting – an "amazing first day" that left him "floored by the warm reception" and needing "a moment" to recover, let us be the first to say it. Welcome to Twitter, Kanye.

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