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11 August 2010

Everything in politics

  1. George Osborne Leaves Number 11 Downing Street

    George Osborne may have saved Britain's credit rating – but has he saved the economy?

    Standard & Poor's says it is still reviewing UK's credit rating – but meanwhile the government's borrowing cost is remarkably low. By Jill Treanor
  2. 6.17pm
    David Cameron has supported Aston Villa since the age of 13

    David Cameron expresses sadness over Martin O'Neill's Aston Villa exit

    The prime minister, David Cameron, has expressed his sadness over Martin O'Neill's decision to resign as manager of Aston Villa
  3. 5.56pm
    Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne

    Chancellor's cheerleaders learn austerity will hurt them too

    The City cheered the tough measures in George Osborne's budget – but now they've realised it's going to be painful for everyone
  4. 5.39pm
    Adam Walker

    BNP attends international far-right conference in Japan

    BNP staff manager Adam Walker will join MEPs and members of far-right parties from across Europe at Tokyo-based congress
  5. Alex Salmond

    Alex Salmond will not publish Lockerbie bomber medical records

    Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's private health reports will not be disclosed despite Democrat senators' plea
  6. 5.22pm

    Ray Lewis and the 'bollocks' industry

    Dave Hill: Last night's TV show about Boris Johnson's "gang czar" did him no favours at all

  7. Lady Warsi and Chris Huhne on 11 August 2010.

    Sayeeda Warsi and Chris Huhne attack Labour over public finances

    Tory chair and Lib Dem climate change secretary also criticise previous government for taking severance pay
  8. Growth forecasts of a collapsing economy: visualising the story of a recession

    The Bank of England has just forecasted what will happen to growth in its latest inflation report. See our animation of how those GDP forecasts changed during this recession

  9. david cameron nick clegg

    This coalition's incoherent first chapter

    Christopher Montgomery: David Cameron has steered clear of unpopular decisions, and done a professional job of keeping the Lib Dems onside
  10. The 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley

    Lords distance themselves from climate sceptic Christopher Monckton

    House of Lords steps up efforts to make Christopher Monckton stop claiming he is a member of the upper house

  11. 1.41pm
    House of Lords

    Lords reform: can turkeys be persuaded to vote for Christmas?

    Peter Facey: There is cross-party consensus on an elected second chamber – but the coalition will need to steel itself for Lords opposition
  12. Job centre sign

    Unemployment benefit claimants constituency by constituency: full data

    Unemployment is going down - these are the unemployment benefit claimant numbers in each of the parliamentary constituencies. Get them where you live

  13. Michael Gove

    Playground plans shelved under government spending cuts

    Coalition makes cuts to £235m Playbuilder scheme intended to create 3,500 community playgrounds across England
  14. 1.00pm
    Jimmy Reid, UCS work-in

    Jimmy Reid: a true radical giant

    Gregor Gall: Jimmy Reid's charisma, political skill and imagination in forging alliances are desperately needed in the struggles we face today

  15. 12.54pm

    Obama seals off US journalists and authors from Britain's libel laws

    President Obama yesterday signed into US law legislation aimed at protecting American authors, journalists and academics from Britain's libel laws

  16. 12.25pm
    Jimmy Reid, UCS work-in

    Jimmy Reid: 'a rat race is for rats'

    Clyde shipyard leader was also a fine orator and journalist

  17. 12.22pm
    BBC iPlayer

    Every BBC freedom of information request made - and what happened to it

    FoI requests cost the BBC millions. Get the full list of every request and the outcome

  18. 12.11pm
    The cover of Tony Blair's book The Journey.

    High security for Tony Blair book signing

    Paul Owen: Fans wanting a signed copy of former PM's memoir A Journey must comply with a number of strict conditions – and personal dedications are out
  19. 11.43am

    Ken Clarke's enthusiasm for cuts in the justice system comes at a high price

    The lord chancellor should be sticking up for his department. Our courts lie at the very heart of our democracy
  20. 11.27am
    An image of Earth from space

    Global warming: Our survey of MPs shows worrying apathy

    Only 11% of MPs responded to our email, but they have to respond to you so help us out by chasing them for their views on climate change
  21. 11.25am

    Poll: Tell us your MP's views on climate change

    Competition Competition

    Ask your local MP for their views on global warming and help us paint a national political picture

  22. 11.22am
    Jimmy Reid in 2005 when he switched from Labour to the Scottish National party

    Jimmy Reid, saviour of Clyde shipyards, dies aged 78

    'Commanding figure of great humanity' led work-in that forced Tory government to keep Upper Clyde Shipbuilders open
  23. 11.14am
    Aid parcels for Pakistan's flood victims in Bannu, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

    Gordon Brown makes aid appeal for Pakistan flood victims

    Former prime minister believes Britain is full of compassionate people but says more donations are urgently needed
  24. Chilcot Iraq inquiry

    Chilcot inquiry wants evidence from Iraq war veterans

    Sir John Chilcot wants soldiers – past and present – to have 'their voices heard' on how campaign was run

  25. English Defence League

    Stop EDL's Bradford march of hate

    Marsha Singh: If the Conservatives are serious about localism they must heed the petition of the people of Bradford and ban this racist march

  26. 10.35am
    David Cameron shakes hands with 12-year-old Tyler Rushworth in Ashton-under-Lyne, on 10 August 2010.

    David Cameron and the tabloid press – when it comes to the working class, do they get it?

    Michael White: There is more than a dash of sentimentality to the tabloids' treatment of their readers and the prime minister's plans for cuts
  27. 10.22am
    Lady Warsi and Chris Huhne on 11 August 2010.

    Chris Huhne and Lady Warsi press conference attacking Labour – live

    Andrew Sparrow with minute-by-minute coverage of the first party-political press conference held by the coalition

  28. 10.00am
    Petrol prices

    Peak oil is the villain governments need

    Graham Wayne: Using the threat of a high oil prices is a sell the public will buy into – unlike intangible arguments over climate change
  29. 9.14am

    Economic recovery at risk?

    The pound fell today after the Bank of England cut its growth forecast and predicted higher inflation, while the number of people claiming unemployment benefit fell by less than expected. Richard Wray brings you the latest news, views and reaction

  30. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi boards a plane at Glasgow Airport

    Washington asks for Lockerbie bomber's medical records

    Senators holding inquiry want Scottish government to hand over advice that led to release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi
  31. 8.01am
    An Indian policeman is hit by an object thrown by a Kashmiri protester in Srinagar

    India's blinkered policy on Kashmir

    Simon Tisdall: India and Pakistan's failure to resolve Kashmir could see a huge escalation of violence, and derail an Afghan settlement
  32. 8.00am
    Lisa Walter

    How will lone parents cope with having to find a job when their children reach school age?

    Single parents are to be compelled to seek work once their youngest child turns five, or face losing benefits. We ask families how they will cope.

  33. Youth unemployment: employment agency in London

    Youth unemployment rising in most regions, TUC study shows

    Number of 18-24 year olds on the dole for more than six months increased in 142 local authorities in the year to June

  34. 7.04am
    Employment agency in London

    Jobs worries and inflation fears send confidence plunging, says Nationwide

    Nationwide consumer index shows people more cautious about jobs, the housing market and their earnings
  35. 7.01am

    How Finland could improve our health

    Jenni Viitanen: Britain's health inequality is the worst in Europe. Let's look at how Finland turned things around in the 1970s
  36. 12.42am
    david cameron nick clegg

    Washington thinktank says US right could learn from Cameron and Clegg

    Cato Institute says Britain's coalition government has brought together the best traditions of British liberalism
  37. 12.14am


    Stephen Bates: Behold the miracle of Kampala. It's amazing what a little largesse from Wall Street can do
  38. 12.05am

    A penalty, not a perk

    Letters: Had I not been serving overseas we wouldn't have dreamed of sending our three children to boarding school
  39. Backward steps for the 'big society'

    Letters: The prime minister's many statements on the issue could be considered either worryingly uneducated about the nature of civil society, or recklessly ideological
  40. 12.05am

    Vince Cable's power and principles

    Letters: Though I hate much of what the coalition is doing I shall continue to support the Lib Dems. The more the party retains electoral support, the more it can stand up to the Tories
  41. 12.05am

    Defending jobs and services must be our current priority

    Response: The fight against a world dominated by work cannot begin during an economic crisis, says Candy Udwin
  42. Spending cuts: first blood

    Editorial: The coalition is putting the cart before the horse by brokering department cuts before deciding what needs to be done
  43. 12.01am
    Business secretary Vince Cable visits the Student Loans Company in Glasgow

    Vince Cable runs smallest ministerial office, league table claims

    Business secretary has half the staff of Caroline Spelman at Defra and a third of the staff of foreign secretary William Hague
  44. 12.01am

    In praise of ... community pubs

    Editorial: A fund to help communities buy their local pubs has been axed. Why? Not cost, and nor can it be through lack of demand
  45. 12.01am
    Ben Jennings cartoon 11.08.2010

    Ben Jennings on the health of the government

    Cartoon Cartoon

    In the latest instalment of the Guardian's showcase of new cartoonists, Ben Jennings comments on the health of the current government

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