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G24: Print your own up-to-date pdf
G24 brings you the latest stories from the Guardian, guardian.co.uk and the Observer - updated throughout the day. There are five pdfs to choose from: Top stories, World, Media, Business and Sport. Simply click on the Open pdf link and print.

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G24: Top storiesTop stories
The latest UK and World news and comment from the front page of guardian.co.uk, plus the biggest features from Media, Football, Arts and Film.
Top stories
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G24: WorldWorld
The day's major international stories, plus news and analysis from our correspondents around the world.
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G24: MediaMedia
Latest news, comment and media gossip from our MediaGuardian.co.uk website. Don't go to lunch without it!
G24: Media
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G24: BusinessBusiness
All the business news and analysis from our award-winning City team.
G24: Business
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G24: SportSport
News, views, rumours and sparkling wit from the fabulous team behind the Fiver.
G24: Sport
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