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  1. 1. How New Labour ate itself | Deborah Orr

    Deborah Orr: Contrary to Tony Blair's criticisms, Gordon Brown messed up because he believed in New Labour principles too greatly

  2. 2. Response: Young people need secure jobs, not casual and part-time work

    Response: The young want a means to live full and independent lives. But such jobs are increasingly hard to find, says Richard Williams
  3. 3. We lost sight of fairness in the false promise of wealth | Ha-Joon Chang

    Ha-Joon Chang: Acceptance of inequality rests on assumptions that 'free markets' make us all richer in the end. Growth figures tell it differently
  4. 4. House prices have nowhere to go but down

    Homes for sale in window of estate agent Rigged in favour of owner-occupiers, the property market is shuddering to a halt
  5. 5. Defiant Dick Fuld blames false rumours and the Fed for collapse of Lehma

    Richard Fuld Boss of Lehman Brothers attacks regulator for lack of action, but admits: 'I myself did not see the depth and violence of the crisis'
  6. 6. Tony Blair: quotes from A Journey

    The cover of Tony Blair's book A Journey. From banking to foxhunting, the former prime minister gives his views on his choices when in power
  7. 7. Burger King could be snapped up by private equity firm

    Burger King is in talks with a number of potential buyers including Britain's 3i Group, according to media reports
  8. 8. Growth deniers and deficit deniers. Let the battle begin | Larry Elliott

    Larry Elliott: In the impending economic debate Labour must ensure it defeats the ideology of George Osborne's austerians
  9. 9. Greenland's prime minister lambasts Greenpeace for raiding Arctic oil rig

    Cairn Energy's Stena Don oil rig is scaled by Greenpeace campaigners, Greenland Kuupik Kleist claims environmental campaigners are damaging country's economy by occupy drilling platform
  10. 10. Immigrants cause job losses? Like ice-cream brings sharks | Gary Younge

    Gary Younge: To claim the statistics show that foreigners are to blame for rising unemployment is a leap of xenophobic bad faith

Last 7 days

  1. 1. Good Companies Guide: Winners and losers in the corporate sustainability stakes

    Oil production plant, Saudi Arabia

    Analysts at Co-operative Asset Management assess which FTSE 350 companies may have the most sustainable business models

  2. 2. We lost sight of fairness in the false promise of wealth | Ha-Joon Chang

    Ha-Joon Chang: Acceptance of inequality rests on assumptions that 'free markets' make us all richer in the end. Growth figures tell it differently
  3. 3. The rise and fall of American Apparel

    American Apparel's chairman and CEO Dov Charney. The ethical clothing firm founded by controversial CEO Dov Charney is facing bankruptcy
  4. 4. House prices have nowhere to go but down

    Homes for sale in window of estate agent Rigged in favour of owner-occupiers, the property market is shuddering to a halt
  5. 5. Big business: There is profit to be made in decency | Observer editorial

    Observer editorial: If governments and companies fail to behave responsibly, the stage could be set for an environmental, social and economic dystopia
  6. 6. Margaret Thatcher blocked Soviet aid for striking miners, files reveal

    Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow in 1987 Margaret Thatcher exerted intense diplomatic pressure on Mikhail Gorbachev over funds for miners during strike
  7. 7. The fallacy of taking German lessons | Mark Weisbrot

    European Central Bank, Frankfurt, euro

    Mark Weisbrot: Germany is held up by deficit hawks as an ideal for other, less successful economies such as Spain's to emulate. Big mistake

  8. 8. How New Labour ate itself | Deborah Orr

    Deborah Orr: Contrary to Tony Blair's criticisms, Gordon Brown messed up because he believed in New Labour principles too greatly

  9. 9. Response: Young people need secure jobs, not casual and part-time work

    Response: The young want a means to live full and independent lives. But such jobs are increasingly hard to find, says Richard Williams
  10. 10. BP frozen out of Arctic oil drilling race

    Icebergs float in a bay near Greenland British energy giant BP forced to abandon hopes of Greenland exploration owing to tarnished reputation from Gulf oil spill