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A film set in the future where David Cameron's Big Society has reached its logical conclusion.

The video is a light-hearted way of making a serious point - that in truth the Tories' Big Society is nothing more than abandoning public services. The Tories plan for DIY services mean no guarantees for patients, parents or communities.

In contrast, Labour has a deep commitment to Britain's public services. In 1997, we promised to save the NHS - and we have. We promised to rebuild our schools and drive up standards - and we have. We promised to get crime down - and we have. It is only a Labour Government that can be trusted to protect our public services and turn them from good to great.

This is a word of mouth election - so personalise this video now with your friends' names and send it on to them - to help underline the choice we all have to make this coming Thursday.

Our future? Your choice.

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