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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

Tories attack Israel, accuse Labour of atrocities and promise to end ‘expensive wars’


That’s the Tories in Blackburn, to be precise, where the campaign of Conservative candidate Michael Law-Riding has circulated a pamphlet in the seat’s Asian areas packed full of statements that defy the party’s official policy. It’s printed on a side of A4 under the headline “Labour shows its true colours” and challenges Labour’s claim to serve the Muslim vote. It says:

“We cannot be deceived by their hollow claims. We have in front of us a whole saga of atrocities committed in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Palestine and as if this was not enough, the Labour government allowed the Israeli government to create havoc in Lebanon and Gaza in Palestine, destroying their infrastructure and killing and maiming thousands of innocent civilians. The Labour government did nothing, absolutely nothing for a number of days while the Israelis carried on their inhuman killing of innocent men, women and children.”

It accuses Jack Straw, who is the MP for Blackburn, of insulting “our religion and culture and…our sisters and mothers” by refusing to hold meetings with women constituents wearing a full veil. “We should not forget that today they are criticising our women’s(sic) veil, tomorrow it will be ou caps and our beards they will attack,” the pamphlet declares.

It goes on to urge a vote for Mr Law-Riding ‘if you want to see an en to unnecessary and very expensive wars, shedding of innocent blood and save Britain from bankruptcy.”

The Guardian has an account of the pamphlet here, which reports CCHQ saying the pamphlet was not sanctioned centrally (no kidding) and has been ordered removed.

My report on Mr Straw’s campaign – and his sympathy for white voters ‘disturbed’ by the impact of immigration – is here.



  • No one here really gives a damn what any of your political parties think of us.

    They’ll say anything and do anything to get the muslim vote. No self respecting jew would vote for cameron brown or more especially that nonentity clegg.

    Do any of them really think they have any influence on us?

    They all say being anti Israel is not the same as being anti semitic – well they would say that wouldn’t they?

    Have your election and continue to sink in the swamp known as england.

    tzanchan on May 3rd, 2010 at 8:25 am
  • [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by tim, Telegraph Blogs, Old Holborn, Telegraph Politics, Benedict Brogan and others. Benedict Brogan said: Tories attack Israel, accuse Labour of atrocities and promise to end ‘expensive wars’ http://bit.ly/bJDjZg [...]

  • Israel does nothing without the agreement of the USA,look at the voting in the UN it’s continually the Americans who prevent serious opposition to Jewish aggression.

    mijassteve on May 3rd, 2010 at 8:38 am
  • Link

    “Asked to justify Mr Brown’s comment, he says: “He’s apologised for that. It is not a word I would use. I understand why some people in the white community would see this town changing and be disturbed about it.”

    Straw is a maggot

    “White community”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It’s an English town

    It our country

    Read the loathsome Straw’s justification for heroin importation which is destroying English people


    rogerclarke on May 3rd, 2010 at 8:41 am
  • If Dave doesn’t want his lot to look as loathesome as the vile Straw, this candidate should be disowned, and replaced at once. It would be better to not fight the seat and retain some honour, than let this treacherous worm Law-Riding represent us. He doesn’t.

    45govt on May 3rd, 2010 at 8:51 am
  • Jack Straw hates the English even more than Gordon Brown does.

    Every piece of legislation this unreconstructed communist has had a hand in needs to be repealed, starting with the Human Rights Act which is routinely used to prevent the deportation of foreign criminals and terrorists.

    georgej on May 3rd, 2010 at 8:57 am
  • Benedict, “women’s” is correct – no need for the “sic”.

    Richard T on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 am
  • “Jack Straw hates the English even more than Gordon Brown does.”

    The disgusting creature is running out of road.

    Every right thinking English person despises this creep.

    Even the tribal Duffy’s have had the scales lifted from their eyes.

    And the Pakistanis, whose votes he has most assiduously cultivated, now hate him because of Iraq/Afghanistan.

    He gets no credit for his weasel comments from anybody.

    His vote riggers will have to put in some serious overtime.

    What his long-term prospects are, who can say?

    rogerclarke on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:14 am
  • Ooh i’m not sure this sits comfortably with me. So to get this straight, to seem attractive to the Muslim vote, we are critical of the Israelis? Let’s hope Dave slaps this one into touch very quickly indeed.

    andrewb on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:16 am
  • georgej writes, “Jack Straw hates the English”
    Never a truer word written on a DT blogg. He’s a traitor, plain and simple. He’s balkanise Blackburn if he thought it would get him the vote.
    Jack “the british aren’t worth saving” Straw is hell-bent on destroying England and her culture.
    Hopefully, justice will prevail, the treason act will be retrospectively introduced, and he can go into exhile or prison for the remainder of his wretched life.
    I used to live in Blackburn, and still have many friends there, I know what his government and his policies have done. They’ve ghettoised the place, with Asians getting placement in some areas, and whites in the others.
    Jack Straw is utter scum, and I’d personally love to see him hung. He’s the worst politician EVER!

    stolenfrom on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:16 am
  • Why should anyone be surprised by this most certainly centrally sanctioned Tory pamphlet. The Tory internal control is so paranoia and controlling that it would not have hit the streets without official agreement.

    It is the true voice of the Nasty party that is waiting either behind Cameron’s false smile or Sammy’s spikey hairdo !!

    David Dee on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:23 am
  • I’d also like to add to my line, “I know what his government and his policies have done”….. along with the previous conservatives, and labour before them, and, yes, the conservatives prior to that.
    It comes as no surprise that the ‘tory’ candidate is appeasing the Islamic population…..all the liblabcon do.
    Why not got full tilt and declare areas under shariah wherein the muslims have their own laws? Oh, I forgot, you basically already have!
    Approximately 250,000 non-integrating 3rd world muslims pour into this country every year, and none of the liblabcon will address this FUNDAMENTAL change to our culture and national identity. Instead they do what this tory candidate has done.
    Vote liblabcon and you’ll get what you deserve….a balkanised England.

    stolenfrom on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:24 am
  • There’s a Roman Catholic college called St Mary’s at the top of sheer brow in Blackburn. It’s got more mulsims attending than any other religion. Similar for various other schools in the area.
    The white indigenous population in Blackburn will be a minority in that area within the next 20 years.
    There are no-go areas for asians, and no-go areas for whites.
    Well done liblabcon, you’ve totally f*ck£$ up the country with your multi-cultural ‘celebration of diversity’.
    Blackburn’s not alone either, it’s happening in many cities.
    If it’s not happening to you now, well………..it will do if you continue to vote in these dim-witted social engineers from the liblabcon.

    stolenfrom on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:32 am
  • Just look at our IRA supporting Sewer Party troll’s desperation!!

    It is soooo indicative of the fear and frustration in the Truly Vile Party’s bunker that DumbDumb is sent forth to take pot shots against Cameron’s wife – how pathetic he is, and how despicable his crew of rats on their sinking ship.

    Dummy – you talk of Cameron’s false smile? LOL – a lot less frightening than the flashing of Clown’s kiddy-fiddler’s gin, that sends children running indoors!

    P45 time soon – Bena’s on toast!

    45govt on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:33 am
  • It should come a no surprise that typical Lib Dem tactics of naked localised opportunism have rubbed off on the Conservatives. Dave has tried so hard to transform his party into Lib Dem Lite that it was only a matter of time before they started to deploy the same tactics…

    george204 on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:33 am
  • Benedict,
    I thought you spent the weekend in the North West, including Blackburn. Strange that you didn’t pick up this story yourself directly from Straw, whilst you were admiring his suntan, but now reproduce it from the Guardian. I presume you have done some checking of the facts? Actually, I don’t suppose you did.

    Brian Tomkinson on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:37 am
  • Only UKIP and the BNP will prevent the total destruction of our culture.
    Like previous people have written: If you’re a conservative, vote UKIP, if you’re a socialist vote BNP.
    The liblabcon are a trainwreck!

    stolenfrom on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:39 am
  • To have the power to stop Straw, one must throw him out.
    I think it was Brogan who commented that he views Straw favourably as one of the few Labour people who know how Parliament works.
    That is no reason for his skin to be saved.
    Parliament has worked against the peoples’ interests since ‘97, whilst Straw has been a member.
    Straw is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    barryobarma on May 3rd, 2010 at 10:00 am
  • Tories attack Israel, accuse Labour of atrocities and promise to end ‘expensive wars’

    Are wars ever cheap? Do they do BOGOF wars? Or Own Brand Deals? And is a war that costs the complete GDP of a nation twenty times over but kills no one still expensive? I can hear the politicians and the military saying,

    ‘It bankrupted us for generations to come but thank god no one was killed.’

    I can really hear that can’t you?
    John Duckham

    Duckham on May 3rd, 2010 at 10:17 am
  • 45govt on May 3rd, 2010 at 9:33 am

    What are you on? I honestly could not make head nor tail of that. I might agree for all I know but it was surreal; always promising to touch normality in a moment and then disappearing into another demented metaphor. Brilliant.

    Duckham on May 3rd, 2010 at 10:33 am
  • Frankly Ben, the opportunistic approach of the Blackburn Tory candidate is fully in line with the ’say what they want to hear’ policy of Central Office.

    It helps explain why an OE cabal can spout pseudo-socialist clap-trap, simply to get into power.

    As for DumbDumb, Straw and the ex-pat Indonesian weirdo, they are beneath contempt.

    Roll on Friday when, hopefully, the trolls will simply evaporate.

    proximus sen Tory on May 3rd, 2010 at 10:54 am
  • Ever blog I come to I find that Duckham has got there first; evidently, he doesn’t need to eat, sleep, socialize or even work, like the rest of us. I thought 45govt’s was perfectly comprehensible to an English speaker, although perhaps not to an Indonesian troll.

    Law-Riding sounds like a fool. It ought to be possible to kick out Straw without replacing him with another moron.

    Clothilde S. on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:01 am
  • It’s going to be pretty difficult getting rid of Straw. Whoever takes Blackburn from him will first have to overcome the 10,000 votes issuing from Labour’s Muslim postal vote factories both here and in Pakistan.

    daven on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:22 am
  • I’ve never understood why there’s a correlation between the Labour party and the Asian vote.

    Nearly all what Labour stands for, except being soft on immigration and allowing dependents of immigrant families already settled here to have permanent access to this country, are contrary to Asian values and ethics.

    assegai on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:27 am
  • daven on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:22 am

    Am I the only person that believes postal voting should be banned?

    peteh on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:33 am
  • This could be very damaging for the Conservative party, perhaps more damaging even than ‘bigot-gate’ for Labour, depending on the media. This entirely depends on how it is covered in the TV news.

    Jock McSporran on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:34 am
  • These people are guilty of inciting racial hatred and by using a subject that is far outside the realms of British politics. All they have done is bring shame upon themselves and shown their true colours. Honestly, if America is having trouble calming its ally’s heavy handed retaliations to terrorism then what is the government of the UK really going to do?

    bobbaxter23 on May 3rd, 2010 at 11:53 am
  • Immigration: the gift that keeps on giving.

    Phil McG on May 3rd, 2010 at 12:30 pm
  • Benedict, re: Jack Straw’s crocodile tears for the white working class, whom his regime have viciously attacked through deliberate policies of mass immigration to replace them and welfare policies designed to break up families and replace fathers with the State.
    It’s like the scorpion expressing remorse for the fate of the frog. Please spare us.

    Phil McG on May 3rd, 2010 at 12:33 pm
  • Just have faith. The UKIP and BNP will continue to grow until the other parties are terrified. That is, of course if the other parties exist for much longer.

    Decent people will not continue to tolerate a situation where we have to vote against something all the time, rather than for something we believe in.

    Time is running out for the gruesome threesome, and all I feel is ‘good riddance’. They are not even worth recycling, because we have no further use for liars, cheats, swindlers and traitors.

    owd Al

    owdal80 on May 3rd, 2010 at 1:38 pm
  • If that’s what it takes to get elected in Blackburn one would think a Ken Livingston/George Galloway ‘Respect’ candidate would have easy running.

    hctroubador on May 3rd, 2010 at 4:01 pm
  • Surely the Jamshed Khan story is even bigger than this, but in a similar vein, yet has attracted very little press comment. According to a Times story:

    A CONSERVATIVE activist charged with trying to rig the voting system in the last general election has been campaigning with shadow cabinet ministers to help the party win a key marginal seat.


    Of course the Conservatives can at least be confident that neither Lib Dems nor Labour will use these stories as political ammunition, since they wouldn’t want to offend their Muslim client base either.

    martel on May 3rd, 2010 at 6:17 pm


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