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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

Morning must-reads


Britain’s picking the wrong fight with China.

Jack Straw accuses the Tories of trying to buy the election.

Newly released papers give a fascinating glimpse of Margaret Thatcher’s fight to cut back on wasteful expenditure.

GSM mobile phone calls can now be intercepted. How long until a politician suffers from this?

Posted by Alex Singleton

Recent Posts


  • The Chinese approach to drug smuggling is the correct approach.

    The Chinese probably understand by now that Gordon Brown does not represent British public opinion on this matter.

    Jock McSporran on Dec 30th, 2009 at 8:46 am
  • There’s a very good article on election turnout at Political Betting.


    Another Dave B on Dec 30th, 2009 at 8:55 am
  • A pointless fight with China?

    However, we must start to think about how we want China to develop over the next few years, and specifically, how much it is sensible for the West to enable China to acquire the wealth it so desperately craves.
    Socialism, laziness and Western liberalism has been a gift to the Chinese, which they’ve used to great effect.
    Politicians, especially UK Labour politicians, must stop factoring in the convenience of China’s unfair production advantage into their legislative agendas.

    Its ISN’T ok to unilaterally impose expensive, penalising business, employment & emission regulations that force our business to escape from emissions regulated Western economies, to emissions unregulated China – thinking that we benefit as much as we lose – due to the cheapness of China’s imports & the calculation that, in assisting lower inflation & moving carbon emissions away from Europe, the economic advantages outweigh the loss of jobs & GDP that such indulgent Socialist programmes impose.

    Never before have we seen such a poor nation – China, in terms of GDP per-cap – give the impression that it is a currently a power to rival those at the top of the economic table – it is not.
    It is our stupidity that ignores the inequities that give China such an illusory appearance, and makes our low grade belly crawling politicians lick Chinese boots in anticipation of their presumed superpower status, and because they’ve made our economies temporarily dependent on cheap Chinese production and Sovereign debt funding.

    Things MUST change.

    Phil Kean on Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:12 am
  • Perhaps the man who was executed in China was simply stupid, but arguing he was incapable of accepting responsibility for his actions because he was bipolar was a desperate effort to excuse him. I can fully understand why it was tried, but some respect must be conceded to another country’s laws. Our politicians may not support capital punishment, but the public appears to. On the other hand, to start banging-on about Britain’s role in selling opium to Chinese nationals is a bit childish.

    Sheumais on Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:19 am
  • I suppose Jack Straw’s question in The Independent might seem fair on first glance, but now he’s in the business of asking pertinent questions, he might wish to ponder this one:-

    ‘Name one Labour controlled Council or Councillor which has been relentlessly campaigning to increase the number of illegal immigrants who cannot be returned to nation of origin, and economic migrants, that their constituent Taxpayers can assume financial responsibility for’.

    Fair question, Jack. Can we have the answer please?

    Pogles Woodsman on Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:33 am
  • I warned you

    Gordon has taken gratuitous advantage of the global depression in oil prices to fill the gap with extra UK fuel taxes.
    Of course, we barely noticed the price rises because the effect of his taxes was still to keep fuel prices within the bounds of where they were when global oil prices were at there pre-recession peak – an effect ably assisted by the reduction in VAT from 17.5 to 15%.

    However, we are about to be crucified, because, thanks to Gordon, fuel prices have nowhere to go but up.
    Global price rises and the soon to be raising back of VAT to 17.5% will deal the UK economy and average household such a hammer blow, that it threatens to further depress the UK economy.

    Labour usn’t working!

    Phil Kean on Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:34 am
  • My god, how we need another Margaret Thatcher now, instead of a wet like Dave.

    I am with Jock on the Chinese matter – Clown doesn’t represent British public opinion on anything – nor even Scottish public opinion for that matter. He does represent the opinion of our ‘recent arrivals’ who are so beholden to him for his generous handing out of our money, and thus become ‘natutal-born’ Nu-Lave voters.

    I particularly enjoyed the third comment from Vassily in the link to Jackboot’s pathetic ramblings, where he was invited to shove…..

    45govt on Dec 30th, 2009 at 10:45 am
  • Tories buying votes … pot, kettle, black … sounds familiar !!!

    incensed on Dec 30th, 2009 at 5:39 pm
  • Its not just China. Britain’s days of picking a fight with anyone is pretty much over. Britain’s American master are now a spent force and so not much fight left in Britain either. Even Iran can kick butt. Whats Thatcher gonna do? Write China a strongly worded letter in Queen’s English?

    xbat on Dec 30th, 2009 at 9:51 pm
  • Boudicca, Queen Elizabeth I, Thatcher…strong women are usually right and condemned by their people until the people benefit from their strident right words, and actions. Actions.
    It is despicable that modern politicians seek to evade peoples’ concerns rather than address them.
    Actions speak louder than words.
    The Chinese were right to execute the Pakistani drug runner who spent most his life in the US and Poland, and only chose to seek British national assistance when he smuggled enough heroin into China to kill 27,000 people. He had a history of dishonesty and sexual deviancy – his choice. Every criminal could claim to be mentally ill. That’s the definition of their condition. They are sociopaths. That’s no reason to acquit them unless we vote for extinction.

    When will Britain defend its people?

    cyndi on Dec 31st, 2009 at 12:32 am


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