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Saturday 26 December 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk. Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

Afternoon must-reads


A former Microsoft techie wants to fix climate change by running a hose up to the stratosphere  pump out sulfur particles.

There’s no Christmas cheer in the Mail today for David Cameron.

Christopher Hope selects the 10 top stories of 2009.

And there’s a huge liberal backlash against Barack Obama, says Matt Welch.

Posted by Alex Singleton

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  • After the Democrats have calmed down about the sell-out, deals and travesties which have produced the misshapen health care reform bill, they will realize the real problem is that there are many too many obstructionist Republicans left in Congress.

    Hopefully they will work all the harder to remove them.

    As for the President’s actions in Afghanistan, he said very clearly what he was going to do during the 2008 campaign. it’s not a surprise to anyone.

    SteveGnyc on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 5:39 pm
  • Have Benedict Brogan and Alex Singleton been seeing a bit too much of each other? I think we should be told.

    debunker on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:09 pm
  • I think the Earth needs all the heat it can get without lunatics pumping out sulphur (or even sulfur) to block it.

    And, yes, Mr Gnyc is partly right for once: the obaminable one has planned all along to escalate the Afghanistan conflict. Wasn’t that why he got the Nobel prize?

    Hamish Redux on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:24 pm
  • John Hutton admits on BBC radio that he did say Brown would be a “f***ing disater”. At least he was right about that one thing – pity about the rest.

    Brian Tomkinson on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:37 pm
  • John Hutton admits on BBC radio that he did say Brown would be a “f***ing disaster”. At least he was right about that one thing – pity about the rest.

    Brian Tomkinson on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:37 pm
  • I see the blog gremlins are back…

    Stevie-boy – your desperate defence of the indefensible is becoming just a bit sad, Lookit here, boy…
    “(Obarma’s) former admirers on the left are discovering something that the right has known for a while now: Obama will look you in the eye and lie.
    We had one like him – now universally known as T BLiar, the Great Charlatan. The bad news for you is that your man is worse, far worse. He is a racist with a racist wife, more African than American, and no competence whatever, apart from reading autocues.
    As the Marines traditionally call out to new ‘boots’ – ‘you’ll be sorrreeeee..!

    45govt on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 6:50 pm
  • “When finding themselves on the opposing side of the president’s policy, his former admirers on the left are discovering something that the right has known for a while now: Obama will look you in the eye and lie.”

    When Stevie G finally comes to terms with Obama’s true nature, it’s going to be uglier than Elin & Tiger.

    “You Lie!” might be the quote that sums up this Presidency.

    Fernandez on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:33 pm
  • A better way to solve climate change, attached a NUKE to a polar bear/penguin or both at the next UN climate change summit.

    After that, it’s gone, no more news, nothing. I can then get on with worrying about worsening winters.

    blags on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 10:58 pm
  • I was just talking to a friend in Mexico, on the Pacific Coast close to Puerta Vallarta. He complained about the cold. Usually that means about 24C or 76F but no, I was shocked to hear it was 50F. In all the years I have visited it has NEVER been that low.
    Yesterday it was 46F in las Vegas
    and about the same in N.Orleans.
    Now, if all those twerps at the UN could just sit up and take notice???? Then we won’t need your solution ‘blags’ At least it will save the bear or penguin.

    LADYMONEYPENNY on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:14 am
  • There was a documentary about four years or so ago, which discussed a theory that the warm water travelling from the Caribbean up the Atlantic before dropping down around Greenland when it hits the cold before returning to the Caribbean.

    One of the theories being put out on this was that as the ice melted it would reduce salinity and with a warmer temperature in the north, the conveyor motion of the hot and cold water would switch-off; returning northern Europe to an ice-age.

    Given the past few weeks … hot air in Copenhagen and cold air throughout Europe … so much for the warming theory.

    incensed on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 4:48 pm


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