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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

Morning must-reads


Labour is heading for another disaster if it chooses David Miliband instead of his brother Ed.

What books should Baroness Ashton read to bone up on Europe and foreign affairs? Andrew Roberts has suggestions.

Martin Wolf argues fiscal austerity could turn out to be ‘a devastating error’ if implemented too soon.

Another boost for the special relationship: the Defence Secretary blames President Obama’s dithering on Afghanistan for falling public support for the war.

And Mariah Carey has someone in her entourage who walks backwards in front of her in case she falls over.



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    linfp2009 on Nov 25th, 2009 at 8:49 am

    could possibly find a way to criticise the leader of a nation whose people – since WW2 – have shouldered 80%+ of the cost and blood sacrifice of gobal peace keeping operations.

    It reminds me of Labour’s current, COMPLETELY unfair and illogical campaign to further subsidise the unproductive and irresponsible within UK society – at the ever increasing expense to the responsible, wealth producers.

    One only has to read today’s headline on the front page of Britain’s lowest quality paper.
    They are trying to whip up an emotive storm about a possible Tory pledge to abolish IHT for higher value estates.
    No better reflection of the corrupt and abusive effect of this Labour regime’s gutter tactics can be found anywhere.

    Of course, its deputy editor was allegedly the architect of Labour’s ridiculous, outdated ‘Tory Toff’ campaign, so comprehensively dismissed by those voters whose intelligence had been insulted.

    The Tory IHT proposal is aimed at ORDINARY families. Productive, taxpaying, responsible members of society who, after subsidising the excesses of wasteful socialism all their lives, were being taxed on the tax they’d already paid.

    In a fair, reasonable and logical society, the Labour party would be outlawed.
    How on earth did Britain EVER get to our current situation where the lunatics are actually running the asylum?
    Excusing and increasing the numbers who’s raison d’etre is to live their entire lives leeching of the efforts of the productive – is surely unsustainable?

    Phil Kean on Nov 25th, 2009 at 9:50 am
  • The Milibandwagon is an taxing problem for a party that has lost its very reason for existing. Ed Miliband may be eloquent etc, but what does he actually stand for? That’s a familiar question when applied to existing party leaders, isn’t it.

    There is no defence for the manner in which Brown was assumed to be the only successor for Blair, yet the media were entirely complicit in this. Speculation as to who will succeed Brown will only be interesting when the timetable is established and not before. It is not in the public interest for the media to decide who should and should not be considered for this role, yet the party members will rely upon the media as much as anything else to make their decision. What’s democracy again…?

    Sheumais on Nov 25th, 2009 at 10:18 am
  • The Milibandwagon is an taxing problem for a party that has lost its very reason for existing. Ed Miliband may be eloquent etc, but what does he actually stand for? That’s a familiar question when applied to existing party leaders, isn’t it.

    wallace530 on Nov 26th, 2009 at 7:34 am