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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Telegraph's Chief Political Commentator. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk. Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

Morning must-reads


Question Time was a propaganda victory… for the BBC.

Iain Dale says Nick Griffin bombed – and so did Chris Hulne.

Andrew Gimson says that Nick Griffin’s evasions and absurdies did him more damage than the hostility of other panellists.

Gordon Brown side-steps a rugby tackle, reports Paul Waugh.

Postmen will strike for “as long as it takes”.

The chance of a President Blair is fading.

Posted by Alex Singleton

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    Griffin was put on the spot, and though his views have moderated as he’s matured, he was held to ransome by previous statements and policies.

    Straw’s evasiveness showed EXACTLY why people don’t trust Labour on immigration, and why they are looking for alternatives.

    Hulne WAS RUBBISH. A timely display of vacuous Liberal relevance, if it was needed.

    WHY OH WHY, when the press are supposed to be responsible, do the media call anti-BNP protesters ‘anti-fascist’ protesters? – Very imflamatory and deceitful!!

    Griffin’s substance was found wanting, except for some of his common sense immigration and social policies.
    However, on one particular thing he was right. The sight of two homosexual men kissing in public IS offensive and sickening to the majority of non homsexual people.

    Homosexuality should NOT be taught in schools.

    Phil Kean on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 8:17 am
  • All the billions of taxpayers money

    spent, and all his expoitation of ‘conflict of interest’ privilege, and all the treacherous betrayal of Britain’s national self-interest and democracy – AND THEY STILL DON’T WANT HIM AS THEIR EU PRESIDENT?

    Just WHAT does a PM have to do to gain favour nowadays?

    Phil Kean on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 8:24 am
  • It’s a sad indictment of the modern education system that Griffin had such an easy ride, not in terms of what he had to say, but in the pathetic nature of his opposition, some of the arguments against him were pitiful and would have been called racist in any other forum. I’ve managed to upload the first twenty five minutes, the rest will be added during the day:

    Question Time, October22nd – Hitler edition.

    SwissBob on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 9:02 am
  • The programme nearly took off when Warsi attacked Straw over immigration -but Dimbledum was determined to plough through his prepared script attacking Griffin. Griffin’s performance was truly pathetic -but it is highly unusual for a member of the panel to be subjected to non-stop third degree inquisition peppered with abuse rather than the usual QT format.

    Had Straw been quizzed on his NUS Leftist extreme opinions and his massive economy with the truth throughout the Iraq war he too would have been a gibbering wreck.

    Perhaps this will be the model for future programmes -or is it reserved for those the political elite have demonised?

    It is also hard to believe that the audience was not rigged and planted with questions -but I suppose it was West London-hardly representative of the country as a whole. Bradford or Stoke would have been more interesting venues. Had anyone in the audience had the audacity to support Griffin they would probably have been physically assaulted or lynched -such is politics in Nulabour land.

    Davidjay on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 9:33 am
  • The biggest must-read this morning is that latest figures show the economy has contracted for the sixth quarter in a row, as GDP falls 0.4 per cent. So much for Gordon Brown’s confident prediction that the worst was behind us and the corner was turned. But then, this was the clown who boasted about no more boom and bust; and, when we got the inevitable bust, boasted that the UK would be one of the first countries out of recession.
    The waterlogged hulk that is HMS NuLabour is settling even deeper in the water, and the crew would be well-advised to take to the lifeboats while there is still time. Soon it will be every man, woman and cabin boy for themselves. And you won’t find the skipper going down with his ship: Cap’n Courageous and First Mate Mendacious will be well clear, in company with the other rats, that is a racing certainty.

    Junius on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:13 am
  • It was a disgrace from start to Finnish, The whole of the audience was like a baying pack of animals, determined with the help from Dimbleby not to let Nick griffin have time to give any kind of considered answer.
    Typical of the BBC!.It did show one thing though, Nick Griffin has got more balls than the rest of them put together. The BBC news, as with the press this morning, gave in a large part a totally distorted and unsurprisingly, biased view of the whole thing, even though millions of viewers watched it.

    Dipsplepskik on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:16 am
  • The chance of a President Blair is fading


    Andrew on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:16 am
  • Griffin was subjected to a form of organised bullying which I doubt would have done anything to alter the views of those who now support the BNP. The problem is this: the three main parties are hopeless at and probably don’t want to explain what they propose to do but just love attacking what they regard as the policies of their opponents. This came across again last night as they combined together and attacked their victim like a pack, assisted by a hostile chairman and audience. This was one of the worst Question Time programmes and gave no encouragement to those who don’t find the main parties appealing.

    Brian Tomkinson on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:22 am
  • Junius

    Yes, you are right. It would be like every household in the land being unable to pay its weekly bills unless it put 20% of that spending on a credit card and managed to trick shop keepers into accepting Monopoly money. Completely unsustainable.

    The difference? Every household in the country isn’t trying to buy an election win.

    Phil Kean on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:36 am
  • When quizzed over his fascist, holocaust-denying past, why didn’t Griffin attack on the ex-communists in the labour party?

    I thought that Griffin looked shifty and dishonest. He reminded me of the Saviour of the World – it would be great to see Giffin and Brown go head-to-head, wouldn’t it?

    paulgiles on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 10:55 am
  • I think that now, at last, we have a political part that does not fear speaking against politically correct postures, unless other politicians come out (ironical use of that expression)and be honest about their true views on homosexuality, immigration and so called equality, then the BNP will be a party growing faster than even itself could manage. If they achieve nothing else the they have opened the door for more politicians to say what they really feel, instead of being the politically correct, expenses claiming cowards they mostly are.

    percussim on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 11:19 am
  • paulgiles

    I hope a certain Mr Dee takes note of your totally unbiased, principled stand?

    There is time, Dave.

    Phil Kean on Oct 23rd, 2009 at 11:56 am


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