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Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

Mandelson is not losing any sleep over the threat to Brown


Lord Mandelson is archly dismissive of the minority of Labour MPs who continue to mutter about getting rid of Gordon Brown. When I spoke to him on a flight back from Berlin on Thursday afternoon, he judged these MPs will never be reconciled to Mr Brown’s leadership. He has no doubt they will keep trying to unseat him, and that the autumn conference season will be next pressure point. But he is not losing any sleep over it, and nor should we. Unless he walks, Mr Brown will lead his party into the general election.

There’s more in the interview, including his Reinaldo shocker (you can read the whole thing here), but I draw your attention to his recipe for success in Government, which is the message he has been delivering to Mr Brown in private: “First I believe in leadership and in being decisive. Secondly in listening to people and respecting the official advice you receive. And thirdly, in introducing a bit of humour and jollity to your work. You don’t have to be a too grey or serious the whole time.” I was also struck by the vehemence with which he praises Mr Brown’s qualities of decisiveness and modesty. As he says, the story of his return and his role as Mr Brown’s chief rescuer, is not ironic, it is “almost unimaginable”.



  • Power corrupts.
    This is an odious collection of chancers in absolute power, absolutely corrupting the body politic.

    barryobarma on Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:26 pm
  • I think I prefer Brown being grey and serious to his village-idiot grinning on Youtube. Though it would be better still if he disappeared completely.

    hamishmcglobbie on Jun 13th, 2009 at 1:43 pm
  • This isn’t a government, it’s a criminal gang.

    philmcg on Jun 13th, 2009 at 2:12 pm
  • Glad to know who the real beloved leader is then!

    valeriekat on Jun 13th, 2009 at 2:19 pm
  • Mandelson will make a play for the leadership, to save the party, save the country and save the World, such is the nature of the beast, an infatuated ego.

    geoffthereff on Jun 13th, 2009 at 2:21 pm
  • So do you think we can get rid of them soon?

    usuallydiscrete on Jun 13th, 2009 at 2:28 pm
  • Let them keep Brown, he’s a total loser, and after his crushing defeat in the election i hope they choose Harman as their leader. Mandy as leader? yeah why not, he’s unelectable as well or maybe he’ll bugger off to Brazil instead.

    cheekyboy on Jun 13th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
  • Cheeky Boy

    “maybe he’ll bugger off to Brazil instead”

    That would be a freudian slip would it?

    joe-bloggs on Jun 13th, 2009 at 4:25 pm
  • No wonder Mandy “isn’t losing any sleep” over anything that may happen at the Labour Party Conference. More than anyone else, he killed off the Labour Party Conference half a generation ago.

    davidaslindsay@hotmail.com; davidaslindsay.blogspot.com

    david_lindsay on Jun 13th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
  • “I was also struck by the vehemence with which he praises Mr Brown’s qualities of decisiveness and modest”

    Has another person called Brown become PM whilst we were not looking?

    Decisive? Modest?

    Is that the man who dithered over an election in 2007 (and almost certainly thereby condemned Labour to oblivion)?

    Is that the man who ’saved the world’?

    If those things were examples of his decisiveness and modesty, I should hate to see what he managed if he was, by his lights, prevaricating and being immodest…..

    the_huntsman on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:10 pm
  • The only one who can unseat Gordon is Mandleson himself.He has put himself in pole position now all he needs to do is wait till the autumn conference.Then step forward as the only man who can save Labour.He will then call a snap election in the hope of winning it in the honeymoon period.Any bets on this.

    mysay on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:14 pm
  • One certainty you can bet on, whatever Mandy is in, he is in it for himself. I am convinced that if a good investigative journalist scratches the surface he will find something very crooked about this mincing peer.

    mrtipster on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:15 pm
  • “First I believe in leadership and in being decisive”….the vehemence with which he praises Mr Brown’s qualities of decisiveness and modesty..

    The Right Dishonourable Mandelscum is a liar – McMental possesses none of those qualities – he is only decisive in doing nothing, or deciding to bottle it. Leadership? He couldn’t lead a horse to water, and the vile Dark Lord is playing games again – watch your wallets, and your sons whenever he hoves into view – he is out for himself, and himself alone.

    tg45govt on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:23 pm
  • As long as Brown holds on until after the Lisbon Treaty is ratified and the Tories are off the hook he will have succeeded in his task.
    As for becoming Leader of the Labour Party!! Even if they were mad enough to elect him he would not want it. Why should he want to lead a political party that will be out of power for a generation in a remote region of the European Union? He has much greater ambitions.

    its_a_free_country on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:26 pm
  • JoeBlogs

    “That would be a Freudian slip would it?”

    When talking about Mandelson I think the term “fraudian slip” is probable more accurate.

    al_hamilton on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:57 pm
  • Could somebody kindly enlighten me as to how Mendleson managed to achieve residency for Reinaldo, his Brazilian “partner”.

    anthony_bootle on Jun 13th, 2009 at 5:59 pm
  • M’Lud is well assisted by Unite, and Charlie Wheelan, the real dark force that dares not speak its name, except to bully and cajole its way to Clause 4.

    I respect Peter Mandelson, and knows he cares nothing for my pet name for him, LADy M. His ambition sees this country as a pawn in a game of chess. I can’t blame him for that. The Labour Party he loved disowned him, and mistreated him when he did less wrong than the naive dupes and lobby fodder now under investigation by HMRC.

    Yet again, the Labour Party will benefit from his experience, and skills. No wonder he plays political chess. The UK pawns are small pieces on the international board, and even smaller in the ethical world of thinking, feeling people.

    The IMF awaits the UKs credible plan for reducing its debt, and ending QE. Meanwhile, the resigned Minister from Liverpool showed more integrity than the Blears, Flints, Jacqui et al.

    If you want to reconnect Parliament with the people, take a closer look at the quiet, dignified way that Ms Kennedy of Liverpool put her conscience and her constituents first. ‘Discretion is the better part of valour.’ Shock news: some women possess that quality.

    All above is just my opinion, of course, a very little thing.

    cyndi on Jun 13th, 2009 at 6:37 pm
  • Oops! ‘Respect’ as in its original definition: to see someone or something as it is; no subjective value judgements.

    The EU is poison for the UK; a thing that has failed to publish accounts for more than a decade while evidence of waste and corruption mounts. Democracy? Put up or shut up, EU.

    cyndi on Jun 13th, 2009 at 6:47 pm
  • Decisiveness, has to excess, decisive in sitting on the fence, and then falling the wrong way.

    Listening, one of his watchwords, deaf as a post, and when he does hear anything, doesn’t do it.

    Take advice, in 1997 he was told by his official advisers not to eliminate the tax relief on pension pots, he listened and did the opposite.

    He was told in 2004/5 about the overheating and that steps should be taken, and yep, gave orders to do nothing.

    Oh sure he listens, only when the expenses office says his claim is passed, but not when they disagree.

    He listens to the fury of the public about prosecutions of expense offending MPs and then gives instructions that no one is to be prosecuted and far from punishing offending ministers, honours them by re-appointing most of them back to ministerial office.

    As for humour, done with a rictus of a smile which is nauseating to see.

    Mandy, that thin lipped snake that speaks with forked tongue, all the while helping himself, generously to expenses for his home renovations, repairs, renewals and furnishings etc which were needed to be done before he bought the wreck, cheaply. After govt he will continue to dip into the expenses trough and drip his poison into the upper chamber, and any journalist that will listen to him.

    snoekie on Jun 13th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
  • Congratulations! That bit of your interview managed to lead the national news all day keeping the pressure on Brown.

    briantomkinson on Jun 13th, 2009 at 10:02 pm
  • bring back Spitting Image!

    actually, I’ve was gone for 20 years -

    so, I am confused, if the Spitting Image puppets are now running the British Govt, where are the real ones, our on tour?

    josieg666 on Jun 13th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
  • Josie,
    You see what a bare faced, self serving, hypocritcal,cowardly bunch of barstewards the UK has become. Am sorry for your troubles. You won’t find one person with a spine here in the UK bureacracy. A bunch of whinging, hand ringing, excuse making third rate eejits – that is the UK bureaucracy and its audience today. Welcome to UK 21st century. Morons.

    cyndi on Jun 14th, 2009 at 12:13 am
  • I see that in his DT interview Mandy has upped his attack on Osborne to an allegation that Osborne made an invitation to a Russian citizen [Deripaska] to launder a financial donation to the Conservative Party.”
    ‘Launder’?? – That could be held to be a libellous allegation.
    Btw, we never did find out what those previous cosy meetings between EU Commissioner Mandy and Deripaska were about, did we. As I recall, the EU refused to release his diary notes, or even have them looked at independently. That was then rather cheekily spun by Mandy as ‘I was cleared by the EU.’ But he wasn’t – they just gave him the benefit of the doubt in their usual corrupt fashion.
    Someone should bore a bit further.
    Mandy claims “People come into politics for other reasons. They want to serve their country, and work in public service.”
    So far he’s served Tony Blair, New Labour (whatever that is or was) Gordon Brown, the EU Commission, and himself – not necessarily in that order of priority.

    johnt on Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:12 am
  • I’m worried about Ben Brogan,
    Was the missing week spent in an institute for “re-education” ?

    mikku on Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:53 am
  • Lord Mandelson
    Just another sell out of the British and English people.
    Wants Britain to only be EURO that tells all of his being A traitor to Britain and the British people.
    just another Blair Brown Crony and sell out.
    We want our pound as at lest we still have some thing that HE and scum like him have not been able to sell,get rid of, to the Illegal EU_SSR.
    European United Soviet Socialist REPUBLIC.
    Albert of Alvelon and Cameolot.

    magnacarta on Jun 14th, 2009 at 10:58 am
  • Hey Browny be warned
    All the HYENAS are gathering around you and your labor carcass.
    Hop fully around Cameron as well as he said at the Burton Town Hall, that he was for the illegal EU.
    HE said we should be IN the EU-SSR reported in last weeks, Uttoxeter Post and times.
    Albert of Alvelon and Cameolot

    magnacarta on Jun 14th, 2009 at 11:20 am
  • There is only one reason for Mandelson’s rescue of Gordon Brown and that is control. Gordon Brown has gone from In control. To out of control. And now is under control!

    rik on Jun 14th, 2009 at 7:26 pm
  • Doubt if anybody up there loses any sleep,not with all our morons in this country.We are the most uneducated country in the industrilised world.Anyway ,anybody remember black wednesday ,we wiped off 40 billion by Thacther’s chancellor in a couple of hours i think his name was Lawson . ps could have my year wrong ,but it was while the conservatives were in power.keep commenting nice reading idiots remarks ,and the other idiots in our news media,well not idiots,just servents writting for thier masters ,and we know servents have to obey thier masters.And as servents , they just disposable commodities

    josephwalker on Jun 14th, 2009 at 9:19 pm
  • Phil McG.
    How right you are , a criminal gang indeed. The media seem to forget mandy s history, when fawning over “Lord” Mandleson. What a joke.

    scotspape on Jun 15th, 2009 at 10:33 am