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Posts Tagged ‘Margaret Thatcher’

July 16th, 2010 0:48

The EU’s monstrous UN power grab

As Bruno Waterfield reported earlier, the European Union is moving significantly closer to acquiring the powers of a fully fledged nation state in the United Nations General Assembly. As Waterfield no... Read More

July 14th, 2010 22:27

I wish the French well, but I'm not celebrating Bastille Day

One of my regular correspondents complains that, having marked the national days of Canada and the United States in the past fortnight, I have failed to extend the same courtesy to France. I admire Fr... Read More

June 22nd, 2010 17:07

George Osborne's first Budget was a low-key success. Not a bad day for the Coalition

George Osborne’s first Budget was a curiously low-key occasion. His delivery was rather flat, almost expressionless, with no attempt at humour or drama. Nor was there much animation from the ... Read More

June 17th, 2010 8:00

Unlike Margaret Thatcher and her vuvuzela nationalism, David Cameron makes patriotism sound appealing

I spent my lunch hour yesterday discussing David Cameron’s first month (37 days to be precise) as PM on the Jeremy Vine show (BBC Radio 2). My opposite number was Paul Blanchard, the amiable Lab... Read More

June 14th, 2010 13:50

Margaret Thatcher: Climate Sceptic

There’s nothing a left-liberal enjoys more than invoking a great right wing name in support of his dubious cause. Eurotards – as Richard North notes – love to cite Winston Churchill ... Read More

June 8th, 2010 1:28

Why won't Harriet Harman condemn Labour MP’s 'assassinate Thatcher' boast?

I wrote a piece earlier about the disgraceful remarks by Labour leadership candidate John McDonnell at a party hustings yesterday, and called on Labour to disown them. As I noted, McDonnell declared ... Read More

June 7th, 2010 15:36

Labour must disown John McDonnell’s sickening attack on Lady Thatcher

Labour leadership contender John McDonnell’s comments on Margaret Thatcher are a sickening disgrace, and a stain on his party. In a leadership debate today, McDonnell stated that if he could return ... Read More

June 7th, 2010 14:45

How to sell public spending cuts

I’m delighted that my party has caught up with this blog’s hitherto niche interest in Canadian Toryism. Canada is the only truly successful G8 economy, having determinedly lived within its... Read More

June 6th, 2010 11:50

At last David Cameron goes for entitlements

Ask anyone in the Treasury and they will tell you that if you really want to cut spending, you need to slash transfer payments. Until now the Conservatives have tiptoed around this truth. Indeed, befo... Read More

June 3rd, 2010 11:57

The era of Big Government is coming to an end. But do we really know what is next?

These are early days for a government facing numerous problems, the overwhelming majority of which are not of its own making. It is worrying that it has added a few more to the total, but some of thos... Read More