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Posts Tagged ‘Morning must-reads’

December 29th, 2009 7:00

Morning must-reads

Ed Balls calls off the class war. Not. Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, attacks Tory policy. How safe is his job? On January 1, Gordon Brown will squash the recovery. The Obama admin... Read More

December 28th, 2009 7:00

Morning must-reads

David Cameron wants the election to be a clean fight. Does Gordon agree? Children from poor backgrounds are more likely to bunk school. But do they also have the worst teachers? Shoppers avoid Gordon ... Read More

December 21st, 2009 7:32

Morning must-reads

It looks like the recession will be declared over this week… …but the CBI says that more pain is to come. Janet Daley says that “global” solutions won’t necessarily fix t... Read More

December 16th, 2009 7:58

Morning must-reads

Uh oh. Gordon Brown, the French and Ethiopia, which impoverished itself in the 1970s by adopting Marxism, all want a Tobin Tax to pay for global climate subsidies. A much better idea is David Cameron&... Read More

December 15th, 2009 7:04

Morning must-reads

Sir Elton John, once one of the Labour Party’s most stalwart supporters, has now become a floating voter. Perry de Havilland says that there is daft… and then there is an Anglican Bishop. ... Read More

December 14th, 2009 6:33

Morning must-reads

FT leads with Greece’s growing risk of default as country admits corruption is rife. Charles Clover tells the climate change sceptics they ought to worry about its ‘evil twin’ more ... Read More

December 10th, 2009 7:50

Pre-Budget report morning must-reads

Greece may Be first EU country to default, says a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee. The Budget Britain needed was delivered in Ireland. Roger Bootle wants to know what planet does Alista... Read More

December 9th, 2009 6:42

Pre-Budget report morning must-reads

Daniel Finkelstein tells David Cameron to think twice before reacting to Labour’s pre-Budget report traps. History shows the state has got bigger because Labour and the Tories let it, argues Phi... Read More

December 8th, 2009 7:58

Morning must-reads

Alistair Darling refuses to pay for Gordon Brown’s give-away, says Rachel Sylvester… …But a super-tax on bankers is expected. A million public-sector jobs need to be cut to get Britain&#... Read More

December 7th, 2009 6:21

Morning must-reads

It’s not just the City they’re after: the French ’stitch-up’ on agriculture reform. This should get James Delingpole and his chums going: the Guardian has organised 56 newspape... Read More