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Tuesday 20 July 2010 | Gordon Brown feed

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Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown resigned as Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party on May 11 after the General Election 2010. The Labour MP for Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath, he is married with two children.

latest on Gordon Brown

Throwing money at poverty is no cure for it

A government initiative on aiding the poor must tackle their problems at source, argues Neil O'Brien.

19 Jul 2010

The storyteller is flawed, but he does have a salutary tale to tell

Lord Mandelson has written the best account so far of the extent of the destruction wreaked by the Blair-Brown rivalry, says Charles Moore.

16 Jul 2010

Mandy's poisonous pen will do Britain good

Mandelson's memoir exposes the moral bankruptcy at the heart of the Brown government, says Jeff Randall.

15 Jul 2010

Mandelson's history, memoir or malice?

Modern political memoirs – not least those by Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson – show politicians in a very bad light, says Anthony Howard.

15 Jul 2010

Labour's ghastly soap opera

Telegraph View: The wider interests of the nation seem not to matter, as petty rivalries are played out.

14 Jul 2010

Tony Blair called Brown 'mad, bad, and dangerous'

Lord Mandelson's memoirs detail the breakdown of the relationship between Blair and Gordon Brown.

14 Jul 2010

Heseltine keeps his fellow peers waiting for his maiden speech

Lord Heseltine says he is too busy with his business interests to make a maiden speech

11 Jul 2010

Brown anger at Mandelson's EU 'treachery'

One word summed up Brown's reaction when Mandelson went behind his back to get a top EU job: treachery.

10 Jul 2010

Labour knives out for Mandelson over memoirs

Peter Mandelson attacked from within Labour's ranks over book in which he details a decade of in-fighting at the top of his party.

10 Jul 2010

David Miliband: 'Brown lacked moral seriousness'

David Miliband has made his most outspoken attack on Gordon Brown, saying he had lost the trust of the people.

09 Jul 2010

Gordon Brown's vegetable patch goes to seed

With David Cameron too busy sorting out the country, and Samantha pregnant, the Browns' beloved vegetable patch is overlooked.

08 Jul 2010

The civil service - envy of the world?

Telegraph View: Mr Cameron is using his charm to persuade public servants to make a radical shift.

08 Jul 2010

Gordon Brown 'offered several university posts'

Gordon Brown has been offered positions by “several” universities, it has emerged.

06 Jul 2010

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