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Mercury prize 2010

Sport highlights

  • Andy Burnham: 'I want a clear break from this way of running Labour'

    Polly Toynbee finds out why Andy Burnham thinks he has what it takes to win the Labour leadership
  • Alistair Darling with Prime Minister Gordon Brown

    Audio: The Business: Labour's legacy (31min 51sec)

  •  Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin Walking on the Moon

    Video: Sound restored to Apollo 11 film (2min 00sec)

  • Three Gorges dam flooding

    Video: China's largest river nears overflow (1min 05sec)

  • Comment icon: Life & Style


    Life and style, on tattoos

    'I know I'm going to get screamed at by all and sundry, but isn't it all a bit "look at me"?'
  • Comment icon: Culture


    Music, on Tom Jones's new album

    'I've never been a fan of Tom Jones's voice, thus I won't be buying. But, the album seems to have an integrity. Songs befitting a slightly older man'
  • Comment icon: Environment


    Bike blog, on London's cycle hire scheme

    'Am shocked there's no proper basket on the bikes. Yet again a multimillion-pound project screwed up by saving 0.5% of the budget'

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