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  • All letters from guardian.co.uk

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    This page, and its associated webfeed lists all letters to the Guardian, Observer and guardian.co.uk, independent of subject matter. Use the links on the left to find letters on sport, business, culture and more.

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  • Farc's 'Marxist rebels' are just drug dealers

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: The UN listed the Farc as among the world's most persistent violators of child soldiers, and the overwhelming majority of Colombians view them simply as terrorists
  • A penalty, not a perk

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: Had I not been serving overseas we wouldn't have dreamed of sending our three children to boarding school
  • Backward steps for the 'big society'

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: The prime minister's many statements on the issue could be considered either worryingly uneducated about the nature of civil society, or recklessly ideological
  • Hiroshima, Israel and nuclear tests

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: Despite the fact that Israel has undoubtedly received considerable atomic assistance from the US, there are no published details of Israel actually testing a nuclear device
  • In search of eccuracy

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: My granddaughters are bilingual in Pom and Kiwi
  • Vince Cable's power and principles

    11 Aug 2010: Letters: Though I hate much of what the coalition is doing I shall continue to support the Lib Dems. The more the party retains electoral support, the more it can stand up to the Tories
  • Notes and queries

    notes and queries rotting fruit fruit flies
    11 Aug 2010: From tiny eggs, tiny fruit flies will grow; Do placebos really work? Croydon slugs' favourite veg
  • Letter: Chris Dagley obituary

    10 Aug 2010: Bill Ashton writes: Chris Dagley (obituary, 3 August) played drums with the National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYJO) for nine and a half years, which is a long time to be with a youth band.
  • Guardian Weekly Letters, 13 August 2010

    10 Aug 2010: Generosity of Bill Gates; Cambodian injustice; Winners write history
  • Royal Mail and regional loyalties

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: The esteemed writers and artists commenting on Royal Mail's intention to use only postcodes seem to have an excess of sensibility over sense
  • Rowson's riches

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: Cartoons such as Martin Rowson's Nursery Tea are rich in detail. Have you considered printing an explanation?
  • Saving free milk is Dave's first genuine gaffe

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: Overruling the proposal to scrap free milk sets a standard of acceptability which can only mean that either much more useful programmes will be cut or expected cuts won't be achieved
  • Planning confusion

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: You rightly lament the 'creeping threat to Britain's natural world', yet your leader equally laments the abolition of the regional spatial strategy. You can't have it both ways
  • Time for real change in the health service

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: Rather than dividing the population into practices or federations, the denominator in UK general practice should now be the consultation
  • Rebalancing the UK's transport policy

    10 Aug 2010: Letters: Londoners might blanch but, compared with the rest of Britain, they've already got a good public transport system, the envy of other conurbations

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