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Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - gameplay trailer 2

Looking forward to this one?

The latest gameplay trailer for the upcoming Lara Croft game.

I've been spending most of recent gaming time on Xbox Live Arcade. The hugely addictive Deathspank and the charming Limbo are particular favourites. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light has the potential to be as good as both of these. Out in August, here is the latest gameplay trailer. What do you think? And anyone else playing a lot of XBLA or PSN download games at the moment?

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  • Killerbee Killerbee

    23 Jul 2010, 9:16AM

    I downloaded Super Stardust HD a couple of weeks ago when it was going cheap. Great game, but pretty tough - even putting the difficulty on "Easy" I hardly sailed through it!

    Shatter is also a great Arkanoid tribute with some interesting new ideas and Trine was excellent.

    There's definitely some great stuff out there - the hard part is often just finding out about it.

    I very much like the look of Limbo. Any chance of a PSN or Windows version?

  • Rudderless Rudderless

    23 Jul 2010, 9:17AM

    It's more of the same, really. Hasn't evolved too much. If you love the first, it's hard to see you disliking the second, though you may not think it's advanced enough to warrant shelling out for.

    I've been playing a lot of downloadable games lately, as I think it's becoming easier for developers and publishers to experiment in this sphere compared with the big-budget retail releases where everything feels a little 'safer'.

    I do wonder whether there's a market for a website which covers downloadable games in more detail because few big sites and publications give these titles the coverage they deserve. It's only really breakout 'arty' hits like Braid, Flower and Limbo that really attract the attention of the big guns.

  • dirkadirka dirkadirka

    23 Jul 2010, 9:38AM

    This game looks pretty wicked tbh.

    @killerbee - super stardust HD is mad difficult I reckon! On Easy I'm barely at the third world and tbh can't see myself getting through it since it's just more of the same...only more difficult :/

  • Codenamehardhat Codenamehardhat

    23 Jul 2010, 9:48AM

    I think I'll get this. Been playing a lot of XBLA games recently - there's so many good titles there (I'm sure there are loads on PSN too).
    In preparation for the new XBLA Castlevania (can't wait), I've been replaying XBLA Symphony of the Night. Such a classic game, but very hard.

    There are loads of good Indie games on XBL now too - just need more time to play them all!

  • OrionPax OrionPax

    23 Jul 2010, 9:56AM

    I seem to buy a lot of downloadable games, whether it's on XBLA, PSN, Wii channel or on my iPhone.
    The problem is after an hour the novelty wears off and I never bother with them again.

  • Kezabien Kezabien

    23 Jul 2010, 11:02AM

    I downloaded Limbo from XBLA last night and it is brilliant! Best download game I've played sinceSiren: Blood Curse on PS3.

    I really like the look of the new TR so will probably get it next month. Can't wait for Dead Rising 2: Case 0 which is out in Sept too.

    @Killerbee -
    Sorry mate (from Wikipedia):
    Though the ESRB had listed entries for Limbo for the PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayDead has confirmed that this was a mistake on ESRB's part, and that they have no plans for the game on these systems

  • Kezabien Kezabien

    23 Jul 2010, 11:05AM

    I also want to get some of the older XBLA titles I've missed (as I've only had a 360 for 6 weeks) such as Shadow Complex, Braid and Trails HD. Any know if they're any good?

  • Codenamehardhat Codenamehardhat

    23 Jul 2010, 11:46AM

    Shadow Complex is brilliant - Metroid-style adventuring and collecting. An essential purchase IMHO.
    Trials HD is very good but very tricky (I'm rubbish!)
    Not played Braid but heard it's great.

    Keep an eye out for deals of the week - these games are often discounted (I think Braid is permanently discounted now).

  • Killerbee Killerbee

    23 Jul 2010, 12:10PM


    Thanks for that. Shame Limbo isn't getting a wider release. I thought I'd seen a report it was heading to Steam, but perhaps not then.

    I will look upon it with envy from afar instead.

  • Killerbee Killerbee

    23 Jul 2010, 12:24PM

    Braid: Is okay.

    The time-manipulation puzzles are quite clever, yet all still very doable with a bit of thought. I only actually got stuck and had to use a walkthrough on one puzzle in the whole game.

    What worked less well for me was the story and all the supposedly brilliant metaphors the game employs. Apprently it's really all about the Manhattan Project... wtf? I also disliked the way some stuff was hidden in such as way as you'd never find it without knowing they were there - the stars, for example, were neither big nor clever as collectibles.

    Oh, and the character models were unnecessarily ugly, especially considering the environments were so nicely done.


  • BillyBrush BillyBrush

    23 Jul 2010, 2:56PM


    Top rung - Trials, Limbo, Peggle

    next - shadow complex, braid, castle crashers, Rezhd, Omega 5

    then below that you've still got a whole swamp of goodness including Doom 1 & 2, Battlefield 1943, castlevania symphony of the night, perfect dark, Ikaruga, puzzle quest, N+

    you could spend all your time playing download games tbh....i know a few people that do!

  • BillyBrush BillyBrush

    23 Jul 2010, 3:02PM

    @Kez (again)

    The smart shopping nowadays is Indie Games, most of them are sub £1, and many of them are way better than a whole raft of 'proper' downloadable games

    One's to check out include the likes of

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mdrag9lynQ Pixel the cat, a top french effort

    Apple Jack, which got an 81/0 in last months edge magazine.

    Shoot1up, Johnny Platform (2 games both ace), Vampire rage.

    There are a lot...you do have to know exactly which ones are good because there's maybe 10 going up per week, 9 of which are shit. But...if you do know the ones to go for you end up with top gaming at rock bottom prices.

  • JimBob78 JimBob78

    23 Jul 2010, 4:17PM

    Swap Limbo and Braid around and you'd be bang on!

    I've played more Trials HD then any other game this year. Its a great to whack on some music or a pdocast and just try and beat your top score. More tracks please!

  • Kezabien Kezabien

    23 Jul 2010, 4:39PM

    Cheers for the advice guys - I bought 5000 MS points yesterday so I'll definitely check out some of the one you've mentioned when I've finished Limbo.

    Aren't the achievements impossible to get on Limbo!? I notice you've completed it and only got 1. (you can get another really easy one at the very start of the game - go left instead of right and there's one there!) . And what is Apple Jack about by the way? - I just did a Google search which wasn't much help.

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