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  1. How the right's bloggers and commentators received the PM's Gaza 'prison camp' comments http://gu.com/p/2tjqc/tw
  2. RT @lnmulholland: Hans Blix at the Iraq war inquiry - http://bit.ly/dgZGzQ
  3. RT @guardian_clark: Six LDs who rebelled on academies bill http://bit.ly/aDKNBi. Unfamiliar names may come to prominence as coalition tested
  4. David Cameron likens Palestinian experience in Gaza to 'prison camp' http://gu.com/p/2tjzj/tw
  5. Rise in digital but otherwise government ad spend stayed flat last year http://gu.com/p/2tjyp/tw
  6. More on citizen cops RT @alantravis40: Police minister nick herbert tells mps room for civilians to do some detective work alongside police
  7. RT @datastore: Tories and LibDems down, Labour up. Get the full Guardian/ICM polls data http://bit.ly/d1o0XQ
  8. One of the things it has done in that 11 weeks is pass the academies bill http://gu.com/p/2tjj2/tw
  9. Guardian editorial on the first 11 weeks of the new Parliament, as the summer recess begins http://gu.com/p/2tjh8/tw
  10. Here's a video of Polly Toynbee interviewing Ed Balls, where Balls says he always wanted to be part of Blair's team http://gu.com/p/2tjd8/tw
  11. Nicholas Watt on David Cameron, the EU and Turkey http://gu.com/p/2tjt8/tw
  12. Cameron's answer to budget cuts: get public involved in 'DIY' policing http://gu.com/p/2tjg7/tw #bigsociety
  13. Also an 'awesome' and a 'looking forward to that' in response to G Brown's book. Sure both meant seriously
  14. Looking at our @ replies, it's fair to say the @GdnPolitics followers aren't keen on the idea of community crime fighting reservists...
  15. @sianberry @AdamRamsay @garydunion can't help thinking of the @Aiannucci #Twitterforce
  16. RT @alantravis40: Theresa May yet to agree details of checks and balances for election and oversight of new police commissioners
  17. @garydunion you'll probably need to harness the power of volunteer spandex costume manufacturers first
  18. Theresa May statement on police reform talked of unleashing 'the power of community pride, so people can come together to fight crime'
  19. RT @alantravis40: Big Society answer to police cuts: public to go on patrol with the police as a community crime fighting army of reservists
  20. Government to axe UK Film Council http://bit.ly/cDmJJP