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Friday 23 July 2010 | Health News feed


Elderly could still face 'death tax' to pay for care

The elderly could face a bill for tens of thousands of pounds to pay for their care in old age after the Coalition disclosed that a “death tax” was still a possibility.

The elderly could face a bill for tens of thousands of pounds to pay for their care in old age after the Coalition disclosed that a death tax was still a possibility - Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary Photo: PA

During the election campaign Andrew Lansley, the new Health Secretary, attacked Labour plans to force people to provide for care whether they needed it or not.

He helped draw up hard-hitting posters highlighting Labour’s “death tax”. Alongside pictures of gravestones were the words “Gordon Brown wants £20,000 when you die.”

It has now been was disclosed that a commission set up by Mr Lansley to examine how care for the elderly would be paid for in the future could still look at the option of a compulsory levy.

All three major parties have pledged to end the need for pensioners to sell their homes to pay for the cost of care. Under plans drawn up by the previous government, the elderly faced a fee of up to £20,000 — to be paid in advance or taken from their estate when they died — whether they ended up needing care or not.

In opposition, the Conservatives favoured a voluntary insurance scheme which would involve a one-off payment of £8,000 on retirement. The Liberal Democrats wanted a partnership scheme to which both the state and individuals contributed.

But the Coalition agreement talked only about “a range of ideas, including both a voluntary insurance scheme … and a partnership scheme.”

Mr Lansley said he had asked the commission to report on “how best to meet the costs of care and support as a partnership between individuals and the state”.

The Department of Health confirmed that the commission would be free to put forward a compulsory tax as an option.

A spokesman said: “It is important that the commission has the space to rigorously consider this complex social policy issue in full.”

Labour accused the Health Secretary of another reversal of an election promise on health.

Earlier this month Mr Lansley effectively tore up the Coalition’s stated aim to not impose a “top-down” restructuring on the NHS with his plan to hand more than £80 billion of funds to GPs.

Last week, David Cameron indicated that a guarantee that all NHS patients who feared they had cancer could see a specialist within two weeks could be abandoned if a new NHS commissioning board decided that target did not improve cancer care quality.

Andy Burnham, the shadow health secretary, said Mr Lansley had been cynically playing on the fears of the elderly in the election campaign and was now tearing up his supposed commitments to them.

He said: “If anything shows how Andrew Lansley played politics ahead of the election then this latest U-turn is it.

“As with the NHS White Paper, today’s announcement is yet another example of the Tories changing their tune only weeks after the election.

“When I called cross-party talks, Mr Lansley refused to attend unless a compulsory option was taken off the table. He even produced crass posters with gravestones to make his point.

“Now he is giving this commission free rein to look at compulsory options. He needs to explain today what has happened to change his thinking.”

Downing Street said on Tuesday it could not rule out the compulsory tax option.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We are not going to clip the wings of the commission on this. We are not trying to preclude the outcome of the report. It is for the Government to decide what comes next in terms of policy.”

The issue of how to pay for care of the elderly plagued the last government. Tony Blair had pledged to halt the trend of the elderly being forced to sell their homes to pay for care. But Labour kicked the results of a royal commission on the subject into the long grass amid fears that it would be politically damaging to adopt costly measures.

The black hole in funding for the elderly is expected to reach £6 billion by 2020.

In attacking Mr Burnham’s plan for a compulsory levy and defending the poster campaign, earlier this year Mr Lansley said: “It was necessary to criticise him and right to criticise him, because frankly it is an extremely bad policy.”

In the face of that attack during the critical early stages of the election campaign, Labour backed away from the policy and said it was simply one of a number of options.

Welcoming the new commission, which will have to report within 12 months, Mr Lansley said he wanted to legislate on the matter next year. He said: “In the next 20 years we estimate that 1.7million more people will have a potential care need than today.

“We must develop a funding system for adult care and support that offers choice, is fair, provides value for money and is sustainable for the public finances in the long term.”

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