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Sunday 25 July 2010

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Sunday, 25th July 2010

Alistair Darling – a loss to the Labour party

David Blackburn 12:34pm

Alistair Darling was one of the ministers to emerge from the Brown years with his reputation enhanced. His honesty about the state of the economy, beginning with that extraordinarily stark interview about the coming collapse, contrasted with what is politely described as Brown’s eternal optimism. Darling also deserves commendation for fighting Brown and Balls’ shameless politicking, and for winning.

Darling lost the battle over raising VAT hike. Darling told Andrew Marr this morning:

‘There's a choice really, you can put up VAT or you can put up an


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US double talk on Megrahi

David Blackburn 11:04am

If what the Sunday Times reports is true, then Kenny McAskill deserves an apology.

‘In the letter, sent on August 12 last year to Alex Salmond, the first minister, and justice officials, Richard LeBaron (deputy ambassador in London) wrote that the United States wanted Megrahi to remain imprisoned in view of the nature of the crime.

The note added: “Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be


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Saturday, 24th July 2010

Clegg denies it was a mistake to assert the illegality of the Iraq War at PMQs

David Blackburn 6:18pm

Nick Clegg has made this statement on Channel Four News:

‘I have always been open that my personal opinion that the legal base is not justified for our going into war. That wasn't the view of the previous government, this government as a whole, the new coalition government, doesn't take a view on the legality of it. But I don't think it is right for me to enter government and somehow completely airbrush out well-known personal views that I have held and expressed for a very long time.


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Unite back Ed Miliband

David Blackburn 2:33pm

Ed Miliband has secured a clean sweep of the major unions. That poses Miliband a problem in the future – centrist opponents can characterise him as ‘the union candidate’ with all its negative connotations. In the meantime, Miliband’s chances of becoming the next Labour leader have been greatly enhanced.
Ed Balls, however, is effectively finished. Balls will recognise this, and will be considering his next move. Now his ambition is to be shadow chancellor, and, as Paul Waugh argued yesterday, David Miliband is the candidate most likely to offer him that, or so the theory goes.  It is, if you'll excuse the expression, all eyes on Balls.    

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AV, what is a Conservative to do?

James Forsyth 1:07pm

Matthew Parris and Charles Moore are the two of the most eloquent exponents of conservatism. But they represent different strands of conservative thought as their views on AV demonstrate.

Matthew argues in his column in The Times today that the Conservative party should let AV pass if that is what it takes to keep the Lib Dems happy. He thinks that the Lib Dems are not only needed to make the Coalition work but that their presence is, in itself, a good thing. As he writes, ‘Lib Dems bring to government a...

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The Brokeback coalition

David Blackburn 10:55am

It’s the silly season. The Newspapers have been trawling for anti-coalition quotes from MPs, their wives and their dogs. They’ve found two. Tim Farron, the defeated candidate for the Lib Dem deputy leadership, said yesterday that David Cameron had a ’toxic brand’ and it wasn’t his job to cleanse it. Well, the latter is certainly true, and Lib Dem benches are concerned by plummeting polls and intense flak from Labour. David Cameron will make a very public effort to grant the Lib Dems concessions on civil liberties and fairness in the tax system, a pre-emptive tonic ahead of cuts. 

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Friday, 23rd July 2010

A zeal for reform is what Labour is missing

David Blackburn 5:49pm

Chris Patten appears on the last ever edition of Straight Talk with Andrew Neil in the early hours of Saturday. The coalition is Patten’s type of politics: socially liberal and economically neoliberal. He describes the government’s frenzy of legislation as ‘breathless’, but accepts that is understandable as it attempts to introduce a zealous reform agenda at the start of its term.

Patten observes the coalition recognising that the fiscal overspend invites radical public service reform; indeed, requires it. He said:  

‘What I think is admirable is that some ministers

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The week that was


Here are some of the posts made at Spectator.co.uk this week.

Fraser Nelson comments on the odious spectacle of Nick Griffin posing as a martyr.

James Forsyth wonders if the government believes the Iraq war was illegal, and reports on very encouraging poll for the Tories.

David Blackburn gets to grips with the Big Society, and listens to Michael Gove take control of a tricky interview.

Susan Hill attacks whingeing women.

Rod Liddle describes the investigation into the leaked UEA’s emails...

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Balls to back David?

David Blackburn 4:37pm

Paul Waugh sees it as his duty to pass on little drops of intrigue, and this one’s a dollop. If, as is expected, Unite back Ed Miliband tomorrow, the clapped-out Balls juggernaught will finally croak: there is no chance of him winning without Unite’s backing. There is a widespread rumour that Balls will pull out and back David Miliband. Waugh explains why:

‘The scenario painted to me is this: by dropping out and backing David M, his chances of becoming Shadow Chancellor are greatly enhanced.

(The assumption here


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